AoS 2k list

Discussion in 'Seraphon Army Lists' started by Wargamergunnar, May 7, 2018.

  1. Wargamergunnar

    Wargamergunnar Member

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    120A11E0-7546-4B4B-99AF-803FCFA4DC04.png 76B0F00E-4241-4FF4-8197-8798B17ADD76.png Hi y’all trying to come up with a list is this is what I’ve thought up. Any suggestions?
  2. PabloTho

    PabloTho Well-Known Member

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    There are a few big point-sinks that may be worth reconsidering. The first is the block of saurus warriors - the deal with these guys is that you want maximum unit size or minimum unit size. 20 of them means only one has to die before you lose one of your bonuses. Even then, I would generally suggest using warriors only if they are going to be in the Sunclaw or Bloodclaw starhost.

    The second is the troglodon. While he is cheap by behemoth standards, his below-average damage output means that his only true effect is psychological - drawing fire from your opponent due to them thinking he's as scary as he looks. He's alright in a Thunderquake starhost, but I tend to leave him at home as those points are better spent elsewhere.

    The last are the chameleons. While I actually really like these guys on paper, they are wickedly expensive at 120pts for 5 wounds. Their maneuverability can definitely score some clutch wins on objective gametypes though, so if you have a master plan for them they can probably stay.

    With the extra points from that, you could flesh out your skink units and drown your opponent in boltspitter shots (40 skink shots with rerolls from the astrolith forces something like 10-15 saves on average) or maximize the unit of saurus, buff them with all you have (Scar Vet's command ability, celestial rites, mystic shield, astrolith) then rip something apart. Have fun!
    Wargamergunnar likes this.
  3. Wargamergunnar

    Wargamergunnar Member

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    Trying to rework the list lol

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