Hi guys! I am trying to make up an army list for a 5000 point battle against Elves, all sorts. I've been messing around testing different things out and have come to conclude that the most obvious general to take would be a Slann as my mage (obviously for a 5000 pt battle) who knows all primary spells. As he knows all primary spells, he knows every spell in End Times version. Lore of light will help make my guys hit before the elves. I have the slann sorted for 600 pts, but could you guys help with the other 4400??? Thanks!
Elves usually come with all those annoying units of archers. Movement, good range, all those things that makes them a pain. Probably a Carnosaur with Blood Roar can deal with those cowards (Ld 8 is not so great). Make them flee and redirect the charge on another unit...
Once again, this is a forum which primarily helps you with your list, we will not write your list for you unless someone really has some free time on his hands. We also have no idea what models you own, so most lists we would just write for you ''out of the blue'' would be useless as you would not be able to play the list. Write it yourself, and then we will comment on it
To be fair, airjamy is not wrong. We have no idea of what kind of models you have, if you can proxy, what whould you like, and so on. THAT SAID I've never faced DE, I fight mostly WE, so take my advices with a grain of salt.... if you're going to face generic elves, imo you should go aggressive, jump at their throat since turn one, don't let them have the time to outmaneuver you: - double carno with blood roar (for the reasons mentioned in my first post) - Tetto'Eko (Casandora units with low T, and vanguard your heavy hitters) - Cowboy with cold ones bus (another fast and dangerous unit... i take for granted that you do know what a cowboy is) - an Oldblood on cold one as tarpit - your Slann, bunkered in TG... lore of light is very good, but I'd probably go with High Magic, for these guys: - a Group of Razordons, or Sallies (Walk Between Worlds 'em, and enjoy while they shred to pieces the targets your opponent was trying to keep in secure places).
It's not that i do not want to help, quite the opposite really, but i feel that we cannot really help if we do not know what models someone owns. It is in the best interest of the person being helped if you just post a list with what models that you own instead of just a request, the end result is easier attained and it is easier attained. That being said, i also started a thread where i do help people with just ideas for a list, but that is also something that is more focussed to inspire new lists, or other lists,, i feel that that might become the place to go when you want a list from absolute scratch, and that people can use the rest of the forum for general other list advice