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Any other Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes players out there?

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl, May 26, 2017.

  1. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    That's most kind of you - I may consider disbanding my guild (Gungans United) and requesting to join yours. I am getting nowhere with my Tank Takedown Raid I'm doing at the moment because nobody else is either active enough or high-enough level to help. That strategy is what I always do in Galactic War - Whenever I get a character I like, I always level them up to at least 50 and then try to get as much gear for them as possible. However, because I'm much higher level than you are (Level 81) my Galactic War opponents are really difficult. I was able to get across the board once but haven't been able to get across since without my best team being beaten. Also some ridiculously reworked characters such as Boba Fett (who isn't that good at all in the films) and Rey make an appearance regularly to squash me. I tend to use squads in terms of similar abilities - I have used a squad with heaps of assist attacks that really worked well for a couple of nodes. However sometimes there is a really impossible squad who are able to take out my highest characters (Sidious, Daka, Qui-Gon, Luke and Chewie), which then means I have to restart because the rest of my characters wouldn't be able to take them.

    Ezra Bridger - He should certainly have been labelled a scoundrel shouldn't he?

    If you haven't got Chirrut and Baze yet, I would recommend them - they are lethal together and also really fun and thematic to play with as Baze will continually protect Chirrut from enemy attack while Chirrut heals allies and deals out some hurt. I have been replaying battles with my squad of characters from Rogue One with help from Yoda (featuring Cassian, Chirrut, Baze, Pao and Yoda as well as an ally) and have even been using them in battles much harder than they would normally be able to do with Recon Stormtroopers as the enemies in the first couple of encounters, using an average ally, for the fun of it. Usually Cassian and Pao both die in the first round and Yoda and the ally often survive until the second and then die, while Chirrut and Baze then proceed to tank the rest of the Recon Troopers in the second encounter and survive well into the final round where it only takes a level 70 Gear Level 7 or 8 Vader and a load of taunting Stormtroopers to overpower them. Honestly, they are great!
    Bowser and Ritual like this.
  2. ravagekitteh
    Skink Chief

    ravagekitteh Well-Known Member

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    Don't leave your Guild just yet as our one is currently full. I'll try and keep an eye on if any spaces are freed up, though I may forget at times.

    I don't have Chirrût and Baze yet, though I am getting Chirrût Îmwe's shards whenever they pop up on Fleet Shipments. What starships do you think should be introduced? I've already mentioned Thrawn and the Chimaera, and if they were to do that then I think all of the '145ers' should get one. General Kenobi and the Negotiator, Han and the Millennium Falcon, Palpatine and a Lambda-class Imperial Shuttle etc. Eventually pretty much all the Jedi are going to get their starfighters I reckon, so they are pretty much taken care of. What would be cool though would if the same characters could fly different ships. You can already have Old Ben, General Kenobi, Anakin and Vader fight together, so there's no reason why you couldn't have General Grievous in the Invisible Hand (or maybe the Malevolence. Although to do the Ion Cannon justice would make for a very over powered ability. That said, they could do it like Mace Windu's damage invulnerability power) fighting along side himself in the Souless One. Being able to use Death Troopers again would let you have Krennic's shuttle, for example.

    Some characters I think might be fun in the game are the Younglings from the Gathering arc in The Clone Wars. I mainly want this because Zatt is one of my favourite characters, alongside Kit Fisto and Embo (and Marrok. I absolutely love Marrok). But they are all unique enough I think that you could at least eke out the basic three abilities from each. Zatt and Gunghi in particular you could get maybe four out of. Agent Kallus and the four Inquisitors are also long overdue. Whether they're going to wait until the next season of Rebels for Kallus and then put him in as a Rebel though, is a possibility. But those spinning lightsabers and unique styles of each of the four Inquisitors are absolutely perfect for the game. They are gold mines for unique abilities.

    I'd love to know what upyou think of my ideas. In the meantime I'll try to keep you posted on whether there is any space in our Guild. Sorry for waffling a bit, and hopefully see you in the Guild menus soon!
    Bowser and Ritual like this.
  3. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    The thing is though Han and General Kenobi are ridiculously hard to get because you can only get their shards in the heroic tiers of the two raids, which don't allow roster refreshes every day and each time you do complete one of these ridiculously hard raids you only get a maximum of 11 out of 145 shards!

    As for characters, Jango Fett, Padme and Captain Tarpals are long overdue. Also, I don't understand why Ahsoka got a Jedi Interceptor when it should have been Jedi Knight Anakin - he was a far better pilot and a better character yet it's still blooming Ahsoka who gets it!

    You couldn't have General Grievous in both the Soulless One and Invisible Hand because he would either have to be a Fleet Commander or not a Fleet Commander.

    The Grand Inquisitor (voiced by Jason Isaacs, no less) would be a good character as he could have a Lightsaber throw ability. He was in GoH's predecessor, Star Wars: Galactic Defence, and should have been in GoH long before Gar Saxon as he was earlier in the Rebels series.

    Fiddlesticks, I deleted my Guild before reading your post and tried to join your guild but it was full. My new Guild is now called New Gungans United and my player name is now Agragax.

    Yes I'll hopefully see you around because as soon as there's space in your guild I'll delete my new one.

    You could also have Grand Master Yoda in his own teeny Jedi Starfighter for a laugh.
    Bowser and Ritual like this.
  4. ravagekitteh
    Skink Chief

    ravagekitteh Well-Known Member

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    Wow, ok Han Solo and General Kenobi are extremely hard to get. Based on what you've said, it seems surprising that anyone has unlocked either of them. Which is a shame, as they are both extremely major and popular characters. Guess we won't be getting a Episode IV Millennium Falcon and Negotiator any time soon. Do you think Grievous should have the Invisible Hand, the Souless One, or the Malevolence? Personally I think the Malevolence would have the coolest abilities; it's Ion Cannon could be on cooldown like Mace's Convergence, but it could stun all enemies and remove a good chunk of turn meter when used.

    I completely agree about those characters being overdue, but while he is definitely derserving enough, Captain Tarpals is probably unlikely to get in anytime soon, as while he's not an obscure character he isn't particularly popular or in demand. I also think another version of Darth Maul would be welcome, either Clone Wars or Rebels, Padawan Obi-Wan, Bespin and Jedi Master Luke, Embo (Who should come with Marrok) and Sugi, the rest of the Clone Wars Bounty Hunter gang (Latts Razzi, Highsinger, maybe Seripas) and finally, but maybe top of the list when it comes to being overdue, Bossk. Yoda's starfighter from the Season Six sacrifice arc would be perfect, and somewhat hilarious.

    The Grand Inquisitor I've already got mapped out what he would do for his abilities (as in what they would represent him doing, not necessarily actual effects). His basic would be a normal attack that dispels a positive status effect, his first special would be for him to activate his spinning lightsaber and advance towards everyone (like the scene in Rebels where he's introduced properly in the Spire), dealing damage to everyone and removing turn meter. His second special ability would be to throw his lightsaber, which does 50%+ of extra damage if they have no positive status effects. He would have a unique ability that makes him more effective against Jedi, and a leadership one that would complement the other Inquisitors.

    Because I do think that all the Inquisitors would work well for the game. You'd have the Fifth Brother who'd be like a slightly more refined Savage Opress, the Seventh Sister who'd be all disruptive and debuffy with her seeker droids, and the Eighth Brother who'd be all quick and agile with him hovering with his lightsaber and using it's inbuilt saw blades. They'd all be extra effective against Jedi and Rebels, and maybe the Star Wars Rebels version of Darth Maul could round out the group.

    As always, love to hear what you think of my ideas and sorry for waffling on again
  5. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    No worries. It's a real shame about all the Gungans though. Just because so many wastes of space hate Jar Jar, they dismiss the rest of the Gungans as being like him when they aren't - most of them are heroes just by going out and doing so well against the Droids in Phantom Menace - they didn't have to, they could have just said 'on yer bike' and retreated back into their cities but they didn't, they went out there and had a good go. They were actually winning until the Droidekas appeared on the scene and blew up the shield generator, and would have won if it wasn't for the Droidekas. Oh, yes and the Droideka should also be a playable character, don't you think?

    In contrast to the brave Gungans, the Jawas really don't deserve to be in the game. What I don't understand is that so many people love them so much yet they have dreadful body odour, they can be vicious little buggers and will steal any piece of technology that catches their eye to sell to somebody else. In fact they aren't even good, they're more neutral if anything. They are little better than the Tuskens because they care only about their own feeble existences and a good profit, like the Ferengi from Star Trek. In fact I would rather see Ferengi in the game than Jawas because Ferengi are funnier to watch - just have a look at this video!

    I have actually plotted out what Captain Tarpals would do as well as the actual effects he would do, mentioned in my second post in this thread (have a look back at it and read it again if you can't remember). His stance would be like Savage Oppress and Darth Maul but he would be holding his electropole instead of a doible-bladed lightsaber. His primary attack would see him stab with his electropole like the Royal Guard with his force pike, having a chance to stun and on a crit removing all debuffs on himself. His first special would be where he shakes his electropole in the air like Urro'rorr (can't spell his name right) with his gaffi stick, giving him taunt for 2 turns and dispelling all debuffs on himself. His second special would be to point in the direction of the enemy and give the order to charge, giving himself defence up for 2 turns and getting a chosen Gungan ally to assist with their attack dealing extra damage. He also has a chance to buff allies when he's damaged as his leader ability and if he dies the enemy that killed him suffers damage equivalent to 25% of their max health, potentially killing them too (a unique ability named after his last words against General Grievous in the Clone Wars).

    Yes another Darth Maul would be good too, perhaps the Cyborg one from the Clone Wars with the Darksaber. I don't think much of Thrawn though, because he was a legends character from comic strips saved by fans, and thus I think film characters take priority over animated series characters and characters from other games.

    I would like to see a Jedi Luke but not a Bespin Luke because I just feel that he was an absolute idiot throughout 5. Also I wouldn't like to see anymore Astromechs - GoH is a game for warriors, not for repair Droids.
    Last edited: Jun 28, 2017
    Bowser and Ritual like this.
  6. ravagekitteh
    Skink Chief

    ravagekitteh Well-Known Member

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    As much as you might not like them, the Jawas will probably always be more loved than the Gungans. They are quintessentially original trilogy - they were the first aliens you ever saw in Star Wars for goodness sake! Whereas, despite all your arguments, the Gungans (or Jar-Jar at least) will probably be seen unfairly as the personification of what went wrong with the original trilogy. I don't mind them, they're decent characters, but you have to admit they could be annoying at times. But while the order of their inclusion might tick you off, the fact that the Jawas are in the game isn't a bad thing. The more the merrier, right? They probably won't be releasing any more Jawas for you to get annoyed at, so now you might as well enjoy them and hope that the Gungans will come next. Whatever you might say though, the Gungan update will be a controversial and fairly unpopular update. It's probably best that we accept that there will always be people that dislike the Gungans and while it's unfair, there's nothing we can do about. Best just to enjoy the update when it comes, but accept it will be a while before it does.

    I agree that some film characters should take priority over animated and comic ones, but there are a lot of animated and comic book characters that are far more deserving than some of the films. For example, while she had already been included in both her forms, Ahsoka I think was a far more deserving inclusion earlier on than, say Lobot (How come Ahsoka is your least favourite character? She was annoying early on I agree, but she has since matured into one of the best female characters in Star Wars, in my opinion). Jango Fett, Padmé and Jedi Luke all need including, but so do the other Rebels villains, Dr Aphra, Beetee and Triple Zero etc. I personally think Thrawn was a worthy inclusion to the game. It's in need of more Rebels villains, and I don't know if you've seen the latest season but he was an absolutely fantastic villain for it in my opinion. I agree that Gar Saxon and the Imperial Supercommando weren't deserving enough to be included when they were, before the Inquisitors and Kallus.

    Your ideas for Tarpals and the other Gungans sound good. Some of the abilities seem quite powerful, but I don't really have enough of an understanding of balancing for me to have any authority in saying that. With another Darth Maul, I think it would be a tough choice between The Clone Wars version and the Rebels version. The Clone Wars version could have some great synergies with Savage Opress, but the Rebels version could have the Nightbrother (his personal Kom'rk class Gauntlet fighter from the series).

    I'd love to know your thoughts on some of the other ideas I've previously mentioned, like the Grand Inquisitor's abilities, the other Inquisitors, General Grievous in the Malevolence etc. I also always want to hear character and starship ideas as well. I'll just say sorry now for all the future posts in which I inevitably waffle, like here. Hopefully a vacancy will pop up in my Guild soon!
  7. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    The Jawas weren't the first aliens I saw because I saw the films in the proper order (1-6). As such the Gungans were the first aliens for me. Also I don't find them annoying at all, and I think their culture is very interesting. They actually had very stric laws and quite often stoned criminals to death. The reason they were lenient to Jar Jar was that he never intended to have accidents and never wanted to do any of the things he accidentally did, but Boss Nass finally had enough when Jar Jar crashed his favourite submarine and had him exiled on pane of death.

    It's true I made the Gungans' abilities powerful but I tried not to make them OP like Boba Fett and some other characters are because I thought that if they were powerful but not OP they would be a little more popular and more people would at least consider using them. Certainly the Gungans are more popular than you think, as some people on the GoH forums have also suggested abilities for Gungan characters. I've thought of some abilities for General Grievous in the Invisible Hand, instead of the Malevolence, which make it a very sneaky ship.

    Primary Ability: Shell Driver Cannons - Deal physical damage to target ship. This attack ignores Shields.
    Special 1: Signature Masking - Give the target ally ship Stealth.
    Special 2: Buzz Droid Swarm - Inflict Buff Immunity on all enemy ships for 2 turns.
    Special 3: Adaptive Stratagems - Give all allied ships Counter for 2 turns. Droid and Separatist ships also receive Dodge Up and 2x Critical Chance for 1 turn.
    Reinforcement Buff: Foresight

    I designed the primary attack to ignore protection like the Sith Trooper's basic attack, and focussed the ship's special abilities on giving buffs to allies and inflicting debuffs on enemies. The Invisible Hand fired physical shells at enemy ships, so I thought they could bypass enemy shields as most shields used are Ray shields, which only deflect energy weapons, and few ships have particle shields to protect them against solid shot.
    Bowser likes this.
  8. ravagekitteh
    Skink Chief

    ravagekitteh Well-Known Member

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    Good news! If you're quick, you should be able to join our guild!
  9. ravagekitteh
    Skink Chief

    ravagekitteh Well-Known Member

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    Fair enough with the Gungans. I'll stop talking about how they're unpopular. If there are people out who want them, then let them be added! Who cares about the weirdos who claim that the game is now Ruined FOREVER?

    The Invisible Hand's abilities seem good. I was initially unsure as to whether it's basic ability was to powerful, but looking at the basic abilities of the other Capital Ships I think it will fit in just fine. To fit in better though it might want to have an ability that starts on cooldown. I'm not sure whether you intended the Buzz Droid Swarm to be that though, so you might already have it covered.

    Another ship which could be added around the same time as the Invisible Hand and could synergies with it is the Rogue-class starfighter. It would give the Separatists another much needed star fighter and with it's pilot being a Magna-Guard, it would also fit under the extra Evasion up and 2x Critical Chance. I'm sure there are lots of cool abilities we could come up with for it as well.

    Thanks for the congrats on getting Chirrût by the way. I appreciate your support a lot. Now I just have to get lucky with Chromium packs for Baze, and continue farming Jyn from the Guild store! I'm also gunning for The Ghost, having managed to get the Phantom II. Are there any particular characters you are gunning for? You are far more advanced and knowledgeable about the game than I am, but if there's any tips I can offer you I'd be delighted to help. Given your skill level though, there is likely little I can offer you that you don't already know.

    Again, love to hear your opinions on things like the Inquisitors, Clone Wars vs Rebels Maul, the new revamp for Ewoks, Dr Aphra and the murderous dynamic duo that is Triple-Zero and Beetee. Good luck with your future battles and may the force be with you!
  10. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    May the Force be with you too, friend!

    On getting Baze shards I also try to buy 3-shard packs in main Shipments to try to get him further towards 4-stars, as they are only 150 crystals.

    I have recently got the Scimitar for Darth Maul, which I've found is really good as it can stealth all ships except one, basically giving that ship a taunt, although other ships that taunt lose their stealth and automatically become the one the enemy has to attack. In addition, I got Emperor Palpatine yesterday, so I'm mostly levelling him up at the moment. My new combo works, so if you want to get Palpatine too I recommend this team in Emperor's Demise:

    Luke - provides some killiness with his rifle
    Cassian - can stop Palpatine healing with his grenade and gives out buffs to everyone else
    Wedge - Assists Biggs automatically and has AoE special ability
    Biggs - Devastating assist attack
    Pathfinder - Taunts and improves his own damage output

    Certainly I would say don't go with ST Han now that the Pathfinder is available for a tank - other players will tell you different but I find ST Han to be overrated - the Pathfinder for instance will always revive while he has a buff, which Han certainly can't do.

    All five of these characters are easil obtainable - Luke can be obtained from Cantina Shipments, Cassian from arena shipments and the other three from cantina battle nodes and fleet shipments.

    Certainly I'm going to wait for Paploo and Logray to appear in their marquee events next week, as my Ewoks need two more to form a complete team. Certainly the Ewok faction needed at least one more bear to make a full team as they only had 4 in the past (Chirpa, Teebo, Scout and Elder). I'm surprised they haven't released the Ewok Warrior as a playable character, although I'm pleased they've done Logray because he already existed as a non playable character in a cantina battle and a dark side hard battle.

    The Invisible Hand's basic ability I thought could ignore shields but I didn't give it any other effects purely so that it wasn't too powerful. Yes I've got the other abilities worked out - the Buzz Droid Swarm will be on a small cooldown at the start of the battle. Perhaps 3 or 4 turns, while Adaptive Stratagems is the more brutal one so it will be on a longer cooldown. I like the idea of the Rogue Class - perhaps the devs will implement it, along with perhaps some Vulture Droids and a Droid Tri-Fighter.

    As for characters I'm going for, I'm still waiting to get 400 guild tokens to farm Jyn shards as I'm only on 399! Can you believe it? But mostly I'm farming shards for my existing characters to promote them to higher star levels.
    Bowser likes this.
  11. ravagekitteh
    Skink Chief

    ravagekitteh Well-Known Member

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    Well that's the Ewok event pretty much finished - did you manage to take down the AT-ST? The only thing I got was a single mod, which I was a bit disappointed about. I was kind of hoping for maybe some Chief Chirpa shards, as at the moment the only way I've been getting them is through daily login. I see you managed to get him though - well done on that. I assume you managed to get all the Ewoks from the event as well. It was pretty profitable in the end, even if it didn't give you the Chief. I was kind of surprised that they didn't use Teebo in the AT-ST takedown, but I guess his leader ability wouldn't mix with Chirpa's.

    How's progress with your forces? I understand you were gunning for Jyn Erso (Watched Rogue One again today on my Aunt and Uncle's huge TV in their Cinema room. It's such a great film and I think it might be my favourite, both out of all the Star Wars films and maybe all films, made all the more spectacular with their screen and amazing sound, plus reclining sofa), how's that going. You're presumably using the Guild Store, which is fairly reliable. However, it seems everyone is leaving in our Guild for some reason, any ideas why? Thankfully we still seem to be meeting the quota for Guild currency. I too am going for her, however I'm now on 75 shards and still have enough currency next time she pops up.

    Good luck with anything else you are going for - I highly recommend the Rebels, both the TV Show and the characters in game. They have synergies that have taken them way further than their level would normally permit in Galctic War for me. I like your character and ship ideas as well so if you have any more, please share them. Good luck and may the force be with you
    Bowser likes this.
  12. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    Yes I did defeat the AT-ST, but only because they gave me some super duper elite Ewoks specially for the event - if I'd used my own Ewoks I would have been steamrollered, as my best one is only 4 stars, gear level 7 (Ewok elder). Thanks for the congrats for getting Chirpa, although the main reason I got him from shards from daily login was because I had started farming him quite a time before the Ewoks event and never got round to finish farming him because I think that was when I got Baze from my lucky drop and from then on focussed on getting Chirrut. Yes I only got a single mod from it too, but I think you could have attempted the event multiple times after the cooldown to get more. I just did it the once - once was enough for me! I did get all the Ewoks from the marquee events as well, so I think I've got them all now, although I'm having a 'pauper' stage in the amount of credits I have so I won't be able to level Chirpa up for a while until Credits Heist comes round again.

    Progress with getting Jyn shards has been rather slow recently because whenever I have logged in it is always either the Gamorrean Guard or Jawa Engineer in the Jyn slot, even when I refresh it. Normally I would have bought extra shards for the Gamorrean as I was gunning for him as well but since the arrival of Jyn into the store I have been going for her to try and improve my Rogue One team, as you say. I'm also struggling with K2SO because Galactic War is becoming increasingly hard for me, but I do have the Scarif Rebel Pathfinder as an alternative tank in my team who keeps on reviving while he has a buff and unlike K2 he is immune to anti droid abilities. That said, I was using Wiggs and Chaze in one team in galactic war and they demolished everything until the game adapted and put in an opposing team with Baze in, so we were both shooting each other's Bazes.

    I have heard some people saying that they're not getting any guild money out of doing their daily activities, which I assume is the reason why, although I've still been getting my 'wage' from the Guild.

    I'm certainly considering levelling up Kanan from Rebels because I think he has Jedi synergies as well as Rebel and Phoenix ones so he would be a valuable asset in my Jedi team as he can taunt and cleanse allies of debuffs, and like Cassian he's available in Arena shipments so he's especially easy to farm.
    Last edited: Jul 30, 2017
    Bowser likes this.
  13. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    Sorry everyone, been out of he warhammering for a bit. May try to catch up here a bit more, but haven't had a chance to get the new GHB or play.

    Back to star wars, you guys thinking of looking into other guilds? The current one is not that well run.

    So close to a full 7 star phoenix squad, hopefully can get them all for the emperor event, pull a 7 star emperor out of it.
    Warden likes this.
  14. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    Welcome back, Bowser old friend! I'm considering staying in the current guild at the moment but perhaps one of us could create our own guild for Lustria Online members?

    I've got all the Rogue One characters now, although I've only got Cassian to 7 stars because no thanks to the devs at all the rest of them are far more difficult to promote. I have got Chirrut and Baze to gear level 7 and have been using them to wipe the floor with Galactic War. My Baze is still only 3 stars but has been able to shred characters with far more stars than himself.

    I'm going to continue using my Wiggs, Pathfinder, Luke and Cassian squad in Emperor's Demise after I got Palpatine at 5 stars to get more shards for him.
    Bowser likes this.
  15. ravagekitteh
    Skink Chief

    ravagekitteh Well-Known Member

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    I'm definitely going to stay in the current Guild at the moment, as it's both a full and active Guild and pretty much always gets the daily challenge etc. A Guild for Lustria Online players wouldn't really work as there are only three of us. Also, territory battles are coming now so our Guild might get itself in gear for. It certainly seems exciting, so I'd want a friendly, active Guild to take part in it with and we've got one. Sure, it might not be that well run but I personally can't see too many problems with that. That's my view, and while I would appreciate if you guys stuck with me, it is your account so ultimately you should do what you want. Like I said though, I'd appreciate if you did stick with me.
  16. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    I'll certainly stick around with you mate - I haven't seen a guild as active as our current one since... Well, since guilds first appeared and I was invited briefly into a Guild called Gas Attack but around the next day I found myself guildless as it was disbanded soon after I appeared apparently.
    Yes territory battles have arrived - shame it's on Hoth rather than on Scarif or Geonosis but never mind. Hopefully I can still use my Rogue One team...;)
  17. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    Not a star wars comment... but good too see you @Bowser !
  18. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    I've been thinking of more profiles for different characters in SWGoH. For example, a personal favourite of @ravagekitteh, Embo and Marrok as two separate characters:

    Embo - Light Side, Bounty Hunter, Scoundrel, Attacker - Relentless Scoundrel Attacker that gets faster as the battle goes on
    Primary: Hunter's Bow - Deal Physical damage to target enemy with 30% chance to inflict Healing Immunity for 1 turn. On a crit, inflict Health Down for 1 turn.
    Special: Helmet throw - Deal Special damage to target enemy with 35% chance to Stun for 2 turns. If Marrok is present, he is called to Assist.
    Leader ability - Kill Team - Scoundrel allies receive + 20% Potency each time an enemy is defeated.
    Passive - Superior Athleticism - Whenever Embo attacks a debuffed enemy, he receives + 10% speed.

    Marrok - Light Side, Scoundrel, Tank - Loyal Scoundrel ally who faithfully protects his allies with Taunt and Counter
    Primary: Snapping Jaws - Deal Physical damage to target enemy with 35% chance to gain Counter for 1 turn.
    Special 1: Bloodcurdling Howl - Marrok taunts for 2 turns and regains 25% of his maximum health.
    Special 2: Sniff Out - Deal Physical damage to target enemy with 40% Chance to Expose them for 2 turns. If Embo is present, he is called to Assist.
    Passive: Loyal Companion - If Embo is present and is defeated, Marrok gains Offence up, Counter and Frenzy

    Also, I think Jango Fett and Bossk are way overdue. Here are possible profiles for them:

    Jango Fett - Dark Side, Scoundrel, Bounty Hunter, Separatist, Attacker - Anti-Jedi Scoundrel Attacker with Clone synergy who deals many debuffs
    Primary: Gunslinger - Deal Physical damage to target enemy with 50% chance to attack again.
    Special 1: Flamethrower - Deal Special damage to all enemies with 65% chance to inflict Burning for 2 turns.
    Special 2: Backpack Missile Launcher - Deal Physical damage to all enemies. All enemies critically hit suffer Offence and Defence down for 2 turns.
    Passive 1: Clone Template - Clone allies have a 10% chance to assist whenever Jango makes an attack.
    Passive 2: Always a pleasure to meet a Jedi - Jango receives + 28% Critical Chance when making attacks against Jedi.

    Bossk - Dark Side, Scoundrel, Bounty Hunter, Support - Ferocious Scoundrel Support who can Cripple enemies with lethal traps
    Primary: Predatory shot - Deal Physical Damage to target enemy with 45% chance to inflict Buff Immunity for 1 turn.
    Special: Hunter's Trap - Deal Special Damage to target enemy and inflict the Crippled debuff upon them for 2 turns (Crippled: Enemy has turn meter gain halved, can never gain Advantage and has Critical Chance reduced to zero).
    Passive 1: Honourable Fighter - Bossk may never gain Stealth. However, if another character assigns him Stealth, Bossk will gain Offence up and 2X Critical Chance instead.
    Passive 2: Relentless Hunter - Bossk inflicts an additional 30% damage whenever he attacks a Crippled enemy.

    I've tried to make these abilities balanced to suit the nature of each of the characters. All abilities are level 1 here - when maxed, they will be much stronger of course.
    Last edited: Sep 5, 2017
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  19. ravagekitteh
    Skink Chief

    ravagekitteh Well-Known Member

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    They all seem really cool. However, one thing you might want to take inspiration from with Bossk are his Star Wars Battlefront abilities. I think they would translate even better as abilities for him.
  20. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    The abilities I took from Bossk are inspired by various Star Wars literature I have either read or I haven't read but I have heard of. For example the 'Honourable Fighter' Passive was inspired by a novel set just before Star Wars Rebels called 'Ezra's Gamble'. I haven't read it, but I according to Wookieepedia Bossk arrives on Lothal and Ezra offers to be his guide, being a native to Lothal, to help him complete his mission. Bossk promises him that he will pay Ezra a sum for his trouble - half straightaway and the other half once the mission has been successfully completed, and he is true to his word on this. Furthermore, Bossk ends up in an arena where he makes a bet that he can defeat all the enemy fighters with his bare hands, which he promptly does, showing that although he is shown to be a villain he is also trustworthy and honourable. I certainly prefer this version of Bossk to the Legends version which describes him as being one of the most cruel and vicious Bounty Hunters of all. I used this to give Bossk the ability to up his attack potential whenever somebody offers him Stealth. Bossk, being honourable, refuses to skulk in the dark and instead becomes more aggressive and gains the extra buffs, like Paploo's ability that gives him Taunt whenever he is offered Stealth.

    Having a look at the Battlefront abilities, I could certainly give him another Passive for Trandoshan Regeneration. Perhaps he could heal himself by 5% health each turn, a bit like the Jedi Knight Guardian's ability 'Defend the Order' (although the Guardian isn't actually a Guardian because she has a yellow Lightsaber rather than a blue one - have any of you others noticed this? In a similar vein the Sentinels appear to have orange lightsabers rather than yellow ones, although they got the Consular right by giving him a green one). HK-47 already has a gas grenade like a Dioxis (Meatbag Mayhem) and a lot of characters already have grenades similar to micro grenades. I was attempting to make Bossk as unique as possible.

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