8th Ed. 2500 Cav-list

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Army Lists' started by masataro, Nov 17, 2015.

  1. masataro
    Jungle Swarm

    masataro New Member

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    Hi guys,

    I'm kinda sick of the all-so-usual Slann-list, mostly since he is the prime killer of my TG-bunker...

    So, I read up on people having some success with cav-units, mixed up with OB and SV, and thought why not...

    Have a look at my 2,5k points of lizzies and if you feel anything could be added or removed feel free to comment.

    OB - Co, GW, Command crown, Dragonhelm, Preservation ward
    Skink lv1 on Ancient steg, Beast and scroll caddy
    Scar vet - Co, GW, BSB, Arm destiny
    Scar vet - Co, GW, Stegadon helm, Ironcurse, LA
    24 Saurus warrs, FC
    20 Kohort, FC
    3x10 Skinks skirms with javs/shield
    Sally with snack
    2x7 Chameleons
    7xCold ones - spears, champ and banner

    What I was thinking is OB and SV goes in cavunit. OB is stubb if needs to charge out of unit and hold up big block of whatevs to make way for rest of cavs. Gor-rok makes the Sauri stubborn if need to wait for cav bus to flankcharge.
    Tetto in kohort hanging back, smacking comets where-ever my units are not. Priest hanging back waiting for combo-charge with sauris.
    Skirms and chameos making life difficult for warmachines and other things I dont want to fight with my blocks.

    Do I have too numbers of saurus warrs? I know magic phase might be a b1tch, but magic is not really reliable anyways and I'm sick of blowing up my own TGs... And yeah,

    Thanks for any feedback :)
    n810 likes this.
  2. airjamy

    airjamy Well-Known Member

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    Cavlist he said, and i expected at least 30 knights rummaging around the board, but there are only 10 :(. Think this is feasable, just think that you need even more Warmachine Hunters to get at the Cannons and Bolt Throwers that make a mockery of your Knights. Let's face it, if you play like this, you are playing a Deathstar, so try to build your list in that way. Everything should be foccused to supporting your Knights. They will not be able to kill mass infantry, so take around 4 Sallies to make sure those units do not stand in their way. Think about making the unit even bigger, like 15 dudes, so you can really trample anything you get in base contact with. Your BSB should be the most important thing to keep alive, you do not want your Knights to be stupid. The scrollcaddy is good, you will need to stop some 6 dice spells in turn one to stop the Deathstar killers like the Pit. Some games, this will not work out, and they will just die turn one, you will have to live with that.

    I do not see the use of the cohort, drop em to make your Deathstar even stronger. Screen with the Skinks, i would not be afraid to throw them away to save your COC's flanks. I feel like you are edging onto the idea of the list, but that you will have to go all out to really make it work. If you have one strong unit, make sure you can really quickly kill whatever is dangerous to it, and make sure that anything left is easy pickings. This is also IMHO how Gutstars work, their support makes sure that they can kill anything that is left..

    Good luck with it!
  3. masataro
    Jungle Swarm

    masataro New Member

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    Thanks for your reply :)

    Yes, I know the risk of putting so many models in one unit.

    The kohort is there so Tetto can stand somewhere and not be at the front line. How would you field Tetto? I haven't used him before so any tips are welcome.
  4. airjamy

    airjamy Well-Known Member

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    Ah yeah, good point, you need something to stash Tetto in. Using his Vanguard on your COC will be great, that's a nice combo. Try taking turn 2, so then you can charge on turn one with them. With Vanguard, you cannot charge if you have the first turn one, you can charge if you go second in the game. Then i would drop the Sauri and Gor Rok to really make your block kill everything, you need the space in your list. Tetto's most important attribute is his Vanguard, you can guarentee that certain units will be up the board already in turn one, so in that way you can make sure that they will get into CC. Just use him as a support mage for the rest, the Comet is not all that strong especially against serious lists, as they will just run away with the units that cannot take the comet. I feel it is to slow. Do not forget his lore attribute, flyers are really vulnerable to Tetto.
  5. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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    Yea, a lot of my list end up looking like this.
    I find it woks quite well, just keep your cold ones away
    from units that greatly reduce their armor save.
  6. masataro
    Jungle Swarm

    masataro New Member

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    Thanks for the input guys. I'm running the list against a cav-heavy HE-player, 20 or-so silver helms with Eltharion on a bird aswell.

    I made some minor tweaks, as adding a couple of CoR and removing the sally. I can't really cut down the sauri unit, since it needs to fill up the core.
  7. masataro
    Jungle Swarm

    masataro New Member

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    For anyone interested, my HE opponent conceded turn 2. A bit anticlimax that it was all over so quickly o_O

    Tetto and 3 cowboys is really strong. Old blood and scar vets ate charges from 15 silver helms and killed them all, then took charges from two chariots and a phoenix. Didn't suffer any wounds and simply destroyed anything in base contact :D

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