AoS 2000pts anti horde list

Discussion in 'Seraphon Army Lists' started by shole, Nov 27, 2016.

  1. shole

    shole Member

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    After some games with some elite armies, it's time for me to face a horde army of sceletons. I made some adjustments to my list in order to get rid of these annoying 40 model units. So that's my list:

    Saurus Oldblood on Carnosaur (320)
    Saurus Sunblood (120)
    Saurus Scar-Veteran on Cold One (100)
    Skink Starpriest (100)

    Saurus Knights x 10 (240)
    Kroxigor x 3 (180)
    Saurus Guard x 5 (100)
    Saurus Knights x 5 (120)
    Razordons x 1 (60)

    Bastiladon (300)
    Stegadon (260)

    Bloodclaw Starhost (100)

    Total: 2000/2000

    My stegadon will be the ace in my sleeve with its flame thrower as a 8" attack is approximately 20-30 attacks. It will face a unit of sceletons. Both my knights unit will be with lances and will have the support of my scar vet on cold one and the 10 model unit, if the dice wants the -1 to hits of the enemy from the star priest + the extra damage with the jaw. The blood law will provide 2 more command abilities and extra jaw attacks. The scar vet will make the knights attack for over 60 attacks and with the help of the hero and sun boold's command ability will try to destroy the other unit of skeletons. Bastiladon will target the necromancers with its laser and the old blood will face maybe Neferata with the help of sun blood. kroxigors and Razordon will help the stagadon for more attacks. Both battles will try to decimate the enemy on battlesock phase.

    That's my list and my strategy in general. All advice and thoughts for both the list and the way I want the battle are welcome.
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  2. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    Eh, 40 skeletons may be a real pain to take down. War of attrition is thir job.
    They can easily have save 4+, with ward 5 (or ward 6, and -1 for you to hit) and d6 raised models each turn. Delivering up to 3 attacks each, at 3+ or 4+ to hit. Plus the Dance from the necromancers.
    Battleshock can take 'em down, but I doubt your stegadon can survive the first CC round.

    You really need to kill its heroes first.... so another important question is: will your opponent use a Tomb Herald? because in that case, you will have also a hard time to laser away the heroes.
    Bowser likes this.
  3. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    It's a great list against hordes, but as @Killer Angel said you're going to have a hard time with the skeletons. You need more focused assassins to take out the heroes.
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  4. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    Yeah, once heroes are down, skellies will follow. The good thing is that they're slow, so this should give you the time you need to blast away your primary targets
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  5. shole

    shole Member

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    The truth is that i never played against them. Iknow they take great bonuses from their heroes. One idea i had was to take the bow at stegadon for the range. But it is too easy to avoid get hit just by hiding his core heroes. Though, i think that if i can succeed to kill 2 heroes before i reach them with bastiladon and oldblood, maybe i have a chance. The second unit of knights i put in my list is just to stop his wolves or/and his bloodknights to reach me before i can take the initiative charge. The only thing i thought that maybe works is to play defencive game and put a eternal starhost or a thunderquake. Also, i want to avoid putting cham skinks because i cant think that they can kill a hero in 1 shooting phase(unless the dice makes me a huge favour). Maybe work better just to change his target.
    Last edited: Nov 27, 2016
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  6. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    Chama skinks are good, especially if combined with stegadon or bastiladon shooting. Yeah, cover is a thing, but Steggy got a nice move so you can move on side and see your target.
    Keep in mind that he needs to have his heroes near the troops, otherwise the Death Allegiance ward save won't work.
    Heroes of the old faction of Vampire counts are target for shooting / sniping, but given that you don't know the army, here's an hint: Beware if there is something from Tomb Kings.
    The Tomb Herald act as a bodyguard, and it's far more efficient than our eternity warden, as can act as bodyguard for any Death hero; if it's equipped with a ring of immortality, means that you need to kill your target 3 times before it will stay dead.
    Many Tomb Kings heroes buffs all units with the Death keyword, and many units of the two factions share other keywords (deathrattle is pretty common)
    Bowser likes this.

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