AoS Other army advice

Discussion in 'Seraphon Tactics' started by Spiderpenny, Apr 3, 2017.

  1. Spiderpenny
    Jungle Swarm

    Spiderpenny New Member

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    Hello my fellow cold blooded warriors,

    I am heading into my first sigmar tournament this Saturday and was wondering if you could give me some advice on playing against some armies ie Fyreslayers, Stormcast. As I play in a heavy Tzeench meta at my local I have not faced many other competitive races; Sylvaneth, Storm, Beastclaws, Death etc. I play a turtle seraphon list and would appreciate any help you ( and any others) could provide, I have already learnt a fair bit from your videos (fyreslayers characters are weaker then the units and easy to pick off) but would like to know if theirs anything else, maybe you could make a series on the topic of how to play against other armies? Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.

    My list 1,000 points,

    Eternity Star host:
    Saurus Guard x5
    Saurus Guard x5
    Saurus Guard x5

    Eternity Warden

    Skink Priest


    It will be mostly Tzeench ranged spells and sky fires so I thought I'd try and turtle the objectives with a strong core as they will not try and contest me and this list has served me well in the past, Hector the bastiladon is a machine. I was also tron between all 3 of the skink heroes and decided on the priest as there is no way i am going to out dispel them and they can't stop the save re-roll on my 2+ save guard.

    Please halp
    Bowser likes this.
  2. Crowsfoot

    Crowsfoot Guardian of Paints Staff Member

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    Slow but solid list so play to it's strengths, at 1000 points Seraphon struggle to get in synergies that make our army work.

    You could go Shadowstrike to take out heros but without knowing what you're going to face it's hard.
    Bowser likes this.
  3. Seraphage

    Seraphage Well-Known Member

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    Err I 've only seen Tzeentz to a battle report once to youtube but they were spilling mortal wounds like it was easy ? I would like comments from more experienced players on this. If it is true however, you 're gonna have some really serious trouble with the 15 wounds list. I 've seen new Stormcasts yesterday by the way. They also have quite many different ways (units) for mortal wounds so you ll definitely face some.

    That or my local is just TOO CHEESY ! :p ( I still love it:rolleyes: )
    Bowser likes this.
  4. DeadlyRecluse
    Chameleon Skink

    DeadlyRecluse Well-Known Member

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    Chams have a tendency to do well in chaos daemons heavy metas, try a group of 5 proxied with normal skinks for a game and you'll see the amount of work the can do
    Bowser likes this.
  5. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    Fyreslayers/Beastmen shouldn't be a problem for this list. The guard should be able to take them.
    Sylvaneth, stormcast, beastclaw, ironjaws will move fast and hit hard. This list will struggle against them.
    Death/Nurgle moves slow but will win a war of attrition. You will have a hard time pegging their heroes.
    Skaven, dwarves and elves will out shoot you and take an early advantage.

    Tough call at 1k, a shadowstrike starhost does seem like a better bet, or at least a firelance for some movement.
    Seraphage likes this.

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