Discussion Lore questions

Discussion in 'Fluff and Stories' started by Saminator, Oct 16, 2017.

  1. Saminator

    Saminator Member

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    Hello everyone,

    Today i have red a lot about the lore of age of sigmar. I have a couple of questions left. Mayby some one has answers.

    (1) How did sigmar become a god? He was a hero in the old worlds, and then suddenly he became a god who recreated 7 realms

    (2) Hoe did species flee before the destruction to the realms? For instance there was a high elve (i forgot his name) he was a champion, and in the realms he became a god. How did het het there? And how did the beastmen for example get into the realm of beasts.

    (3) In which realm do the slann live/hide?

    Nice link for the more of the age of sigmar: http://whfb.lexicanum.com/wiki/Mortal_Realms

    Link lore old world:
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  2. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    From the top of my head:
    Sigmar became some sort of God around the time the old world was blown up I think.
    He did not create the realms, Dracothion helped him find them.

    The Slann fled using their space ships. The demons.... died I guess? They don't care.
    Some species and also the Mortarchs were saved by their respective gods I think.
    Not much specifics available about most of them.
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  3. Saminator

    Saminator Member

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    You said they used spaceships, an idea crossed my mind. I think it would be cool to make a thread where everybody can post a sketch or drawing how they imagine a seraphon spaceship would look like. In wich section should I post this thread.
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  4. Slanputin

    Slanputin Well-Known Member

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    When Sigmar was Emperor in the Old World he mysteriously vanished, then became revered and worshiped as the centuries slipped by. In The End Times it's revealed that Tzeentch imprisoned him in the Great Vortex. When the Great Vortex was unbound Sigmar returned to The Empire as having merged with the Wind of Heavens, and became an avatar for the magical wind.Sigmar practically became a demi-god then, along with the others who merged with the remaining eight winds. After the destruction of The-World-That-Was he was discovered by Dracothion who took him to the Mortal Realms. Everything that happened to Sigmar after in the Age of Myth is treated in the fluff from the perspective of...well....myth, but you can see his first steps to godhood in him becoming an avatar.

    The Seraphon took to the stars in temple-ships. Dracothion found them and took them to the Mortal Realms. The Slann remembered their race through star-magic.
    The Daemons are from the Realm of Chaos and return their when they die so they didn't need to "survive" the destruction of the world. From reading it looks like mortal followers of Chaos can also reside in the realm also, so Chaos factions could have survived, and probably welcomed, the world being swallowed by Chaos.
    The core of The-World-That-Was is described as being filled with the souls of those who perished. I imagine that helped kick-start life for different factions in the Mortal Realms.

    The Slann live in High Azyr (i.e. near space.)and are described as being able to move between realms without the need for realmgates. In the least they live above Azyr, but given that there seems to be an overlap with celestial objects (e.g. the light of Sigendil, the "high star" of Sigmar and the beacon of his palace, can be seen in other realms) they can probably reside above other realms also.
    Saminator and Crowsfoot like this.
  5. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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