AoS Another Returning Saurus

Discussion in 'Seraphon Army Lists' started by Flo, Nov 29, 2017.

  1. Flo

    Flo Well-Known Member

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    Hey Guys,
    This is my first post so lets start with a quick introduction:

    My name is Flo (u dont say) and i played Lizardmen from 6. to 8. Fantasy Edition

    At the end of the 8th edition real life started to consume more and more time and with the Announcement of AoS (what the hell no Points?) I slowly but steadily lost interest in the game.

    Until a few weeks ago, i played the WH:TW2 with a Friend and my Lizardmen Hype was back again, i ran to my nearest GW Store and bought a Start Collecting Box.

    Had a few Games and can't Stop Thinking about my old Hobby love.

    Now to the reason for my Thread:
    I am Thinking about Army lists for 1500 and 2000 points as that is the most common Size in my Local store.

    I always loved the Saurus modells way more than Skinks. Also i am a huge fan of Monsters and the Slann alike.

    Therefore Here are my must-haves for an 2k army: Slann, Carnosaur, at least one big Block of Warriors, a Bastiladon and some Kind of Stegadon

    I Made a Sample List and want your opinion if this would be viable or if it is Complete Garbage so lets go

    Scar-vet on Carnosaur
    Slann Star Master
    Saurus Astrolith Bearer
    Skink Starpriest
    Engine of the Gods

    40xWarriors with Spears
    40xSkinks with Boltspitters and Shield
    40xSkinks with Boltspitters and Shield


    Thats 2k if my math is correct

    I Love Hordes because the look pretty impressive (and they are cheaper too!)

    But i would also like to squeeze in Chamäleons or Salamanders!

    Thats it for now, i am Open for any suggestions,
    Have a nice day!
    Crowsfoot likes this.
  2. Seraphage

    Seraphage Well-Known Member

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    My suggestion :

    Bloodclaw Batallion (200)
    Oldblood on Carno (280)
    ScarVet on Carno (240)
    ScarVet on Coldone (100)
    Warriors x40 (360)
    Saurus Knights x5 (100)
    Saurus Knights x5 (100)

    Slann (L) Vast Intellect would be my way but you could also try 2 tps 1640
    Bastiladon (280)
    80 points left :
    Starpriest would be my go but 2 razordons while not seem impressive, made a huge difference with me so far when I had those 80 points !
    No stegadon inside but this list has a really nice synergy.

    Protect the blob, buff it with ScarVets Command, summon starlight for some really important rolls and a mystic shield.
    Besides the blob it's a really fast army. Along with the magic support, it fulfils all of the roles in a great way besides shooting which again it doesn't totally lack. Could soften some targets.

    Welcome back fellow lizard !
    Flo and Crowsfoot like this.
  3. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    Many lists possible but as you like Saurus I guess the Bloodclaw might be something for you!
    Flo likes this.
  4. Crowsfoot

    Crowsfoot Guardian of Paints Staff Member

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    Welcome back
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  5. Flo

    Flo Well-Known Member

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    Thanks for the Suggestions, i completely forgot about the Battallions!

    As for the Bloodclaw i cant find it in the GHB17 or in the Seraphon Battletome, where can i find it?

    Then again i went through some threads in this Forums and startet to think about the Sunclaw Battallion, it looks very nice and allows me to put many Saurus into it :)

    Something like this:
    Scar-Vet on Carnosaur (240)
    - General (Legendary Fighter)
    - Warblade
    - Relicblade

    Slann Star Master (260)

    Saurus Sunblood (120)

    Saurus Astrolith Bearer (160)
    - Prism of Amyntok

    Skink Starpriest (80)

    40x Saurus Warrior (360)
    - Spear

    10x Saurus Warrior (100)
    - Clubs

    10x Saurus Warrior (100)
    - Clubs

    1x Salamander (40)
    1x Salamander (40)
    1x Salamander (40)
    1x Salamander (40)

    1x Bastiladon (280)

    Sunclaw Battallion (130)

    Total 1990 Points

    Basically a big Blob with all the Buffs it can get (Battallion, Starpriest, Scar-Vet Command, Astrolith Bearer)

    I am not entirely sure if i can take the General ability from Order and also the Relic Blade from Order and Mix it with the Prism from Seraphon and still keep the Teleport (Basically do i have acces to both, Order and Seraphon Abilities or do i have to choose one?)

    Of course i want to keep the Teleport so i could change the Artifacts and General Ability if i can't mix them

    Prism could give me some nice Deadly Wounds coming from the Saurus Hero, who can't move anyways when i use his Totem

    I got Magic
    I got lots of Saurus which could be very dangerous through all the Buffs
    I got Shooting from the Salamanders and the Bastiladon
    I dont have a Stegadon in this List and not a Single Skink besides the priest (but altough Skinks are nice Models, they are Workers and not Fighters lorewise :p)
    But the loss of the Skinks results in the loss of many Models so i am not sure if this is ideal, but i couldn't fit a Decent Sunclow and still take many Skinks with me

    I am thinking about taking out the Salamanders and Reserve their Points for Summoning, this way i can Summon Units that will fit the missions or my enemy better (Salamanders, Razordons, Flyers, Chamäleons)

    What are your thoughts on this list?
    Crowsfoot likes this.
  6. Crowsfoot

    Crowsfoot Guardian of Paints Staff Member

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    Bloodclaw link,
    Flo likes this.
  7. Flo

    Flo Well-Known Member

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    Thanks for the Link, will consider this battalion in Future lists, but i Think i will Start with my Sunclaw List if it is viable
  8. Seraphage

    Seraphage Well-Known Member

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    *Salamanders are nice but you can't really consider them as a shooting unit as the 8"range + 8" move = 16" threat feels more like a melee :p
    *You cannot mix Order and Seraphon allegiance unfortunately, just one of the 2.
    *Having your slann to be a Leader will be nice but going for the sunblood with a coronal shield and the rerolls to save the 160 points of astrolith will probably work better !
    *Since you are investing to the Sunclaw, go for a 2nd blob ! I 've been playing Sunclaw for months - I love it - but only with 1 blob due to lack of models. What I realised is that the tax you pay for it *2x10 wars* +130p is too heavy for just 1 blob that can be hurt in so many ways !

    Here is one of the stronger Sunclaw Lists inmho which I replied to another fella asking :

    Sunclaw (130 )
    1 sunblood (120)
    40 x saurus warriors w/spears (360)
    40x saurus warriors w/spears (360)
    10x saurus warriors w/clubs (100)
    1070 points

    Your hammer consists of 2 really strong units that HAVE to attack FIRST. What you need now is magic, the anvil and some shooting.

    A starpriest. I never ever leave home without it, an incredible asset for all purposes. Summon starlight is huge.

    A slann. Global dispell is something way more useful than one would realise. 3 spells : mystic shield to be spammed, same as arcane bolt *our only mw pretty much at this list* and his GLOBAL spell that you get to roll 2 dices for battleshock. Really reeaaaaaally important for the blobs. Not to mention +1 spell or +1 run / charge * at this list, you'll probably need this mostly *

    2 Bastiladons. Shooting all around and can be the anvil to stop almost anything if buffed.

    Having lots of experience with Sunclaw and I would let you know of 2 things :

    1. It is way stronger than most people realise until they try it.

    2. You must be really careful with the blobs. They are really tough to be used and if used incorrectly, they'll begone to dust before long and your army will cripple.

    1970p and a 5 drop list. If you feel it'll help, you can just go for the summon starpriest and 4drop.

    At the end of the day though, just use the models you like the most !

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