Gallery Artwork from Total War Warhammer 2 (Spoilers)

Discussion in 'Fluff and Stories' started by Warden, Oct 15, 2017.

  1. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    SPOILERS: if you don't want to see any of the new stuff from TWW2 until you play the game, read no further until you do!

    Recently I posted this youtube link over on the TWW2 thread in the general hobby chat section:

    But I wanted to look at some of the pictures more in detail, from a fluff standpoint. There are some great pictures in the mix. The ones I have here are not the best quality... if I get better ones I will switch them out.

    I also labelled this thread as a gallery because its some great new artwork, in keeping with the style of the artwork that graces the top of our forum!

    some higher quality photos further down the page
    Last edited: Nov 14, 2017
  2. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    Skinks in the Jungle

    Cinematic 000021 Jungle.png
    Very atmospheric, I love the inclusion of the dino-head ruins in the background. Reminds me of the artwork of James Gurney from Dinotopia:

    dinotopia ruins.png

    Scar Veteran and Carnosaur at the Falls:

    Cinematic 000033 carnosaur falls.png
    Another great shot, a canosaur very dramatically roaring over the cascading waterfalls in the background. Also calls to mind Dinotopia to me (Waterfall City, anyone?). I love the ruins in the background; here is another picture with the background more in focus:

    Cinematic 000031 carnosaur falls.png

    Skink Priest views the Twin Tailed Comet

    Cinematic 000159 skink priest telescope.png

    Nice little scene, I wonder how the skink is able to focus looking through that telescope with just one eye... I guess they don't have forward-telescopic vision like mammals do? Also cool to see some old-one tech.

    Telescope Scene

    Cinematic 000215 telescope temple background.png
    Zoomed out from the previous shot, with the skink scampering down the stairs to his Kroxigor manservant.

    Very cool night scene, with the dramatic temple ruins in the background. Still a few too many suspicious horns for my taste, but looks pretty cool. Nice torchlight too.

    The Glyph of Prophecy
    Cinematic 000217 reading the glyphs.png

    Cinematic 000231 glyph prophecy of the vortex.png

    I kept these two together, they fit the same theme.

    Very cool to see the skink priest, bedecked with some warpaint, and his kroxigor manservant again. It reminds me so much of the bit of fluff I did for two lizardmen based on the Fullmetal Alchemist series (just a one-off thing, I never revisited it sadly).

    Fullmetal Lizardman_zoom.jpg

    I really like the idea that each skink priest has a kroxigor following him around, doing his bidding, taking care of him to make sure he doesn't get squashed by any enemies, as well as being his attendant during his magical assignments.

    Interesting how the TWW series has reinvented some of the fluff. The "vortex" glyph is something we never saw in the old warhammer fluff. Its cool to see how they have added to the lore. Also really need to see the hieroglyphic writings on the walls!
  3. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    Slann Mage Priest: Chamber of the Reflecting Pool

    Cinematic 000241 slann at the glowing pool.png

    This picture is probably my favorite one out of the entire group. For the first time we get to see a Slann Mage Priest, deep in slumber, in the most classic lore location. Gazing deeply into the waters of a mysterious reflecting pool, the slann is surrounded by several skink attendants fanning him with palm fronds (and probably sweeping up any drool that happens to dribble out the corners of his mouth while he slumbers).

    Awesome scene, I also like how the skink priest (and undoubtably the rest of the Lizardmen) are frustrated with their inability to get through to their master in times of need. It makes them decide to take matters into their own hands, and reach out to the only Slann who is attentive during these troubled times...

    Cinematic 000247 slann at the glowing pool 3.png

    I really like the layout of the room, plus the vines and overgrowth in the chamber and evident in the background.

    I have a strong desire to purchase some skinks to serve as attendants...

    Causeway of the City of the Sun

    Cinematic 000307 gates of the city of the sun.png

    Kind of hard to see, mostly because of the sun in the background. But the city looks fantastic. The pointy horns notwithstanding, I really like the troop of stegadon marching out of the city along the bridge-causeway. And the lizard-head spouts pouring out water into the moat. Epic picture.

    And those terradons look awesome too!


    Cinematic 000331 mazdamundi.png

    Cool picture, butI think Mazdamundi looks better on the campaign map. Good look at his throne, he seems a lot more chipper than the rest of the slann.

    I still prefer this picture out of the old army book:
    lord mazdamundi.jpg

    Performing the Ritual

    Cinematic 000344 ritual.png

    Fantastic and epic scene, in the video you see a strike of lightning hit the city center after the ritual is cast. Also another view of the skink priest and his attendant.

    Poor picture quality though, I will need to find a better one. I really would like a better view of the city (despite the sauron horns).

    Examining the Relic Pool

    Cinematic 000356 relic pool.png

    Cinematic 000405 scanning the waters.png

    Another two pictures that go together, same duo as previously, great new shots.

    I really like these two photos, we get to see the underbelly of one of the Great Pyramids and a mysterious pool that is deep within then. I would assume that spawning pools look very similar to this one.

    I am also a big fan of the lizard-faces on the steps in the second picture. Its these tiny bits of detail that really makes these pictures awesome! Kudos to the artist!
    Aginor, ChapterAquila92 and Crowsfoot like this.
  4. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    Lord Kroak

    Cinematic 000414 relic priest under the water.png

    Cinematic 000446 relic priest under the water 3.png

    Cinematic 000455 relic priest under the water 4.png

    As much as I loved the slann picture in the previous post, THIS is the picture that made me think the most.

    Lord Kroak's mummified remains under water???

    In real life, I am 99% sure that the bodily remains of this magical priest would have rotted away a looooong time ago. Reason for this is a rainforest/jungle environment to begin with, there is a huge amount of bacteria, fungus, and other things that quickly break down any remains left out in the open. That goes double for things left underwater. On the flip side, Kroak is the most magical being that ever lived in the warhammer universe, greater than every other magic user combined, times 10. So the bacteria and little fishes were probably scared away by whatever magical mummification process was used on his body.

    Also, why underwater? Sure the skinks are aquatic, but I definitely see other fish swimming around. Wouldn't anyone be scared of him getting eaten?

    At the end of the day, I love this picture. It makes me wonder if the Slann, who didn't have the aquatic rule in the game because they are fat, slow, and floating on palanquins, were actually aquatic animals too because they were based on frogs. Why not bury an old frog under water? Or try to preserve him under there?

    It makes me want to come up with more ideas for my own temple city, which has a heavy Tzunki the Water God influence.

    the Ritual Seal

    Cinematic 000509 locked door.png

    Cinematic 000550 locked door 2.png

    Cinematic 001035 locked door 3.png

    This pictures are sprinkled throughout the video, so I just combined them here.

    Cool picture, I think this glyph would look very interesting on a doorway.

    The Cosmos Engine Activation

    Cinematic 000538 cosmos engine activation 2.png
    Cinematic 000532 cosmos engine activation.png
    Sorry I couldnt get the two picture to line up perfectly... but you get the idea.

    Another cool atmospheric shot, showing some kroxigors rotating some levers to turn on the Cosmos Engine, whatever that is. I like the starscape at the top too, looks like a nod to both where the Lizardmen came from and where they eventually return too.
  5. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    The Star Chamber

    Cinematic 000615 star chamber roof.png
    Cinematic 000610 star chamber floor.png

    Again, impossible to get these two pictures to line up.

    Also, again with the space lizards references. Still a cool piece of archaeo-tech, very much in keeping with the theme.

    From a transportation perspective, I wonder how the Slann get up there to meditate? Do they just float up, or do they have a flying chariot kind of device? Or a really fat terradon?

    Stegadon Herd

    Cinematic 000701 stegadon herd 2.png
    Cool shot, looks like some rampaging feral stegadons.

    Also more floating pyramids.

    Magic Bridge at the Falls of Aztego

    Cinematic 000739 magic bridge falls of aztego.png

    Not sure if I got the name right, if I did it seems like a nod to both the Aztecs and the future-templar organization Abstergo from the Assassins Creed franchise. Both good in my opinion.

    The magical bridge is interesting, and the whole picture seems too be very reminiscent of the Avatar jungle.

    Key in the Cave
    Cinematic 000757 key in the cave.png

    Cinematic 001002 ritual defeating rats.png

    I am not 100% sure what is happening in this picture, but it looks like the skink priest and his kroxigor buddy have found one of the final pieces of tech they need for the final ritual.

    Also while the priest desperately tries to finish his kroxigor buddy now has bodyguard duty fending off a swarm of attacking rats! Awesome!

    The Great Warding Restored
    Cinematic 001051 great warding restored.png

    One of the final pictures of the video, nicely shows some of the floating pyramids over the Lustrian landscape.

    Wish there were better pictures of those ruins. I need to make more pyramids!

    The Great Vortex Conquered
    Cinematic 001150 great vortex.png

    Considering this is the last shot we see, I am a bit dissappointed.

    We aren't actually seeing anything new, this is just a mashup of several other pictures previously shown. it would have been cool to see a new painting of Mazdamundi on top of Zlaaq.

    Looking at this one from another perspective, this was a much easier way of giving us another piece of artwork by reusing old elements instead of having to take the time, effort, and money, to develop a whole new piece. Economical use of older artwork.

    Thats all the pictures I have, if anyone else has other great Total War Warhammer artwork to add please do so! If I get around to collecting them I will try and post some of the game concept art for the Lizardmen for the Lizardmen here too.

    Lots of great inspiration to be found! :vulcan:
    NewDinosaurs, Aginor, Oh_Man and 4 others like this.
  6. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    It was a good story but they neglected to build up a beloved protagonist and have him or her die horribly...
    Warden and Crowsfoot like this.
  7. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    Found a few more pictures of interest, chiefly of Lizardmen siege engines designed for the game.

    Siege Tower:




    Battering Ram:



    I like the siege engines, they are very characterful, definitely drawing a lot of inspiration from the Engine of the Gods. I still wish they were using dinosaurs though...

    More pictures of concept art done by creative assembly for Total War Warhammer 2 here.
  8. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    Also the two Lizardmen lords in high detail. I really like the headdress of Mazdamundi: if you zoom in you can see the glyphs for Sotek, Chotec, Tepok, and Tlaxcotl.





    Agreed... that is probably in the Skaven ending :blackalien:
  9. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    Love that battering ram!
    Warden likes this.
  10. Essmir
    Chameleon Skink

    Essmir Well-Known Member

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    This is realyamazing artwork, it just makes me sad that it were impossible for me to get my hands on the speciall editon for less tjan 200$, the art books were realy the one pice I wanted the most. I hope they release a omnibus of the art books after they have finished the tree games. or it moght come around on the internet. :wink::wink:
    Warden likes this.
  11. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    I found this link on Artstation with tons of concept art!

    I have posted most of these already, but here they are with better quality!







    Oh_Man, ChapterAquila92, n810 and 3 others like this.
  12. Deynon-Nikus

    Deynon-Nikus Member

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    From the website.

    Been my desktop background for a while now.

    Attached Files:

  13. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    And rightfully so, that's a great picture.
    Captaniser likes this.
  14. Lord-Marcus

    Lord-Marcus Sixth Spawning

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    What is dinotopia? You mention it several times
    Warden likes this.
  15. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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  16. Lord-Marcus

    Lord-Marcus Sixth Spawning

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    Also, good thoughts on the relic priest under water.i think they meant him as an unnamed relic priest and not Lord Kroak.
  17. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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    Kroak would probably be a bit too powerful.
    Lord-Marcus likes this.
  18. Lord-Marcus

    Lord-Marcus Sixth Spawning

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    Agreed. I'm wondering if anyone has done screen caps of a reconquered lustria on the campaign msp.
  19. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    Came across some great Lizardmen artwork, looks like it is straight from the game (courtesy of Milek/Ethically Challenged over on deviantart)

    View of some skink diplomats. I am sure there are plenty of skink functionaries whose sole duty is to carry correspondence between varies other functionaries of the servants of the slann, whether this is by carrying them in person, or through carrier-terradon.


    Rare view of a Lizardmen funeral:


    Lizardmen docks, with the remains of a warmblood invasion fleet in the harbor:


    More views of a Lizardmen city. I like the inclusion of lots of water (fits in with my temple-city fluff really well).


    Another great view of a Lizardmen city, this one being a Slann conducting some sort of religious ceremony in view of a large crowd of Lizardmen.

    Note the very large canal network moving through the city!


    Another view of a Slann with his servants, this time creating a war-map hologram out of magic!


    Great view of a Lizardmen gate and a city under siege. I really like how the gate itself looks.


    Lizardmen celebrating!

    ChapterAquila92 and NIGHTBRINGER like this.
  20. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    Two more glorious TWW2 pics.

    Saurus Scar-Vet on a cold one:

    saurus leader on cold one.png

    ...and some ancient Lizardmen ruins; with a COLOSSAL SKELETON OF A DREAD SAURIAN behind them: :jawdrop:


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