AoS Galactic Battlehost Tournament

Discussion in 'Battle Reports' started by Carnikang, Apr 3, 2017.

  1. Carnikang

    Carnikang Well-Known Member

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    On the 2nd of April, I participated in a local friendly Tourney with my gaming group at a new location that has deigned to host us regularly. We lost our old store due to finances and other issues that destroyed it from within. But, having found a new home here, this was our first day of play here, and it was decidedly wonderful.

    The Tournament was 3 Rounds, each round consisting of a different scenario with Kill Points (whole units destroyed) being tie-breakers.

    Rules and Guidelines
    Missions Played:
    - Border War
    - Blood & Glory
    - Gifts from the Heavens

    2000 Points
    No Mysterious Terrain
    Battlehost Composition
    Artifacts, Allegiance abilities, Spells, and General abilities chosen in advance
    One Army list Required

    The list I used was thus;

    Seraphon Allegiance

    Slann Starmaster - General w/ Pheonix Stone and Strategic Genius (I regret taking this Trait, as rerolling charges would have been great)
    Skink Starpriest
    Skink Chief
    w/ Ornate club - w/ Quicksilver potion (added due to Battalion)
    Saurus Eternity Warden

    10 Skinks w/ Boltspitters and Starbucklers
    10 Skinks w/ Boltspitters and Starbucklers
    10 Saurus Guard w/ Alpha, Standard, and Musician

    Troglodon - Part of Thunderquake Starhost
    Bastiladon w/ Solar Engine - Part of Thunderquake Starhost
    Stegadon w/ Bow and Skink Alpha - Part of Thunderquake Starhost

    3 Kroxigor w/ Moonhammer - Part of Thunderquake Starhost

    Warscroll Battalion:
    Thunderquake Starhost

    Further Games will be posted in Subsequent Posts. There will be 3 total.
    Ritual, Seraphage and Bowser like this.
  2. Carnikang

    Carnikang Well-Known Member

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    Game 1 vs Sylvaneth w/ Allarielle

    Sylvaneth Allegiance

    Alarielle the Everqueen
    Treelord Ancient

    5 Tree-Revenants
    10 Dryads
    10 Dryads

    Behemoth: N/A

    3 Kurnoth Hunters w/ Greatbows
    3 Kurnoth Hunters w/ Greatbows
    3 Kurnoth Hunters w/ Scythes

    Gnarlroot Wargrove

    So this game was quite interesting. The mission was Border War, and the wild woods that my opponent was able to set up before deployment gave them easy access to my left flank, their own, and my objective. Knowing this, he deployed his Kurnoths in terrain, well within distance of most of my forces. In retaliation, I deployed the majority of my behemoths and my Kroxigors from the Battalion around my objective, aiming for hit. Only for Allarielle to be placed between them and it.
    Perturbed, my infantry units, along with my Slann and heros, were scattered between the right flank and near my Battalion, hoping to push up the right and avoid his woods and most of his forces.

    With out forces deployed, he had unfortunately left two units in the Woods, to bring in later. Giving him the first turn. Lucky, little was done, though his two sets of Kurnoths picked away at my Kroxigors, and wounded my Skink Starpriest (he survived with half of his wounds!), as well as a wood being summoned. His Two hefty units of dryads came on within the woods, claiming either flank and awarding him a good amount of points. Lastly the Scythe weidling Kurnoths sprouted in the closest forest.
    It was at this point that I found I would not be able to shift him easily, and would likely lose the objective. Even so, Allarielle was there, and if I could shift her, I could gain the advantage in points by claiming his objective.

    So I resolved to see her dead.

    My turn began, my Slann keeping the Constellation he had up (The Sage's Staff), and cast an Arcane Bolt into the Scythe wielding Kurnoths that had sprung up in the nearest forest, not but 10" from my objective! They were rocked slightly, being wounded. A Mystic shield was thrown over my Troglodon, and my Starpriest shown Starlight on the Guard to keep them healthy. The fury of the Seraphon was unleashed! Acid, bolts, and a piercing beam of Sunlight, filled the air. The majority of it was directed at Allarielle herself, though much of it was ignored. There was some pain for her and the beetle though, acid burning her wings. The Skinks filled the right flank wood with bolts/arrows, felling two Dryads in total from their many shots. The Seraphon moved forward menacingly. The Troglodon hissed and smelled the burning flesh-greens of the Everqueen, and the Kroxigors wanted at the beetle. With blood-Curdling roars, all of them charged. I declared them Savage as their battalion allows, and luckily, all of my units were within 8" for the battalion (just barely!).
    Unwittingly, I'd drawn the Dryads into the fray when I charged my Troglodon around a realmgate and through a forest.
    Pictured below is said charge.

    The Kroxigors too made their charge. Further in the back-field, the Bastilidon charged the Scythe Kurnoths, hoping to hold them up while the Stegadon held the objective with my Slann. The Melee began, my Troglodon making good on it's furious charge against Allarielle, cutting deep wounds in her hide. The Kroxigors were struck by the Everqueen in return, one surviving to strike back and wound her! The Everqueen had lost many wounds by now, nearly half!
    Then the Dryad struck, cutting at the Troglodon in a fury. They wounded it slightly, but there was little to worry about. Few of them could reach the beast and maintain coherency even among the trees. Next the Bastilidon swung, removing a Kurnoth Hunter with a mighty swing of it's tail. They retaliated, failing to harm the armored beast.

    The next Round found us rolling for initiative. The Seraphon were caught on the backfoot! Allarielle's wounds knit and here body was reinvigorated, though in doing so, much of the Sylvaneth's spellcasting was spent. Their arrows though, were not. They filled the trees with whistling, the Kroxigors being felled, and the Slann feeling pain for once in it's long life. Resolution to destroy the Everqueen in retaliation was cold and steely. Their Tree-Revenant suddenly appeared on the edge of the battle, BEHIND the Slann! The great mage reacted and turned to face his would-be assassins. Combat continued, seeing Allarielle fail to harm the Troglodon but once, causing it to flag slightly. It roared in defiance. It struck back, wounding the Everqueen once more, re-opening the wounds that had healed moments ago. The Scytnoths struck, wounding the Bastiladon this time, though it was only a flesh wound. It struck, wounding a tree-kin. The Tree-Revenants felt the searing touch of Slann-magic then, two of them failing to the lord. They managed to strike him, but he held firm.

    The Constellation above burned bright, the Slann throwing another bolt of arcane into the Scytnoths, who were looking worse for wear. Mystic shield was maintained on the Troglodon, who fought a titanic battle. Starlight too surrounded the great beast. Wounds of the Bastiladon and Troglodon healed, though not fully. The Eternity Warden sense it's master was in danger, and loped towards the Tree-Revenants that assaulted the Slann. The Skink Chief left it to the Warden, aiming to help his Oracle kin against the massive Queen. So to did the Stegadon surge forward, bellowing in rage. Again a rain of bolts, acid and solar energy rocked the battle. The great queen flagged, and she looked as if she was to fall soon. More Dryads fell, and the Right Flank was secure. The Stegadon, Chief, and Eternity Warden charged their respective targets, and slammed into them as one. The first strike was the Troglodon, wounded as it was, but still fierce. It bit at Allarielle, and clawed at the Dryads, while the Oracle brained a tree-spirit readily. More Dryads fell, and the queen escaped the majority of the creatures venom. She struck back, again wounding the blind beast, though her beetle's stomps missed the scurrying Skink below. It was then the Stegadon's bulk met the Wardroth's. It's horns pierced the great beast's side and tore the Queen from her perch. It was done.

    But the battle continued. The Tree-Revenants struck at the Slann, hoping to kill him, and would have not for the timely intervention of the Warden. Striking back, he slew all three himself. The Dryads and Scytnoths struck as well, though there was little to be done against the Bastiladon, or the now victorious Troglodon.

    The enemy's objective was claimed. But was it too late? The Last Round commenced, the Kurnoth Archers aiming to kill the Slann. He survived with one wound, his Warden dying in a burst of starlight with arrows in his chest. Desperate, one group charged the Stegadon, hoping to keep it from claiming the objective again. A melee continued, the Archers quiver-beasts trying to wound the great and majestic creature, but only scratching it. It returned the favor by stomping one of the tree men flat, and wounding another. The Scytnoth remaining tried to harm the Bastiladon, but found only a heavy tail as a reward for it's efforts. The Dryads screeched and howled, branches scrabbling against the Troglodon but failing to drag the beast down. It retaliated by devouring a few, the rest fleeing in terror. The Skink Chief too struck at his enemies, killing another Kurnoth Archer with his Ornate Club.

    And with that, the round ended.

    Seraphon: 1-3-7
    Sylvaneth: 5-5-2

    Sylvaneth win a Major Victory, though they are mauled heavily, and lost their Everqueen.

    Killpoints Awarded to Seraphon:
    Alarielle - 600
    Dryads - 120
    Kurnoth Hunters - 180
    Tree-Revenants - 100
    Last edited: Apr 6, 2017
  3. Carnikang

    Carnikang Well-Known Member

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    Game 2 vs Nurgle Mortals/Daemons with Archeon

    Chaos Allegiance

    Archeon the Everchosen
    Harbinger of Decay
    Bloab Rotspawned
    Great Unclean One

    10 Plaugebearers w/ Champion, Standard and Tooter
    10 Plaugebearers w/ Champion, Standard and Tooter
    10 Plaugebearers w/ Champion, Standard and Tooter

    Archeon- As above
    Bloab- As above
    GUO- As above

    5 Putrid Blightkings w/ Leader
    5 Putrid Blightkings w/ Leader

    Alrighty, to begin, this one was a feared match-up. With Archeon and a host of Nurgle on the other side, i was hesitant and cautious. The match was Blood and Glory though, so I knew I could push it to a stalemate if I played defensively, and possibly beat him in points killed. Killing Archeon would also net me a good chunk, placing me higher in the rankings of course, but that was a tertiary objective to holding the line, and blasting his daemons apart.


    Set up was thus, though if you cannot make it out I'll run down it. From Left to right on my side were the Kroxigors huddling around a forest, and the left flank objective, one of my skink units screening my Stegadon close by, then my Troglodon, my Slann behind a rock with the skink chief next to him, then my Bastiladon, who was also screened by a unit of Skinks. Next was my Eternity warden, my unit of sauras guard and the skink starpriest guarding the right flank objective.

    Fortunately, my opponent had deployed his mortals and demons half and half, keeping his buffs separated and allowing me to focus on one or the other. His mortals were along the left flank, two units of Blightkings accompanied by one of the big nasty nurgle monsters and a Harbinger of Decay. Then three units of Nurgle daemons in groups of 10 stretched across the middle and to the right flank. He also had a Great Unclean one to support them, and Archeon smack dab in the middle, though I could see he favored the left flank more. His hammer was poised, while my anvil was ready for the blow, also pictured here

    I managed to deploy all of my units first, so I took first turn. They shuffled about, huddling defensively, Kroxigors taking the treeline so the Blightkings could not charge in if a double turn was had. My skinks nearby spread out, while my ranged beasts moved forward. The Great Constellation of the Drake burned above, and a good thing too. My Slann failed to cast his spell, but did kill two Nurgle daemons with an arcane bolt. More of them died to ranged fire, while Archeon shrugged off everything that was directed at him. I knew he was tough, but 20 wounds and a good save to boot? I cursed to myself and let him go.
    Chaos is no slouch in magic, though very few of his spells were able to reach my line, as it had not moved forward too much. He moved forward, slowly, and was unable to shoot at my forces. It was an uneventful first turn, though Archeon did get a mystic shield off, and rolled a six for his Eye of Shamalama (or however it is said). The initiative roll quickly gave him the upper hand.

    The second round began with Archeon attempting to wound my Kroxigors. His Bolt fizzled in my Slann's mind's-eye, and the great lord was thwarted. That did not keep the rest of the mortal forces from moving up the board. They charged, the first unit of blight kings making it into combat with my Kroxigors. Archeon himself charged in, blocked by skinks and my Troglodon, pulling my Stegadon into combat as well. He had attempted to overwhelm my Kroxigors, but found himself assailed from all sides. My Skink Chief as well leaped into the fray. First struck the Blightkings, wounding a Kroxigor, who shrugged of the blow with Savage ferocity from it's Starhost. They struck back, killing the leader of the Blightkings outright. It was then Archeon struck, Kingslayer making to kill my Troglodon, though the blade scrapped off a few scales. The great maws of the monster he rode bit deep into a Kroxigor, killing him. The moonhammer fell from the creatures grasp. His tails killed a skink, but failed to do much else. Seeing this, the Troglodon struck, biting into the corrupted flesh of the demonic steed. It was ignored, though some pain was had. Claws cut nothing, and the Oracles rod was parried away. The skinks fled, attempting to hold the objective, though they still blocked the way of the great Stegadon, who could only reach Archeon with his great horns. They wounded the beastly lord, but only so much. The Chief struck then, his ornate club crushing demonic scales and wounding Archeon! He taunted the being of Chaos as the Seraphon surged forward in retaliation.
    Spells flew, and Starlight glimmered, a mystic shield covering the Troglodon. An arcane bolt struck Archeon, but his many wards dissipated the damage, ignoring the spell entirely. The Slann was not amused. My SKink chief ordered his stegadon to move, just barely getting out of combat in the hero phase with that roll. Turning about, it fired the great bow into Archeon, managing to deal 1 damage to the beast. The Troglodon splashed acid onto the lord, but failed to melt anything of use. In the middle of the field, the Bastiladon was ordered to hunt other prey, blasting apart Plaugebearers with a single shot. 8 of 10 fell, another dying to Skink arrows. The Blightkings that were engaged to the Kroxigors were filled with bolts as well, though they were more resilient. The great charge of the Stegadon was allowed to pass now that the skinks had moved, it's horns aimed for the heart of Archeon. It jabbed and tore at the great monster, doing a single wound to him in all it's fury. Surviving the onslaught, he returned the attacks, splitting them among the beasts below. He sent Kingslayer into the Troglodon again, though this time it was turned aside by the Oracle. Tails and jaws were blocked and turned by horns and even the Skink Chief batted a tail away with his shield. The Kroxigors struck the Blightkings then, killing another, and roaring furiously. Wounds were dealt to them, but they were negligible in their state of fury. Further combat saw the Troglodon fail to harm Archeon with his many defenses, while the Skink Chief slipped his club through and smashed another two wounds off of the great steed! (He's really making a name for himself)

    The next round's initiative went to Chaos again, and by this time we were both flagging slightly as we had used much of our time for this Round of the Tournament. Archeon got another Mystic shield off, and the rest of the Nurgle mortals were finally catching up and making it into combat. The great rider on his beast failed to hurt the left flank skinks, who squawked angrily in return.The Harbinger squeezed through a gap made in the fight, charging the Stegadon! The Plaugebearers also charged, into combat on the right flank, meeting Sauras and Skink. A second unit of Blightkings charged the Troglodon during the chaos, somehow also pulling the Bastiladon and the Slann into the press of battle. The melee ensued! The first Blightkings struck, hurting the Kroxigors again, though they stood firm still. On the right flank, the Guard slaughtered 8 of the 10 plaugebearers that had charged them, while Archeon swung his blade in time. These strikes were directed at the Chief after so much taunting. Shield and Club danced with the great blade, and the Skink taunted Archeon once more, unharmed. Meanwhile, Draughr lashed it's tail at the Kroxigors, and killed one of the two. It's jaws failed to harm the Stegadon though. The last Kroxigor ripped apart another Blightking, leaving them with two to his one. The plaugebearers of the third daemon cohort attacked the skinks that had been blocking them, slaughtering them to a man. Unfortunately for them, they drew the ire of the Eternity warden, who had been behind their line. He swung his mace, and destroyed a few in his fury. The Troglodon bit into Archeon's mount, having ignored the attacks of the second Blightking unit, and clawed at his flanks. Nothing came of it, though the great lord looked annoyed. The Stegadon once again ripped into him with it's horns, dealing another blow to the mounted daemonlord. Yet of all of the combatants, the Skink Chief struck the hardest, dancing along the great beasts in the melee, and dueling with the Everchosen. He scored a strike on the lord's side, taunting evermore as Archeon roared in fury. Quietly, the skinks of the left flank retreated from a hulking behemoth that had charged them, consolidating in the forest and surrounding the objective. The Slann's lightening crackled, burnign alive a Blightking, and wounding another. They withstood the final attack of the Bastiladon though, the great lumbering beast failing to hit them. The Plaugebearers slaughtered by the guard fled, while the last cohort of them remained, more daemons blinking into existence.
    Again celestial power surged, the Seraphon returning the blows that had been struck to them. Starlight struck the daemons, though it fizzled out thanks to their Greater Lord who dispelled the Starpriest's spell. The Slann placed a mystic shield on the Troglodon again, and attempted to throw another Arcane Bolt. It was ripped from the air by the Everchosen, who had grown tired of this battle. Acid, arrows, and beams of light flew, though little effect was had. Yet still they battled on. Few could move in the fray, but as it were there was no need. Everyone was pressed close, exactly where they were to be. The last Kroxigor struck first, killing another Blightking, and leaving himself open to attack. He was wounded, but he stood firm to the end. The combatants of the grand melee on the left flank swung to and fro, the only casualties among the second unit of Blightkings that had moved to assist their lord. Another tally or two was done to Archeon, and the Stegadon was slightly harmed, but the battle ended there in a stalemate. On the right flank, the remaining unit of plaugebearers was destroyed, leaving it open, but without time to claim the enemies objectives.

    We may have run out of time, but I call that both a morale victory!

    Killpoints decided the Game.
    Seraphon- 300
    10 Plaugebearers x 3
    Chaos - 60
    10 Skinks

    Minor Victory to the Seraphon!

    Killpoints Awarded to Seraphon:
    Plaugebearers (30) - 300

    I unfortunately could not kill Archeon, though I will gladly say I fought him to a stand still. My Skink Chief was the star of the battle, doing 4 of the 9 wounds suffered by the Everchosen Lord. My Stegadon too was invaluable, the -3 rend on his horns turning the 2+ save he had with Mystic Shield into butter. Overall it was a fun game, but we were the last ones finished, and we had gone over on time. It was truly a draining game, but I would do it all over again to try and kill that chaotic nuisance.
    Last edited: Apr 10, 2017
  4. Carnikang

    Carnikang Well-Known Member

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    Game 3 vs Death

    Foe List
    Arkhan the Black Mortarch of Sacrament
    Vampire Lord on Zombie Dragon
    Tomb Herald
    w/ Skeletal Steed

    20 Zombies
    10 Zombies
    10 Zombies

    Arkhan the Black - See above
    Vampire Lord - See above

    Screaming Skull Catapult w/ crew
    2 Morghast Archai
    2 Morghast Archai
    5 Black Knights w/ Hellknight, Standard, and Hornblower

    This game was the last, and surprisingly, the quickest of the three. Gift from the Heavens tends to do that when stuff is moving about the board into condensed areas. To begin, deployment was battlelines glaring one another down. My forces were set up as thus from Left to Right. A unit of SKinks stretched into my Guard unit, bookended by the Chief and Eternity Warden. Int he middle of my line sat the Thunderbeast Starhost, accompanied by the Slann and Skink priest. to the Right Flank, was my last unit of skinks.
    My opponent set up similarly, though his great forces were spread thin. From my left flank to my right. A unit of Morghast Archai, accompanied by Arkhan, then a unit of zombies screening the Catapult and crew. Behind the house that was in his deployment, sat the necrotect and the tomb herald. In the middle of the board, a unit of zombies screened his vampire lord on zombie dragon. Further along, his Black knights occupied a copse of trees defensively, while the last unit of zombies extended nearly to the edge of the board, with a unit Morghast Archai right behind.

    First Turn

    And the other side of the board

    I finished deploying first, so I took the first turn. My Slann changed the constellation from the Staff to the Drake, a sigh of relief following as he didn't fail. The skink failed his summon starlight, but had no one to really put his other ability on. I moved up many of my forces, my Kroxigors and Troglodon thundering up the board. While they did, my skinks and guard changed formations, circling up around a blacksmith and going to take pot-shots at some zombies. I shot my fusillade of arrows and beams, acid splashing the zombie dragon, and sunlight vaporizing several zombies. The great bow of the Stegadon hammered the zombie dragon as well. Hearing the pained screams of the dead creature, it roared and charged in. The Kroxigors too charged, looking to cause havoc among the undead lines. The melee that followed was both exhilarating, and shaped the rest of the battle. My Kroxigors struck first, flattening and crushing zombies left and right. His zombies struck then, wounding my Troglodon once. It retaliated, believing the dragon to be a threat to deal with later in the phases. It ripped apart zombies, and was blind-sided by the dragon, who did many wounds to it. It roared, turning to face the beast. But by that time, it was his turn.
    Starting off, he powered up the catapult with several abilities, of which I do not remember. Then he tried to blood boil my Troglodon, but the oracle atop would have none of it and dispelled the attempt. For some reason, he moved his forces only a little, likely hoping to catch his falling meteor. Combat followed, his Zombie dragon finishing off my Troglodon. My Kroxigors finished off his unit of zombies, leaving the dragon alone in the middle of his lines, with a Bastiladon and a Stegadon aimed right at him. The Round nded, and it was initiative time. Our dice matched several times, before I won it. An evil grin followed and tI could see my opponents heart fall.

    Now came retribution! My Slann put a shield on the Stegadon, and threw an arcane bolt at the zombie dragon. It failed, but the Slann wasn't worried. He turned his eyes to the sky as a ball of precious magic and metal slammed into the ground, next to the blacksmith. Skinks and Guard would claim it in moments. The Stegadon and Bastiladon showered the dragon with fire, weakening it further. It was then that the Stegadon, Slayer of Alarielle, Shield against Archeon, charged. To the side, the Kroxigors, slightly wounded, charged into the zombies guarding the catapult, pulling it into combat and threatening my opponents Right flank. The Stegadon struck first, goring the dragon immediately in it's charge, killing it and trampling the vampire into the dirt. The zombies managed to drag down a Kroxigor, but the remaining two swung and nearly obliterated the unit.
    Death's turn came, and the man seemed unsure. He sat atop his objective, directly across the board from mine, which was on the Left flank. Firing off his Catapult, he failed to wound anything again. His Black Knights, zombies, and Morghast on the Right side moved, Aiming to kill the great Stegadon. They charged, the Knights hitting home and the Morghast connecting.

    At this point, I cannot remember much more, and there are few and far between pictures. It did end in quite the brawl. Despite that, my opponent moved off of his meteor and failed to dislodge my guard who were on mine. His last resort was to try to kill my Stegadon, and failed he did, despite Morghast, Knights, and the Tomb Herald being thrown at it. It survived the final round with a single wound, and bodies surrounding it.

    Seraphon: 2-3-4-5
    Death: 2-0-0-0

    Seraphon claimed a major victory after breaking the back of the Undead!

    Killpoints awarded to the Seraphon:
    Vampie lord on Zombie Dragon - 440
    30 zombies - 180
    2 Morghast Archai - 240

    THis concluded the Tournament and our scores and win/loses were tallied up. Overall, I placed 3rd due to Killpoints, tie otherwise with the first two placers. Woo.
    Last edited: Apr 18, 2017
  5. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    Can't wait for these battle reps! Too bad about the local store.
    Ritual and Seraphage like this.
  6. Carnikang

    Carnikang Well-Known Member

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    Just waiting on the final list and then I'll get to sorting out the details. Fun games all.
    Ritual and Bowser like this.
  7. Crowsfoot

    Crowsfoot Guardian of Paints Staff Member

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    Very interested in how these games played :)
    Ritual and Bowser like this.
  8. Carnikang

    Carnikang Well-Known Member

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    It looks like I'll haven to pluck the list from memory, but I've already updated the first game.
    Ritual and Bowser like this.
  9. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    First game was so close! Sounds amazing!
    Ritual and Carnikang like this.
  10. Carnikang

    Carnikang Well-Known Member

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    If there had been time for a Round 4, it could have gone either way. Whomever gotthe first turn would have clenched it.
    Bowser and Ritual like this.
  11. Seraphage

    Seraphage Well-Known Member

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    Great battlerep ! A really close game indeed, awesome !
    Bowser and Ritual like this.
  12. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    Very nice battlerep! Exciting to read! :)
    Bowser and Ritual like this.
  13. Carnikang

    Carnikang Well-Known Member

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    Second Battle updated. This one was long, and I was tired by the end of it. Going right into the next battle against Death though, there was little room for letting mental exhaustion get at me.
    Bowser, Aginor, Ritual and 1 other person like this.
  14. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    That was an awesome write up! A lot of fun to read! Skink chief is worth every bit of his 60 points.
    Seraphage, Aginor and Carnikang like this.
  15. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    Nice second report as well! :)
    Carnikang likes this.
  16. Carnikang

    Carnikang Well-Known Member

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    Last report done. It's sloppy and I cut out a few turns due to foggy memory and a long day here. But otherwise I would have forgotten just about everything. Tourny results are at the end of it as well. Thanks all, and that is that.
    Aginor, Seraphage and Bowser like this.
  17. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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  18. Seraphage

    Seraphage Well-Known Member

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    Greatly done indeed, congrats !
  19. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    Nicely done! Tournament sounded fun, and you beat some tough armies. Congrats!
    Last edited: Apr 18, 2017
  20. Carnikang

    Carnikang Well-Known Member

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    There were a total of 9 or 10 people playing, with a good bit of diverity in the armies. I was pretty lucky to not take on the Tzeentch player, who took first. The Sylvaneth player from the first battle took second.
    Bowser and Ritual like this.

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