AoS First Tournament Battle Reports

Discussion in 'Battle Reports' started by IggyStarhost, Apr 9, 2018.

  1. IggyStarhost

    IggyStarhost Well-Known Member

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    Hi guys,

    Here are three battlereps of my first tournament of last weekend. Good to know is that I’ve had near to zero experience with Warhammer. But I do love Math and have done a ton of reading on this forum! The tournament rules were 1250 points with rules of 1000 points, so 2 battleline and max 2 behemoths.

    The list I played:

    Allegiance: Seraphon

    Skink Priest
    - General
    - Priestly Trappings
    - Trait: Master of Star Rituals

    Skink Starpriest (80)
    Skink Starpriest (80)
    - Artefact: Prism of Amyntok

    10 x Skinks
    - Boltspitters & Star Bucklers
    10 x Skinks (60)
    - Boltspitters & Star Bucklers

    3 x Kroxigor
    4 x Razordons (160)
    1 x Salamanders (40)

    Stegadon (240)

    Total: 1240 / 2000
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 77

    The Idea behind this list was mobility and enough sturdiness to hold objectives.
    For the heroes I wanted the priest with MoSR to have a 75% chance of rerolling saves and charge rolls. Besides that I wanted 2 casters, one for mystic shield. And another for either Summon starlight or use as a mortal wound dealer with arcane bolt. This is also the reason I gave one the Prism. To be able to teleport him somewhere and Prisom + Arcanebolt the last wounds of an important heroe/behemoth.
    The Razordons were just meant to be teleported to shoot at something threatening at 12 inch range, supported by Laserbeam and Bow to remove a threat. The skinks were to tie up the enemies and screen, where one unit would always screen the kroxigors since they can hit from behind them and wildly increase their survivability. Stega to teleport and charge, of skink alpha on bastiladon and charge anything that is near. Bastiladon just as a laser tank. For the remaining 50 points I found one old salamander and threw it in there, to grab objectives or form a nice threat harassing the opponents.

    My first game was against a youngster who play Nurgle Skaven. Clan pestilins I believe they are called. Here is what he played. I couldn’t remember the artifacts:

    Plague Furnace
    Plague Priest with Plague Censer (80)
    Epidemius Tallyman of Nurgle (200)

    40 x Plague Monks
    - Foetid Blades
    - Pestilens Battleline

    10 x Plague Monks (70)
    - Foetid Blades
    - Pestilens Battleline

    10 x Plague Monks (70)
    - Foetid Blades
    - Pestilens Battleline

    War Machines

    Congregation of Filth

    Total: 1180 / 2000
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 90

    The mission was scorched earth with 4 objective since we where on a 4x4 table. He started deploying. Due to all the hype and tension I forgot to take a lot of pictures, but some might help.


    He had 10 plaguemonks on the top left objective and on the other objective he had 10 Monks, the plagueclaw and Epidemius. In the center was the Furnace, surrounded by 40 Monks to buff him up.
    On my left I fielded the kroxigors with skink screen, and added a salamander on the objective.

    My plan was to fight the furnace and 40 monks in the center locking them into combat and push for the top left objective to raise it, since it wasn’t that heavily protected.

    He won priotity and moved the furnace up quite a lot with the monks. The rest also shuffled forward a bit and the plagueclaw missed. But he moves his Monks in the top left corned over his objective, keeping just 3 in range. Claiming two points 2-0.
    On my turn I noticed the gap in his backfield so I buffed everything up with my priest and gave the Razordons a mystic shield. The teleported them to the top left. I rolled a 6, so could move.
    Fairly confident I could shoot the 10 monks of the objective let alone after a charge. I would just have had more models remaining then him. But my opponent was a young kid and forgot that Seraphon could teleport, so it felt a bit cheesy to do that and raise his objective on the first turn. So I just put that back 12 inch to just shoot and not charge him and raise the objective. The razordons killed 8 monks in shooting and the rest ran away. The basti and stegadon shot in the furnace and did great damage. Total of 8 wounds, of which 3 were passed to the monks. So he was down 2 brackets.
    I ended my turn and evend the score to 2-2.

    He won priority again. On his turn he shot the catapult in the razordon taking one out. The shot the furnace forward to my objective, where only my Salamander was sitting and the only model I had in range of the objective.
    That was my first rookie mistake of the day. If he would kill the salamander he could raise my objective. But the Old ones favoured me and the salamander hung on by one wound, since he was in cover. The big unit of monks daisy chained the top left objective and pushed the rest forward to my objective. Ending his turn with another 2 points: 4-2.

    On my turn I buffed everything again. I teleported my Skinkstarpiest with prism to the backfield to beam his priest, but he failed the arcane bolt. I shot with everything in range into the furnace and left it on 1 wound. And the razordons in the 40 monks mob, clearing 7 of them (they had a ward of 6+). The skinks and kroxigor charges the furnace, so I could waryfighter the skinks around to reclaim my objective. The furnace took out a kroxigor, and the kroxigor finished the furnace and some monks.
    I then charged my stegadon into the 10 monks on the right, and cleared them out. Ending the turn at 2-2.

    He won another priority roll and killed the kroxigors with the catapult and the big mob of Monks.
    He pushed his Epidemius forward to block my upcoming skinks. He didn’t do much else this turn and ended at 6-4.


    On my turn I pushed my right skinks further forward to grab his objective where only 2 models where. Knowing I could warry fighter around the Epidemius. (Oh My Slanns, skinks are so good at objectives!). I charged my bastiladon in the big mob of monks to keep them locked. The stegadon moved around the catapult and made a big charge of 11 moving around on the objective where we now both had one model. I tried to charge with my Starpriest aswell to have 2, but he failed the charge. In combat, I knew I would probably be best to start with the bastiladon. But wanting to seal the deal, and having no clue wat a catapult could do, I killed it with my stegadon combined with the damage it received from the bow. Gaining that objective for 3 that turn. Where my opponent conceded.

    It was a fun first game, where I’m proud I didn’t cheese my way into winning on the first turn. And learned from my mistake to better protect my objectives. Really was sweating there!

    The next report will follow hopefully tomorrow, againts Daughters of Khaine! Hope you enjoyed!
    Freddy25, Christopher and Aginor like this.
  2. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    Nice one, looking forward to the next!
    IggyStarhost likes this.
  3. Lord-Marcus

    Lord-Marcus Sixth Spawning

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    Congratulations on the win
    IggyStarhost likes this.
  4. IggyStarhost

    IggyStarhost Well-Known Member

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    My next battle was up against Daughters of Khain. I kinda feared him because he was the local hero.
    I saw him playing next to me, and my opponent was really bummed out he had to play him, and het won on the second turn.

    So my focus was, just to learn a lot and have a lot of fun. Although I again forgot to take a lot of photo’s.

    My opponent played this:

    Bloodwrack Medusa
    Bloodwrack Shrine (220)
    Hag Queen (60)
    Slaughter Queen on Cauldron Of Blood (330)
    - General

    10 x Witch Aelves
    - Pairs of Sacrificial Knives
    10 x Witch Aelves (100)
    - Pairs of Sacrificial Knives
    10 x Witch Aelves (100)
    - Pairs of Sacrificial Knives

    5 x Khinerai Heartrenders
    5 x Khinerai Heartrenders (80)

    Total: 1210 / 2000
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 77

    I’ve heard alot about daughters of khain and knew they were hard hitters. Since they hit so hard I thought they would be glass canons. But they have a 5+ wardsave. And his units were able to buff a lot of saves. That being said, the objective was one from 40k. Where there are 5 objective, 1 dead center, and 4 halfway down each border. In the picture you can see it quite well.
    The middle one in the castle, left one next to the realmgate, upper one in the open field, right one in the forest and the lower one near the some mangrove. Each objective is 1 point, and you can only claim it if there are no enemy models within 3. At the start of your hero phase you rolled a dice to see which objective would be worth 3 points. Additionally you could win an bonus point by killing the enemy hero.

    My opponent deployed in the top left quadrant and I in the lower right. He had 2 units of Witch Aelves on the bordes and one in his back field. The other heroes near the centre. 2 units of Heartrenders where set up in the sky. Fearing the deepstrike I screened my backfield with a unit of skinks to deny it. A unit of kroxigors with skinks on the mangrove objective. The rest deployed in the forest on the other objective. He finished first and could take the crucial first turn.

    He rolled for the 3 points objective and ofcourse it was the one he already had. Much bummer.
    On his turn he did some spells buffing the saves of a unit of Witch Aelves. He pushed his Cauldron against the castle claiming that objective. He drove his Bloodwrack shrine around so he could charge my heroes/razordons. He ran (they can run and charge with some ability or so) a units of Witch Aelves towards my skinks/kroxigors on the lower objective and finally e brought the 2 units of Heartrenders down in front of the forrest and sniped my Skinkpriest out. Which was a real bummer. I was pretty sure he didn’t have line of sight with all 10 of them since he was behind the trees and Salamander (with huge fin ), but I didn’t wanted to be the new guy hasseling over the LoS rules. My bad for placing him near the front lines.

    He then charges the skinks/kroxigors with Aelves and the Razordons with the Shrine, making the razordons go off and taking 6 wounds!! Going in so aggressive he had a tought call to make, but decided to attack with the Witch Aelves first killing all Skinks with 40 attacks! My razordons took a few wound off the Shrine and only took 2 back in return. The kroxigors then killed the unit of Witch Aelves. Bad sacrifice on his part I guess. But now he had 3 objectives, including the bonus 2 points and another for killing my general. 6-0.

    I was kinda down, since this mission having first turn is crucial. It would be hard to push al units off the middle objective, especially since the Cauldron was in range and the Heartrenders where on top, in cover. The bonus objective was on the objective in the castle, so gave me no change to reach it. In my turn I mystics shielded the Razordons, so they could survive the shrine a bit better if I couldn’t clear it with shooting. I fail my casting rolls and teleport the Stegadon near to the left objective. Wanting to make the charge and clear another unit of Aelves. But I forget to use the Skink alpha move in the hero phase instead of the charge phase.
    The salamander shoots at the Shrine and deals 4 wounds! The razordon take the rest off, which really releaved me. I rolled snake eyes on the bastiladon and fail to hit the Heartrenders in the middle castle. So he charges them and took all 4 off them out with the tail, and having the other one flee. The Stegadon fails the 9 inch charge. It was really sad that I forgot, but I didn’t want to ask my opponent for that huge favour. I need to learn from it, so he ho. I end my turn with 2 objectives of which one was the special one. Going 6-2 in my opponents favour.


    In my opponents he rolls for the special objective and it was the one my kroxigors were holding. He than fails a lot of casting. Don’t know which. And he moves his witch Aelves (with 40 attacks!) to my stegadon. He really wants to kill the stega and also pushes his Heartrenders in the castle towards him. Still having his Cauldron in range for the middle objective. I was kinda relieved to see that happen. He activates his Aelves and does 6 wounds to the poor stega. But the stega then kills al 5 Heartrenders. You mess with the Stega, you get the horns! He then ends his turn with 3 points. Having a huge lead of 9-2.

    On my turn the special objective is the lower one where the kroxigors where standing. I mystic shielded and summond starlight on the kroxigor. I move my skinks over to claim the special objective and send my skink priest up the tower. I move my razordons and salamanders in range of the Cauldron. The bastiladon on the other side as well. The salamander took down 3 wound and the bastiladon and razordon took the Cauldron down to 4 wounds. Thanks to some good save rolls on his side with 5+ ward save.


    The kroxigor charged the Cauldron, and the basti the upper Witch Aelves. I than had to choose which to activate first, the stega, the kroxigor or bastiladon. I went for the kroxigor because that avatar on the cauldron had some scary stats and I needed to remove it from the objective. The kroxigors did the final 4 wounds! But the stegadon died in the proses ☹. A well calculated loss.

    The bastiladon then killed 4 Aelves, taking a few wounds in return. I end my turn with the bonus objective, 2 regular ones and an additional point for killing his general. Giving me 6 points to come close. 9-8 in favour of my opponent.


    With time running out we could only play 3 rounds. Which wasn’t really in my favour. I knew with 5 full rounds I could table him, having the advantage back. My opponent wins the priority roll again. The bonus objective was in the middle again, which relieved me since my kroxigors and starpriest where on it. He only held the objective by the realm gate, having my bastiladon blocking his other objective. On his turn he charged the kroxigors with the With Aelves and the skinks and razordons with the Medusa. The razordons don’t go off. He does 6 wounds to the kroxigors, leaving 2 standing. I left the one with the Moonhammer of course. The basti kills 3 of the upper Witch Aelves, doing one wound in return. Medusa takes a razordon and some skinks out. Giving my opponent just 1 victory point. He leads 10-8.

    Fairly confident I start my turn, only needing 3 objectives. Having only 2 in my control. The special objective lands on the realm gate, the only one he controls. I teleported the Razordons in a position that they could shoot the remaining Aelves or the Hag Queen. I roll a 6 so they could even get closer, in charge range if needed. The basti does what he needs and shoots the Witch Aelves to asses. Giving me my needed 3 points for a major victory. But playing swiss, they amount of points mathered. So I decided not to shoot with the razordons. Because if they killed the hag queen I couldn’t charge it and would be out of range. I charge with razordons and kroxigors and take her out and claim the objective. Giving me 6 points ending the game at 10-14 in my favour!


    That really as a fun game to play, where I had the feeling of being trampled first turn, losing my general and having a huge gap in points. And knowing we could only play 3 rounds. Thanks to some good decisions of attack priority I managed to go for the late game points and almost tabled my opponent with only having the Medusa left. And really proud I could defeat the top player. On to the finals!

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  5. dinoSTARZ
    Cold One

    dinoSTARZ Active Member

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    Smart thinking at the end there! I always like witch elves being shot to asses too
    Freddy25 and IggyStarhost like this.
  6. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    That was a close one!
  7. Freddy25

    Freddy25 Well-Known Member

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    IggyStarhost likes this.
  8. Lord-Marcus

    Lord-Marcus Sixth Spawning

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    Wow close win. nice!
  9. IggyStarhost

    IggyStarhost Well-Known Member

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    Final battle report in the finals vs Maggotkin of Nurgle. An army I didn’t know much about except that they are resilient. The battlefield colored nicely with them. Very suiting for a final. This is what he played:
    I immediately asked it there where any Chaos Deamons in there, who I could target with the bastiladon.

    Harbinger of Decay
    Lord of Plagues (140)
    Chaos Sorcerer Lord (160)
    - Mount: Steed
    - Runestaff

    5 x Putrid Blightkings
    - Nurgle Battleline
    5 x Putrid Blightkings (160)
    - Nurgle Battleline
    5 x Putrid Blightkings (160)
    - Nurgle Battleline

    3 x Nurglings

    Plague Cyst

    Total: 1260 / 2000
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 91

    The mission we played was Duality of Death. I mission I love with my bastiladon! Unfortunately the Skink hero’s are squashy so the probably could not hold the objectives if he had something ranged. I hear him talking about some d3 mortal wounds with no line of sight. So I def didn’t want to put a Skink on the objective. I normally approach this mission by placing the bastiladon on 1, and removing the opponent hero from the other objective for one turn. Than I would only have to keep the basti alive. Although he could set up some nurgle tree on 1 objective which made me change my plans. I decided to deploy heavly near the objective he placed a tree on, knowing he would want this objective. He placed almost his entire army near it, with one unit of blightnights in the center and 3 nuglings up in the skys. I put the bastiladon and razordons in range to rain on his objective, screened by 10 skinks and supported by 1 starpriest and the Priest. On the left objective he didn’t place much in range except the blightkings in de the middle. But I knew the Nuglings would come down turn 1. So I placed my stegadon near it, to claim it. Backed by a starpriest and the Kroxigors/Skinks for some more damage output, whould he approach it.

    Turn 1 went to my opponent and indeed the nurglings came down. He placed another tree near the left objective to do some mortal wounds to the holder. And does some magic spell dealing 3 mortal wounds to the stegadon. He shuffled everything forward and claimed the right objective with his Chaos Sorcerer. His turn ended in 1-0 for him.

    On my turn I buffed the bastiladon/razordons etc up with the Priest and Shot an arcane bolt to his Sorcerer lord. Knowing I needed to deal a lot of wound because I believe they had some extra wardsave. Unfortunately he dispels it. Shuffling the razordons in range of his sorcerer and screening the skinks a bit better for a possible charge next turn. On the left I move everything up, ready to charge. In my shooting phase I managed to kill the sorcerer with the Bastiladon and Razordons. Very nice, now I just have to hold the left objective for all remaining turns. That would be hard with the tree near it.
    My stegadon charges with the kroxigor and clearup the nurglings. Having the stegadon in range of the objective. 1-1.

    On my opponents turn he moves his Harbinger on the objective, reclaiming it for another victory point. He charges my bastiladons and skinks with 2 units of Blightkings and the Lord of plagues. Making the Razordons go of on his Lord dealing 3 wounds. He managed to put 1 wound on the bastiladon thanks to the reroll of save rolls. And only kills 8 skinks, really important the survived to leave him out of reach of the razordons. The Lord of plagues then only could charge the skinks and finish them of. On the other side he charges the stegadon and skinks with one unit of blightkings. Dealing a few wound and taking a few in return. He ends his turn going up 2-1.

    On my turn I teleport my left Starpriest to the right border of the field in range with the Prism and Starlight to do some wounds to the Harbinger. He told me this guy could heal all wounds at he end of the turn on a 4+. So I focussed everything on him with magic and shooting. Finally it was the Bastiladon that took him out with the deathbeam. On the left I kill some blightkings leaving one standing. Knowing I would receive 2 points this turn for the stegado, I knew I only had to focus on his remaing hero. Which was stuck in combat and only had 4 wounds left. Ending my turn at 2-3 in my favour.

    The final initiative roll, I finally win one. My opponent concedes. I had my starpriest in range to claim his objective and could easily whipe out the remaining hero. Even without the doubleturn I couldnt have given it away. And this won me the finals!

    I was really happy with how I played the last game, having some good positional work on the right, denying my opponent to do some heavy damage on the Razordons. So that were all my battle report. Following I’ll add to this thread what I liked about each unit and why. Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed it!

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  10. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    Definitely enjoyed them, thanks a lot for posting them! :)
    Sounds like those Nurgle guys really couldn't handle your list. Sure, some luck always is part of it. But well played!
    IggyStarhost likes this.
  11. Lord-Marcus

    Lord-Marcus Sixth Spawning

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    Congratulations on winning the tournament. Was there photos of you with a trophy?
    IggyStarhost likes this.
  12. Christopher

    Christopher Well-Known Member

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    Congratulations! And thanks for the reports!
    IggyStarhost likes this.
  13. IggyStarhost

    IggyStarhost Well-Known Member

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    Haha no trophy sadly. Just a giftvoucher. So now I have to choose where to spend it on!
    Lord-Marcus likes this.
  14. Lord-Marcus

    Lord-Marcus Sixth Spawning

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    Another start collecting!
  15. Padre

    Padre Well-Known Member

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    Congrats on the win. And you should spend the gift voucher on more Seraphon, obviously.
    Lord-Marcus likes this.
  16. Lord-Marcus

    Lord-Marcus Sixth Spawning

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    Yeah either a start collecting or saurus guard
  17. IggyStarhost

    IggyStarhost Well-Known Member

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    Yeah I have alot already. 15 guard and warden. Old scarvet on Carno. 10 Chameleon skinks. I do fancy some rippers tho. They might fit nice.
    Second basti i'd love for a thunderquake, although dont know how much 2k games there will be.

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