AoS Seraphon vs. Destruction siege battle ~2000pt

Discussion in 'Battle Reports' started by Aginor, May 9, 2017.

  1. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    Hey y'all!

    Small battlereport, from a small fun game my friend and I played last week:

    Battleplan is a kind of siege. Defenders are around 1800 points Seraphon, set up completely before the attacker places his first unit. Terrain favours the defenders, also the pyramid counts as arcane ruins, with Spirit Hosts summonable for free, but only one unit at a time. The defender can only summon more when the whole unit of three is dead.

    Attackers are 2000 points Destruction, the Aleguzzler is not breaking Ironjawz allegiance.

    The Terradons and Spirit Hosts in the first picture are just for illustration purposes, they weren't on the table then.


    Allegiance Ability: Rampaging Destroyers

    Megaboss (General, Bellowing Tyrant, some weapon artefact)
    Megaboss on Maw-Krusha (Battlebrew)
    Weirdnob Shaman
    Aleguzzler Gargant

    Ironfist, consisting of
    2x 5 Brutes (half assembled, some missing their heads and armor, looking funny :D )
    2x 10 Ardboyz
    1x 3 Gore-Gruntas (Gore-Grunta boss being the boss of the bataillon)


    Allegiance Ability: That pretty useless Order thing

    Skink Chief (General, Skink Buff ability, 6+ ward-save artefact)
    Starpriest (With one wound more or something)

    Shadowstrike Starhost, led by the above Starpriest
    1x 40 Skinks with Boltspitters and shields
    1x 10 Skinks with Boltspitters and shields
    1x 3 Terradons with Bolas

    Bastiladon with Solar Engine
    Stegadon with Skystreak Bow

    1x 5 Saurus Knights to block and counter charge


    I won initiative and let the Orruks take turn one.
    He advanced with the Heroes and Brutes behind the Ardboyz, with the the Gore-Gruntas, Aleguzzler and Maw-Krusha advancing on the flanks.
    This time he didn't overextend his Maw-Krusha that badly. I still got some shots off in the first shooting phase but got spectacularly bad results, killing one Orruk or so and doing two wounds on the Maw-Krusha. I also got me some Spirit Hosts from my arcane pyramid of course.
    My Shadowstrike attacked his Weirdnob but did only one wound with the bombs and failed almost all bola attacks, doing one wound. I had planned to split his forces a bit by luring him into melee with the Terradons so I didn't go into melee myself, but he chose to ignore them and advance further.


    He won initiative and went into melee with some units. The Gore-Gruntas failed their attacks on the Bastiladon but the Aleguzzler did spectacularly well, killing the Basti in that one round. The Ardboyz plowed into the Knights and killed all of them immediately. I had planned to countercharge with them but he had been too far away in round one. Too late now.
    The Maw-Krusha got some wounds courtesy of the Spirit Hosts and the Stegadon, but he did some himself.
    One group of Brutes fought the Terradons in the back and one group attacked my general.
    My Troglodon basically mopped the floor with those Ardboyz, and I moved my Skinks toward the pyramid, shooting. Unfortunately I didn't hit well. I was too lazy for putting all of my Skinks on the pyramid so I just placed their paper movement tray there creatively. :D
    In my turn I did some damage on the Maw-Krusha and the Gore-Gruntas, killing the latter ones. I failed to kill the Maw-Krusha though. Stegadon failed completely and was killed, and so were the Spirit Hosts. My Terradons killed the Weirdnob, I think he did not cast a single spell.


    Third turn he won initiative again, the Maw-Krusha charged into the Skinks and killed 21 of them. The Aleguzzler stumbled during his charge but killed three Skinks that way before I could retreat them. The Brutes that had killed my general attacked the Skinks as well.
    At that point I shook his hand, conceding the game.


    That game was great fun although I lost. I was a bit unlucky with the shooting, and I should have charged with both the Knights and the Spirit Hosts but didn't. I think I would have won with some luck and/or some slightly better tactic. Also a double turn would have done wonders I think.
    My friend got the chance to play both his Megaboss and his Brutes for the first time and I must say they are pretty nice. The Megaboss also buffed the Ardboyz well. Pretty scary guys with four attacks each. He also got MUCH better in movement, he now begins to realize how strong Ironjawz can be if you get the movement right.
    Last edited: May 9, 2017
  2. Crowsfoot

    Crowsfoot Guardian of Paints Staff Member

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    Excellent that he won and your table is starting to look good but you need a mat to really bring the battles to life, get your friend to post some pics of his models that Aleguzzler looks good but I'm most impressed that both of you have almost complete painted armies.

    Impressive most Impressive..... got it in again!! @NIGHTBRINGER
  3. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    We have a houserule not to play with unpainted miniatures.
    We have made exceptions in the past, the Brutes are a huge exception though, because normally they should at least be assembled and have a base coat to be allowed for play. But he wanted to play them so badly I had to say yes. :)
    The rule not to play with unpainted models is a great incentive to really paint all that stuff. Otherwise the "buy, assemble, and forget about the rest" tactic would be too tempting.

    I'll ask him if we can take a few pics of his units soon, because they look awesome. He makes great bases as well and I think I can say that he is overall a better painter than I am. All all of his models look really great. We learn a lot from each other and inspire each other, always pushing for that next level of quality and adding some more stuff.

    As for the table: I already ordered a Kraken 6'x4' gamemat, it is due to be delivered near the end of may. They are a bit slow in producing but from what I have seen they are worth the wait (and the price 80€ or so).
  4. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    That's awesome progression for your friend. Great that he has started learning better tactics and ignoring mosquitoes.
  5. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    Yeah, to play with Painted models is just the way it should ever be. Half of the good part is to see painted armies!

    Just reading the lists and seeing the set-up, i was betting on a Destruction's victory.
    Too much of your valuable units were on the frontline, and your opponent's army is fast and hits hard... but sometime these simple, brutal games are just straight fun. ;)

    Thanx for the report, I'll wait for the next one!
    Bowser and Seraphage like this.
  6. Seraphage

    Seraphage Well-Known Member

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    A nice battlerep with awesome photos ! Sounds like fun indeed and the game couldn't have gone differently after failing the terradon damage due to lack of luck :p
    A mistake made by your part was probably to not use the 10 skinks as screen for the knights or place your units abit further on the back maybe in order to lure him in a bit more ! Basti going down turn 1 was a bit unlucky as well ! Last comment : Did you activate Steggy 1st on activation in order to take advantage of the -3 rend which is just TOO strong ? * i realised after failing to play him correctly in 2 games ! *
    Aginor and Bowser like this.
  7. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    Huh, missed your post.
    The problem with charging the Stegadon into the Maw-Krusha was that he placed him rather well this time, making it almost impossible for me to charge him. Unfortunately I failed to chaff him with the ghosts and on the other side with the Skinks so yeah that wasn't ideal.
    Seraphage, Mesandres and Bowser like this.
  8. Seraphage

    Seraphage Well-Known Member

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    A tact that I 've learnt in our lovely forum : even when in combat, you can use his ability to itself and if you roll 3+ you can charge again for that bonus !
    Aginor and Bowser like this.
  9. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    That's true. Have to keep that in mind for the future.
    Bowser and Seraphage like this.

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