AoS 2k Mortal Wound Spam

Discussion in 'Seraphon Army Lists' started by Tiq-Toq, Nov 29, 2017.

  1. Tiq-Toq

    Tiq-Toq Member

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    Hi all, longtime collector but new to AoS and Lustria-Online. Here's my (as yet untested) thoughts on a list:

    Lord Kroak - General
    Saurus Astrolith Bearer - Incandescent Rectrices
    Coatl-Prime (Celestant-Prime)

    10 x Skinks - Blow Pipes & Star Bucklers
    10 x Skinks - Blow Pipes & Star Bucklers
    10 x Skinks - Blow Pipes & Star Bucklers
    3 x Salamanders
    3 x Salamanders
    Bastiladon w/Ark of Sotek
    Balewind Vortex
    240 Summoning Points (for Razordons, Rippers, Stegadon, EotG or Chameleons. Whatever is needed)

    Kroak does his thing on the vortex, Celestant Prime snipes characters and Bastiladon and salamanders clean up. Should have a decent mortal wound output and the summoning points will provide some tactical flexibility. At the same time, very dependent on Kroak and lownumbers so might swap the summoning points for 4 Razors and 2 more Sallies to reduce some of the dependancy. Could also swap the sallies for Razors.

    Thoughts? What are everyone's views on summoning? How would you improve this list?
  2. Crowsfoot

    Crowsfoot Guardian of Paints Staff Member

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  3. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    Yeah looks to me like it might put out a decent amount of mortal wounds.
    Captaniser likes this.
  4. darren watson

    darren watson Well-Known Member

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    Looks solid, quite a few drops and no pre-game moves for area denial, so be careful when you deploy.

    Possible tweaks:

    Laser over snakes on the Basti. Impacts the game from the get go, as people deploy out of range, or they don't and you get to blast them. Really good with Kroak's rerolls on the number of shots and deployed near the Astrolith for rerolling hits.
    Sniping Characters is much better than spreading mortal wounds across multiple units, even against elite armies like SCE. The aim of a list based around Kroak should be to quickly kill the enemy characters that give their unit buffs. Once they are dead, you are fighting the rest of the game against unbuffed units. Units without buffs kill less, die quicker.

    I think a Kroak based list needs the Starpriests starlight spell. -1 to hit allows Kroak to tank Skyfire hits or Judicators dropping into range more likely.

    Salamanders are great if your army doesn't have the tools to deal with armour. This one does, Kroak. Where Kroak struggles is with hordes. My list uses Rippers to deal with hordes. I think you'd benefit from dropping the 2 units of Salamanders and replacing them with 4 Razordons (they destroy all when near a Astrolith and any mystical terrain boost. You can afford to aggressively roll for mystical terrain when you have a few rerolls from Kroak. 8d6 shots rerolling hits and wounds is a great deal of fun). With the last 80 points you could then include a Starpriest.

    Summoning is very usefuly. With 240 points you can summon a unit of Rippers. Teleport Kroak behind them. Cast Balewind Vortex and push the Rippers into a much easier charge. Happy days.
    If you're feeling lucky, summon the Steg, he can then deploy 9" away from the enemy and then use his Skink Alpha ability to move d6" forward.. Marvellous

    Best way to get a feel for an army is play games! If you manage to run the above or with some tweaks, I'd be interested in seeing how you got on!

    Good luck and welcome to Lustria :)
    Last edited: Nov 29, 2017
    Arawn, Aginor, Seraphage and 2 others like this.
  5. Tiq-Toq

    Tiq-Toq Member

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    Thanks all – really useful advice!

    @darren watson genius. Hadn’t thought of the starlight or focusing on heroes first. Razordons make perfect sense in that context.

    Summoning seems to me to really provide a great deal of tactical flexibility for us. Sure its not perfect but being able to summon rippers, salamanders or razordons on a flank to suit the problem really seems useful to me. That and the psychological benefits you gain.

    I’ll make the changes and give it a try when I play next (which could be a while at the moment…) will report back when I do. I’m also toying with a movement focused/guerrilla army and a Stegadon army too (harkening back to my stegadon army of old...). The joys of being back in the game. So much to try, so little time…
  6. Seraphage

    Seraphage Well-Known Member

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    Story of my ( hobby ) life ! :D:p
    darren watson likes this.

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