Blog Ribbit of this, bit of that

Discussion in 'Personal Paint Logs' started by Ribbit, Apr 18, 2017.

  1. Ribbit

    Ribbit Active Member

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    Hey guys this is my lizard log. There are many like it but this ones mine :)
    I've been working on the Start Collecting! box for Age of Sigmar and so far I've made a few heroes. They are so unlike everything else I've done it's been really fun!

    First up is the Carnosaur. I love this model and I can't wait to paint it!
    I haven't done any major conversions, I didn't like the look of the rotting head on the throne so I swapped it for some inoffensive runes. I also used magnets on the riders arms so I can swap between an old blood or scar veteran as I feel like it.
    I haven't glued him to the throne yet so I can paint in sub-assemblies.

    From reading the warscrolls it seems like the scar veteran might be the better choice as a leader for my small (for now) army thanks to his command ability.
    And the Old Blood might be better as a monster killer with his more reliable bite attacks. LizOldCarn.jpg
    I also think he looks cooler :)

    Bowser advised me to make one of the knights into a mounted scar veteran. Should give my army a boost with all his extra attacks. Hopefully he looks fancy enough with his funky crest. I'll paint his shield a different colour or something to make him stand out more. LizScarKnight.jpg

    Lastly is my wizard lizard. It's the good old troglodon rider. I cut the tip off the spear from the carnosaur set to use as a magic staff and dipped him in a cup of hot water (and once, my tea) to widen his stance a bit. I might use him as a priest with priestly trappings for his celestial rites bubble. LizWiz.jpg

    Thanks for taking a look, please let me know what you think :)
  2. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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    Looks Like you are of to a great start :D
    Amazing conversion all around. :)
    Ritual, Bowser and Ribbit like this.
  3. Jorgik

    Jorgik Well-Known Member

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    This is clearly not your first army, and if it is I can only say that you seem to already have gathered a lot of knowledge! I love magnetized armies, really looking forward to seeing them painted!
    Also, although you provably have planned it already, I´d apply some green stuff on the priest´s wrists to cover up the magnetization work and blend in better the saurus-sized hand :)
    Awesome stuff!
    Ribbit, Bowser and Ritual like this.
  4. Aphotic

    Aphotic Active Member

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    Great idea on the Carnosaur rider magnetization. Going to using that.

    What bits did you use to make your Scar-vet on Cold One? I'm hoping to do the same with one of mine from my SC boxes.
    Ribbit and Bowser like this.
  5. Ritual

    Ritual Well-Known Member

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    Delicious magnets! Look forward to seeing the painting!
    Ribbit and Bowser like this.
  6. Ribbit

    Ribbit Active Member

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    Thanks for the kind words guys :)

    @ Jorgik I will definitely be smoothing out the join on my priests wrist later on, it does look a bit jarring at the moment. I was just really excited to build my knights lol. This is my first non-scifi army but you're right in saying that this is not my first army. I've had a bit of practice with magnetising my imperial guard tanks and some of my chaos marine squads . I've got the technique down to a fine art now!

    @Aphotic it's all knight bits with one of the spare heads from the carnosaur kit. You get enough of the fancy raptor heads on the knight sprue for two "leader" mounts. All the conversions I've done so far are just bits from the Start Collecting! box. I haven't even opened my skinks yet.
    n810, Ritual, Aphotic and 3 others like this.
  7. Aphotic

    Aphotic Active Member

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    I'm right there with you. I have in-hand my SC box and bought 1 Skink box this weekend. Just lookin' for ideas! Thank you!
  8. Crowsfoot

    Crowsfoot Guardian of Paints Staff Member

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    Great start, any idea on colour scheme?
    Ribbit and Bowser like this.
  9. Ribbit

    Ribbit Active Member

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    Thanks Crowsfoot :) While I was buying my Start Collecting! box I had a look at the Games Workshop colour chart to see if there was a magic colour combo that I liked and this one caught my eye:
    colour choice.png

    I got the paints and used an old goblin as a tester to try out various combinations of the colours in different layers.

    I wasn't too sure about how teal it is at first but I grow to like it more every time I see it. It might just be that I'm used to painting my black and grey imperial guard so it's strange to paint something more colourful! I think the shade is quite close to the ones in some of the battletome pictures.

    I was thinking of having green for my Cold Ones and red for my Carnosaur, maybe with some kind of pattern on there too.

    I also found a couple of human wizards I'd forgotten about. I used to use them for Dungeons and Dragons so I forget they were Warhammer models. One of them I used to play as Balen Barreclaw, a cleric of Pelor in 4th edition and the other I used as an evil necromancer NPC, Malengar Moonwind, when I was DM. I like alliterative names as you can see =)
    I was thinking I could rebase them and use them in battle sometimes. Maybe they are being rescued by the Seraphon for some mysterious purpose. Are wizards any good in a seraphon army?

    Thanks for reading,
  10. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    Those look amazing. And they would be perfect jade and amber battlemages. Look up collegiate arcane. My tournament builds use them with a hurricanum.
    Ribbit likes this.
  11. Ribbit

    Ribbit Active Member

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    Thanks @Bowser Those sound like some handy buffs from the battlemage warscroll. Hurricanum seems pretty beastly too!
    Bowser likes this.
  12. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    Nice wizards, I like the custom build for the white wizard.
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  13. Ribbit

    Ribbit Active Member

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    @Warden Thanks it's a head from the Chaos Marauders kit. I got them to use as baddies in DnD but they never got painted up and I've lost them somehow. Same with some of the old tomb kings skeletons. I'm a bit careless with my old models it seems!

    I've almost got everything ready to move on to the undercoat phase now. I think the bigger bases like the one on the carnosaur might be a bit too bare so before I do those I'm on the look out for some nice rocks and foliage to add a bit of visual interest. Any ideas here will be appreciated.
    I'm going to give those crackle texture paints from games workshop a go for a change. I usually glue sand to the base and paint that but I want to do something a bit different this time.

    My Lizard Wizard's hand fell off so I've done a proper job of it this time and pinned it in place with a bit of brass wire instead of just gluing it on. I've bulked up the arm by extending his bracer around under his wrist and sculpted some line patterns similar to the ones on his headdress. I added the feather from the skink spear arm in the carnosaur kit to the bottom of the staff too. I love this little guy! He's my new favourite.
    LizWiz.jpg .

    I made my skinks up to have boltspitters and clubs. I'm hoping that taking their close combat attacks from a 6+ to-wound to a 4+ to-wound will be worth more than making their saves rend-resistant.

    Sometimes I try to convince that I'm making decisions based on how a unit will do in-game but I mostly just go with what I like the feel of. If I get a powerful image of something in my head I have to go with it. I imagine that scene from Jurassic Park where all the little compies attack that mean guy with the taser, only now they're a little bigger and armed with pointy sticks!

    My knights have lances just because of the bit of flavour text in the blazing lances rule where their lances set ablaze. I imagine them glowing with an intense white light when they charge.
    You only get enough parts to make twenty boltspitters in the pack so I've snipped the ends off a few spears and drilled out the ends. They're about the same length as boltspitters so it looks alright I think.

    I realised that I only need some terradons and I can do a shadowstrike starhost if I split my skinks up. They were my next purchase anyway so that's lucky for me!

    Lastly I had some intersting bits left over that I knew I wanted to use somewhere so I made a few objective markers for fun.
    They need some rocks or something around the poles as they seem a bit unnatural standing on end without any visible support lol.

    Thanks for reading guys quite a long one this time!
  14. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    The objective markers are awesome! Always great to have some on hand! Your subtle mods to yur starpriest are amazing! Looks fantastic!
    Aginor likes this.
  15. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    I like those markers as well!
    ...and now that I think about it, that second one seems to be just the neck ring of the Troglodon and the head part from the Scarvet's Carno, with a Saurus Warrior's or Saurus Knight's banner pole mounted, right? I should have all that...... Shameless copy incoming! :D
    Bowser, Jorgik, Ribbit and 1 other person like this.
  16. Crowsfoot

    Crowsfoot Guardian of Paints Staff Member

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    I've been thinking about marker for Mystic shield and such @Ribbit has given me inspiration that I too will copy.
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  17. Ribbit

    Ribbit Active Member

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    That's right guys you got it, it's the spear shafts that don't have an arm attached from the Knights sprue. One of them I snipped in half and combined with the warriors banner pole and the other I just cut the spear head off. I'm going to paint some kind of pattern or rune on the crest, looks like some kind of grave marker to me.

    Undercoating tomorrow woo!
    Aginor, Bowser, Jorgik and 1 other person like this.
  18. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    I like the carnosaur-head banner, good use of bits.
  19. Ribbit

    Ribbit Active Member

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    Hey guys I've made a little bit of progress and got most of my army undercoated now. I just need to rig something up so I can undercoat all the sub-assembly parts like my saurus knight riders and various arms and shields and I'm all set.

    I've decided to do five of a certain type of model at a time to mix things up and stop me getting burned out. I don't get a lot of time for painting these days so I like to keep it interesting.

    So far I've just got my Lizard Wizard painted and started a few skinks but I should be able to make faster progress now I've done the undercoats. I bought a cheap aquarium plant to snip bits off of and make some little ferns to give some of the bases a more colourful jungle vibe.
    Not bad for two quid! Should have enough to do my whole army with this one plant. It's darker at the base and lighter at the top so I'm going to snip a few fronds from various parts of it to give a multi-toned look.

    Done my Lizard Wizard! I'm quite pleased with how it's turned out, he looks so friendly and cute :). LizWizPainted.jpg Looking at the picture now I can see I need to tidy up the base rim a bit and maybe have another go at the big gem on the staff, it's not too convincing. I've never quite got the hang of doing gems but I'm not going to give up!

    Thanks for reading,
  20. Jorgik

    Jorgik Well-Known Member

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    I don´t know if that´d be beneficial on the battlefield... :joyful:
    Ribbit, Bowser and SlanntaClause like this.

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