Ahoy all, I've been getting more and more into the Total War scene as really my last vestige of holding on to the glory of the 8th edition. As I do that, I'm FINALLY starting to warm up to AoS and the Seraphon. 8th edition 40k might have me sidetracked though... With that being said, a lot of that community doesn't have access/isn't aware of the TT rules/lore, so I made a video essentially going over everything in the old 8th edition book. People were saying they listen while painting. I think Seraphon are going to be my first AoS army so I'm trying to mesh my love of old 8th lore with AoS to find a middle ground. Hopefully ya'll can convert me! ... Or make me stay the course, whichever makes more sense Not overly sure if this is in the right spot, so let me know if I messed up here
Welcome aboard! I would say it should be easy to insert your eight edition lore into AOS, maybe need a few tweaks fluff wise, but I think it should be able to meld well with the old, while giving some freedom to play around. If you have any questions on army builds or anything else feel free to ask.
thanks man! i've heard that AOS isn't really a ton different, more streamlined. one of my buddiest brought up a great point: i'm sick of bringing 4 books to play one army. also i've heard the AoS fluff is really getting sorted out as of late, so the story is starting to come together and make sense. i think that's what i'm going to miss so much: the like... 20 or so years of growing up in pre-AoS fantasy. any thoughts on that?
I've got the first three, and I've read the whole duke-it-out-in-Lustria.. They're good and all, it was just sad to see the entire world get thrown to the wayside. it's the current AoS lore that I've heard is actually getting fleshed out pretty well
hi, @ItalianSpartacus, nice too have you here. I'm actully one of you subscriber's, found you via Turin. This is @NIGHTBRINGER, he's pretty cool and he updates the 'just for laughs' thread daily. Just don't mention AoS to him, he is suffering from PTETD (Post Traumatic End Times Syndrome). So everytime he hears about AoS he throws a tantrum of sarcasm and passive aggressivenes, but he is recovering, albeit slowly.
I think the fluff is coming along great, and having the players determine some of the new things is an amazing way to expand the current fluff. Like with the coalescence global thing going on. Will change the realms depending on game results from across the globe.
Hey man!! Hahah thanks for watching I'm glad you're enjoying it I've been trying to find a good set of forums that aren't just reddit to regale of the times of old. I also suffer from PTETD, but i'm also more just ignoring AoS until ... now.. as I've heard rumors of new HE units in early June. I've always wanted to give Lizards a solid try, so the TW hype has really drawn me full circle. the Seraphon in general look really awesome, so wallah! here i am! Wait- what?! this is a thing now!? Oh my!! So jsut like in the major campaigns they used to do which would determine the outcomes, they're having players influence the fluff?! how so!?
Yeah, last year GW made a big world spanning campaign, they called it the summer campaign. The Campaign was set in the realm of life, and you would be fighting over three newly founded cities. The way you could influence the game, was by winning games of AoS with your Grand Alliance (Order, Death, Chaos, Destruction), then you could notify a manager at a GW store. If you won a fight, your grand alliance got one point, if you killed specifik units, like archeaon or Alleriale, you gained bonus points. Now the three cities, each one was fought over a different region of the world, the first one was fought over North and South America, the second was Europe and finally the third was Asia. GW also impacted the campaign by giving one time use artifacts, that were really powerful. Order won all three cities, but destruction and Chaos were pretty close at taking home atleast one city. Later this year GW is holding another of these campaign's, it will be somewhat the same like last year.
Who won last years event? Every time I looked at the site Order was winning on every front so I stopped looking
Order won, and it was a slaughter at the end. I think order held all cities the 2 last weeks of the campaign, with almost no competition.
While its good to have the good guys win, that makes for a boring campaign The baddies need to "win" every once in a while to make the good victories seem more worthwhile, or at least make it a more challenging victory.
Order did win, but chaos took some of the planes, and this year will be mich closer with the big bad death and chaos lists. Should be interesting to see.