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AoS Do we have a reason to run Skink Chiefs anymore?

Discussion in 'Seraphon Tactics' started by TheSkeptic, Oct 13, 2017.

  1. TheSkeptic
    Chameleon Skink

    TheSkeptic Active Member

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    The question is basically the thread title. I more or less ran my skink chief for his command ability, i.e. a +1 to attack for one keyword SKINK model within 10. With the release of new substitute warscrolls to go with the new Generals Handbook, however, they no longer have their unique Command Ability in exchange for an artefact and trait when in command (A few other models got substitutes, but Oxyotl wasn't affected at all and nobody runs Tehenhauin much anyhow. He may actually be better now that he gets a trait and item instead of a Command Ability that boosts skinks, generally long range harassers, in melee). Was this trade worth it? Without his Command ability, he just seems like a meh melee hero, and with no buff ability I don't really see much reason to bring him. Maybe if he had a mount option or something, like a Terradon (*Cough* Tiktaq'to *Cough*) or a Horned One (*Cough* Tichi Huichi *Cough*) to boost his combat ability, but without that sort of option he just seems sort of subpar. The Skink Prophet (I.e. Tehenhauin) may actually be the better option now if you want a melee skink hero, with his higher wounds, approximately equal melee potential, and an additional ranged attack, and on 6's he deals mortal wounds. So, what do you all think? Do you still use your skink chiefs? What roles do they fill in your armies? I don't really want to count them out in competitive play (I quite like all 3 of my skink chief models), but they seem to have lost the thing that made them effective, their Command Ability. I suppose if you just want a cheap character to fill your general slot, but a skink priest or prophet fill that role pretty well.
  2. Iblitz
    Chameleon Skink

    Iblitz Well-Known Member

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    I think, just the fact they are not seraphon anymore is the real problème here. It destroys all the new things ghb17 brings us.
    Ecozh likes this.
  3. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    Yep. So... no. Not worth it at all. Sad.
  4. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    The Skink Chief, with its new wascroll, is basically dead.

    Of course, when I want a really cool Alpha Skink for my cohort.
    Seraphage likes this.
  5. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    Oh and I forgot to answer your other question.
    What will I do with the Skink Chiefs?
    Probably still use them in friendly games, but without the Command Ability he is pretty mediocre, so probably not.
  6. TheSkeptic
    Chameleon Skink

    TheSkeptic Active Member

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    It seems pretty obvious now that they're phasing out the old metal models now that the GHB 2 is out huh? I mean, it's pretty obvious they wanted to phase them out to start with, but they held off doing it because all the fantasy players wanted to use their old metal models, but they nerfed most of the old named characters or other heroes pretty hard with the new subtitute warscrolls.
  7. Iblitz
    Chameleon Skink

    Iblitz Well-Known Member

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    Proxy !
    That the only solution for ils models With no rules.
    Saminator likes this.

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