AoS First tournament list

Discussion in 'Seraphon Army Lists' started by SeraphWIN89, Mar 15, 2018.

  1. SeraphWIN89
    Jungle Swarm

    SeraphWIN89 New Member

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    Hi. I’m going to the London Grand Tournament in May. It’ll be my first tournament and I’m hella excited. I don’t have the most competitive list as I only started collecting a few months ago so I’m just going with what I’ve got + a few things I can get painted in time.

    Masters of order<???

    Lord Kroak (general)(arcane might<???)
    Eternity warden
    Astrolith bearer (incandescent rectrices)
    Scar veteran on carnosaur
    Saurus sunblood
    Skink star priest

    10 skinks jav + Starbucklers
    10 skinks jav+Starbucklers
    10 Skinks jav+ Starbucklers
    10 Saurus warriors (clubs)
    3 ripperdactyls

    Bastilodon (beam)

    Balewind vortex

    I’d love any feedback/tournament advice about anything. But I do have a few specific questions:

    1: when you dispel, do you have to beat their casting roll on the dice or their roll + modifiers ? E.g if Nagash has +3 to cast and rolls a 7 to cast, do I have to roll 11 to dispel?

    2: What battle trait should I use? I wanted to use Masters of order mainly to keep it simple for myself as I have enough trouble thinking out plans without all the options teleporting gives myself (I’ve played 6 games so far), but I’ve noticed a lot of magic heavy armies have big pluses to cast so I thought that it might be a bit wasted.

    3: If any of you have tournament experience with stuff in my list are there and real dangers to look out for or opportunities I can exploit, or any tactics I can use with the stuff I’ve got?

    I’m not looking to podium or anything, my goal is to win 2 of the 5 games and have a blast.

    Attached Files:

  2. KoulaqKhan

    KoulaqKhan New Member

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    I like your skink colors, makes them pop! Typically I don't play it but you have the makings of the Shadow Strike/Kroaknado varient I believe which can be effective to play on the tournament scene. That is the route I would take according to what you listed.

    1. As for the dispel, the roll only has to beat their roll to dispel it, the bonuses on the casting make it more likely to go off but don't help with the dispel according to the way the wording says to dispel.
    2. Not sure on the Slann command traits as I don't run one but if I did I would take the double teleport or the Vast intellect if it's a regular slann
    3. The only other recommendation is that while I think you have some of the strong Saurus leaders I would be weary of bringing them without their back up troop of choice. We shine on the synergies but I don't really see enough Saurus in your collection to want to run a sunblood or (possibly) a warden to much effect. The Carnosaur on the other hand will do fine on his own.
    SeraphWIN89 likes this.
  3. IggyStarhost

    IggyStarhost Well-Known Member

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    A tough one. To get this clear, this is all you have and you dont intend to buy something else?

    You dont have much synergies going on, but my strategy with this army would be to take the risk and go all out with kroak turn 1.
    Than use two skink units as screens to catch the first wave of incomming troops and than counter charge with the carnosaur (use serpent staff on him with the priest) and rippers. Would use the third skink units to run and grab objectives and use the saurus warriors to lock a unit in combat an again countercharge with the carno/rippers and the rest of the heroes.
    A bit of a hammer and anvil kinda approach.

    Edit: didnt see the shadowstrike, that is a great one!
  4. SeraphWIN89
    Jungle Swarm

    SeraphWIN89 New Member

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    Ahhh ok, having 4 dispels only having to beat their roll makes the masters of order very good I think, especially with the new death and nurgle releases and how much I hear about tzeench at tournaments you could really stifle their plans. Yes the shadow strike starhost looks great for grabbing objectives and pushing those skinks forwards. I honestly hadn’t thought of battalions, hmmmm.
  5. SeraphWIN89
    Jungle Swarm

    SeraphWIN89 New Member

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    I will buy more as I love the seraphon but I’m pretty busy with work/family so I can probably on average get one unit of troops or one behemoth painted in a month. Ah ok that sounds good actually, I’ve noticed that even the Saurus warriors tend to do nothing in combat so I think I’ll use them plus the skinks to pin enemy units down for the counter or to block things off or smother objectives. Thanks. I’m not totally against buying something else, just as long as I doesn’t require too much painting (eg 20 Saurus guard or something) is there anything you think would really work in there?
  6. IggyStarhost

    IggyStarhost Well-Known Member

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    15 saurus guard will get you an eternal starhost battalion + kroaknado.

    The eternal starhost is almost unkillable, except my mortal wounds. Thats where you use kroak for, to kill the mortal wound dealers (with mortal wounds). Add skinks for screens and objective grabbers and your good to go!
  7. SeraphWIN89
    Jungle Swarm

    SeraphWIN89 New Member

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    Ahhh that actually sounds like a solid strategy. But do you think the eternal starhost is still goo value with only 15 guard? I wouldn’t mind buying a box but I know they come in 15 so I wouldn’t want to buy 2, that’s £70!
  8. IggyStarhost

    IggyStarhost Well-Known Member

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    You can use the 15 and if you like you can just use 5 extra normal warriors and put them in the back of the bigger unit and take them out first. Dont think most people will mind. Just as long it is clear the unit is guards

    I would play this:
    Just use a regular skink as skink priest and make one unit of 9 skinks.

    Allegiance: Order

    Lord Kroak (450)
    Saurus Eternity Warden (140)
    Saurus Astrolith Bearer (160)
    Skink Priest (80)
    - Priestly Trappings
    Skink Starpriest (80)

    10 x Saurus Guard (200)
    - Seraphon Battleline
    5 x Saurus Guard (100)
    - Seraphon Battleline
    5 x Saurus Guard (100)
    - Seraphon Battleline
    10 x Skinks (60)
    - Meteoric Javelins & Star Bucklers
    10 x Skinks (60)
    - Meteoric Javelins & Star Bucklers
    10 x Skinks (60)
    - Meteoric Javelins & Star Bucklers

    Bastiladon (280)

    Eternal Starhost (130)

    Balewind Vortex (100)

    Total: 2000 / 2000
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 89
  9. SeraphWIN89
    Jungle Swarm

    SeraphWIN89 New Member

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    Well I do like the Saurus guard and the think the 2 up with kroak picking of the mortal wound dealers is a solid strategy but simple enough for a newbie like me to execute. They were next on my to buy list anyway so if I can get them painted I’ll take this list to my gaming club and see what’s up!
    IggyStarhost likes this.

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