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40K - Should I .... or not? Where to start?

Discussion in 'General Hobby/Tabletop Chat' started by Aginor, Oct 11, 2017.

  1. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    Hey y'all!

    This is a purely hypothetical thread because I will be actually pretty busy with building/painting AoS models and playing them until at least mid-2018.

    I am still....curious a bit and like some armies style-wise, and despite those models costing a fortune I can imagine trying it one day, so since a few of y'all are playing 40K I'd like to ask a few things.

    1. Where to start?
    For AoS I know there is a GHB and the free rules and the warscrolls. That's it. You can play. For 40K I don't know. If I want to start, say, a Tyranids army, where do I even start? I know there are books called codices, which are something similar to Battletomes in AoS but mandatory? So they contain...
    - fluff I guess?
    - datasheets (something like warscrolls but not free? How do opponents learn about armies, they surely won't have to buy all the codiced don't they?)
    - bataillons like in AoS? I don't fully understand the terminology...
    Judging purely by looks I kinda like Tyranids, T'au, some of the Elves and VERY few of those Space Marines.

    2. I read something confusing about armies being painted or modelled in a certain way being incompatible all of a sudden despite the models being the same? How do I tell? Space Marines have a bazillion models with as many weapons options and vehicles, so are those all compatible or not? They seem to be distinct armies despite looking basically the same, is there some sort of Grand Alliance thing? If they belong to the same Empire that has to mean they fight together doesn't it?

    3. Is there ANY faction that isn't one or more of the following?
    - Space Nazis (seems most of them),
    - Space Undead (did I read that correctly? Undead robots??? WTF I don't even!?!?)
    - Demons (at least I get demons. Half of them look the same as Marines as well, just with cheaply glued on tentacles)
    - Space Jihadists (that religious thing turns me off so much I cannot even describe it)
    - Tyranids. (I get those, they are basically Zerg)
    - Space Orcs.( I don't like Orcs that much so they aren't for me)

    As far as I understood the Elves are kinda like some Emos that summoned the whole chaos thing in the first place? Also they are all hedonistic Nazis?

    4. When I was in the GW shop (but didn't have time to talk so I just overheard it and couldn't ask) someone of the local players pointed at three of the armies and said
    - If you play those you once HAD friends (some Elves I think?)
    - If you play those you don't HAVE friends (Some Neon Genesis Evangelion ripoff robot-thingies, T'au? Are all of them T'au?)
    - If you play those you don't WANT friends (some dark Elves?)
    Not sure if I got the order correctly now, but all the guys were laughing really hard so there's some joke I obviously didn't get. Or is balance in 40K so bad that people don't play with you if you play certain armies?? Worse than SCE or Tzeentch in AoS????

    5. And WTF is 30K? I've never seen it but I distinctly remember people talking about 30K comparing it to 40K. It is some kind of game mode apparently and you can only play certain armies? And the rules are more complex? Something like that.

    And yeah I know I could probably google those questions but to be honest I'd rather ask someone I kinda know and understand (y'all) instead of browsing through some strange forums full of people playing Space Nazi armies and shouting "HERETIC" at each other...
    Last edited: Oct 11, 2017
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  2. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    Also all introductions I found are about older editions I think...
    Wasn't there any change lately? In lore or something? And are codices etc. of the old editions still usable?
    Warden likes this.
  3. Crowsfoot

    Crowsfoot Guardian of Paints Staff Member

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    I have not played yet but I love 40k so here is my apprentice knowledge.

    1. Get the rule book and learn the game, you then get the codex for your chosen army, Space marines, Tau, Orks, Chaos etc

    2. Tournaments yes but friendly games no, All space marines are one faction apart from the chaos and renegade armies.

    3. Space marine chapters are vastly different from one another so there will be one that fits your style or create your own chapter, mine are Black Templars.

    4. when was this? 8th is alot more relaxed than previous editions, hence me trying it, I tried 7th and thought it was too hard to grasp for my son.

    5. 30K is the Horus Heresy period of the Universe, some really cool models from Forgeworld.

    I've not looked at AOS since getting the 40k rules and until they start releasing new Seraphon I doubt I will @Ritual is the same.

    Painting 40k is a whole new challenge smooth armour requires precise brush work and I think you would love it, if I where in your shoes I would buy a 5 man squad of primaris marines and just have a go.
    Warden and Aginor like this.
  4. Crowsfoot

    Crowsfoot Guardian of Paints Staff Member

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    8th dropped a couple of months back.

    They are but if a new codex is out you use that, Space marines is out and so is death guard and a few others.
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  5. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    So there wasn't any development of the story but only a rule change between 7th and 8th Edition?

    As for #4 that was recently. I think they were implying that those armies are filth/cheese nobody should play? Or maybe they meant it ironic...
    Warden and Captaniser like this.
  6. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    As for #2 so that means I can play a... dunno... tank from Blood Angel Murder Viking Unicorns faction but in the same list I can play some five of those Astardes Coitus Interruptus guys or whatever everyone is called? Ok that makes it easier I guess.
    Warden likes this.
  7. Crowsfoot

    Crowsfoot Guardian of Paints Staff Member

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    Not sure but pretty sure there is a story development
    Captaniser likes this.
  8. Crowsfoot

    Crowsfoot Guardian of Paints Staff Member

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    You can but your army won't be "battle forged" and you will lose out on extra command points and strategems
  9. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    Are those like bataillon bonuses or allegiance abilities in AoS?
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  10. Captaniser

    Captaniser Well-Known Member

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    The planet Cadia, one of the most iconic worlds in the setting got blown up, after the 13th attempt...

    Roboute Guilliman returned.

    A massive warprift split the galaxy in half. Warp rift are basically portals to the warp (hell).

    The traitor primarchs are finally getting off their asses and start causing havoc.

    other than that, not much.
    ChapterAquila92, Aginor and Crowsfoot like this.
  11. Crowsfoot

    Crowsfoot Guardian of Paints Staff Member

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    Exactly ;)
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  12. Captaniser

    Captaniser Well-Known Member

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    Stratagems are buffs you can use mid battle, they cost command points. you gain these points by having battle forged armies, having certain battalions and some models grant them too.
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  13. Crowsfoot

    Crowsfoot Guardian of Paints Staff Member

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    @Aginor would love 40k what do you think @Captaniser?
  14. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    Ok next questions (reading some of the wikia and 1d4chan stuff in parallel to get what's up in that universe):

    If that Warp hell thing is also what space ships use to travel and "mages" in that universe use to cast spells (powers?), and T'au have no psychic guys (psykers?) how to they do interstellar travel? Is it possible to tap the Warp using technology?

    If humans hate technology so much how come they use space ships and Lasguns (which are lasers I guess?)

    If Orcs know nothing except destruction and killing how do they manufacture/use their weapons or even space ships??
    Warden, Crowsfoot and Captaniser like this.
  15. Captaniser

    Captaniser Well-Known Member

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    Some armies are much better than others, that might be what they meant.

    AHHH, the army stigma, this one is kinda weird (and quite pathetic). The Elder (elves as you call them) were the most annoying faction in 7 and 6 edition, and people still hate them, even though they have had the cr*p nerfed out of them.

    The Tau are very much the same, but its not just them being overpowered they are also hated lore wise too. Back when the Tau were released, GW wanted to make some "good guys" in the grimdark setting, and people hated them for NOT being super space nazi's. The Tau are accepting of other species and only wish to further the 'the greater good', they even use diplomacy and sound military tactics. Fast forward till now and the Tau have become a fair bit more grimdark, they still treat other species with respect and honor their beliefs, but they must not interfere with 'the greater good'. Tau haters keep trying too make the Imperium, the genocidal regime that purges entire city's because a kid made a toaster work without praying too it, seem like the lesser of 2 evils and keep refering too a NON CANON ending in the videogame 'Dark Crusade' where the Tau might have neutered some people.

    Another reason why people dislike the Tau is because people say they are communists, the only communist ideals they hold is that currency is irrelevent too the greater good. People also like to forget that the Tau have a caste system in their society that would make Marx roll around in his grave.
    Last edited: Oct 11, 2017
  16. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    Hah! I like those T'au guys already! Just for being not like the Space Marines. :D Thanks!

    Another question: If you travel through the warp with your space ship, and the Warp is where the demons are from, does that mean you get D&D-like random encounters with demons while doing so? :D
    Crowsfoot and Captaniser like this.
  17. Captaniser

    Captaniser Well-Known Member

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    Humans use navigators, navigators are people born with a third eye that can see through the warp and all the hazards within it.

    The Tau can't travel through the warp, they can surf in the edges of the warp, this method is alot safer but much slower.

    Humans don't hate tech, it's the mechanicus that hate new, heretical tech.
    ChapterAquila92, Aginor and Crowsfoot like this.
  18. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    ...and I assume "heretical" is arbitrary and just about everything the government dislikes for some reason?
  19. Captaniser

    Captaniser Well-Known Member

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    More or less. Spaceships have something called Gellar fields, they don't protect the ship, but they make the ship a smaller target/makes it invisble inside the warp. If a ship without Gellar Fields enter the warp or the geller fields go down, the souls inside the ship glow like a lighthouse. Demons can still find the ship with the Gellar fields up, but they can't call for help because the Gellar field.
    Warden and Aginor like this.
  20. Captaniser

    Captaniser Well-Known Member

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    More like everything that can challenge their monopoly on tech, weapons and warmachines. They also belive that everything worth inventing already exists or has existed, and must be found, not re-invented.

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