AoS Baptism of Blood A Path to Glory

Discussion in 'Seraphon Army Lists' started by John1974, May 15, 2018.

  1. John1974
    Cold One

    John1974 Active Member

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    Our local group are just starting to get into AOS and are planning to do a Path to Glory League but a little differently. Because not many others have AOS they are going to play each round over 1 month so people have enough time after selecting their units they can buy them and paint them ready before the next round, t hen come the end of the league everyone should have a base army to start playing and expand on inside the store. What im trying to work out as ive never player A Path To Glory what would be the best way to build an army this way.. None of the units will be rolled for on the tables we will be able to select what we want depending on the glory that we earn. i realize that starting off with a slann might leave you a little vulnerable with only 2 followers against most armies...
    How would you go about it or the best path
    The P2G document below is the rules and points gain for the legue and winning conditions seraphon.jpg

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  2. Crowsfoot

    Crowsfoot Guardian of Paints Staff Member

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    Depends on what you want in your army I suppose.

    Skinks, Warriors, Knights, etc?
  3. John1974
    Cold One

    John1974 Active Member

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    I've got abit of most things except terradacts ripperdacts and kroxigors.. playstyle im pretty flexible ive played sniper style with chameleons and fast with knights. .. the one thing im looking at is. If at the start you dont choose a slann you can never get one throughout the league and that'll also rule out the EOTG . Too unpredictable without a slann
  4. John1974
    Cold One

    John1974 Active Member

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    basically you can choose 1 champion then any number of followers from the retuine and hero table. .

    What im thinking of is a few different options.
    Warband 1
    Scar vet on carnisaur
    Scar vet on cold one
    X5 Saurus knights
    X5 Saurus knights (Our as a unit of 10)
    Use the cold one and knights to round up units and the carnisaur to hold ann objective point if there's one.
    Thats 39 wounds and decent damage output

    Option 2
    Scar vet on old one (4 followers
    Skink starpriest
    X5saurus knights
    X5 saurus knights
    X20 skinks for objective holding and protecting the priest
    Trays 51 wounds not as much punch but could be a good start to build off of i get a few glory points

    Other than these i cant figure out a viable starting platform or do i just go for a slann and pray i win a game too get some more units after round 1.

    Either option im hoping to get a couple glory points and go straight for a bastiladon .
    What do you think . Anyone got any other ideas?
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  5. Crowsfoot

    Crowsfoot Guardian of Paints Staff Member

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    Option 1 looks good, with option 2 I think your priest wouldn’t do much as the rest of the army would out run him.
    John1974 likes this.
  6. John1974
    Cold One

    John1974 Active Member

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    Yeah initially for rhe start of the battle i was going to keep the force together then when enemy was close enough to charge/attack id use the priest to buff the knights with the serpent staff and shield the scar vet and unbind any magic cast. Then branch the priest and skinks off to the objective using the skinks as a shield for the priest. Otherwise this group was more so about trying to get as much health on the table as possible while trying to get some ne synergy going.

    I like option 1 simply because the carny can win small battles by itself. But i like using it with a priest nearby for the extra shield survivability.
  7. Uguns2

    Uguns2 New Member

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    Why not make a firelance starhost?
  8. John1974
    Cold One

    John1974 Active Member

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    Not sure if you can use battalions in path to glory
  9. Uguns2

    Uguns2 New Member

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    You can. Besides your group isn't following the Path to Glory rules as written so why wouldn't you be able to. In my P2G group of you are able to run one you're allowed. Also in the Path to Glory there is a rule that states if you start with a Starter Kit you get to use ALL models from the starter not just the standard unit size. The Seraphon starter set comes with a batallion war scroll. With that said there should be no reason why you can't use one especially since you are allowed to pick models instead of rolling for them.
    John1974 likes this.
  10. John1974
    Cold One

    John1974 Active Member

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    I like the way you think lol
  11. Uguns2

    Uguns2 New Member

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    Trust me it helps. I started mine with OB on Carno not realizing the battalion was there. Luckily after the first match I rolled and got a Scar Vet on Carno and use it. Out of the 8 people in my group I was in second to last place for a while until I started using it. Also the extra 2 warriors and 3 knights help but I made a scar vet on cold one with a model. Make it and you still have a unit of 7 knights and the next game pick him as your model. The warpick ability is worth its weight in gold plus the look on people's faces when you tell them you get to attack a second time on a 4 and a third on a 6 is priceless.

    Last thing make sure each retinue unit has a banner. The +1 to battle shock is stackable. Combined with bloodroar from your SV on Carno and it is easy to wipe out a good chunk of a unit. Key is to make sure your opponent takes it even if they can't fail, beauty of bloodroar.

    Edit: Bloodroar is also stackable.
    Last edited: May 16, 2018
  12. John1974
    Cold One

    John1974 Active Member

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    Thats awesome.. yeah im not using the start collecting box ive got my own units but some people are.. the box i got i did all the kit bashing in it i could thanks to Crowsfoot's guide.
    The only thing im not liking about the firelance battalion is the fact you have to have 3 units of knights meaning they will have to run in units of 5. Would be better to run a 10 and a 5 if possible units of 5 would get slaughtered on the counter attack where as a unit of 10 flying off 30-40 attacks lets the 5 unit charge in and have a higher survivability..
  13. Uguns2

    Uguns2 New Member

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    This is true but that is where the switch comes in. Charge in 5 to get the mortal wound on a roll of 6 when wounding. Then retreat and charge in next unit. Buff them with the SV ability and w/ the firelance starhost you do double MW's.......makes them a bit more survivable.
    John1974 likes this.
  14. ILKAIN
    Skink Chief

    ILKAIN Well-Known Member

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    to my understanding the bloodroar is stackable, but the stardrake icons are not. the wording says "with in 5" of ANY..." not "for each icon within 5 inches"
  15. ILKAIN
    Skink Chief

    ILKAIN Well-Known Member

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    also I would start with either the Slann or the old one on carno... the other units are not exclusive to your leader choice where as those two are and cannot be obtained after the start of the campaign
  16. Uguns2

    Uguns2 New Member

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    The war scrolls for the Carno's states any carbo. The warscrolls that have the Stardrake Icon also states any stardrake icons, plural, so they should stack. I believe this was discussed in the forum before. I will see if I can find it.
  17. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    Stardrake Icons don't stack with each other, the enemy has -1 bravery regardless of how many Icons there are.
    They do however stack with the Troglodon's bravery debuff.

    I don't see how Bloodroar would stack either. It says "any Carnosaurs" and it was clarified that "any" means "one or more".
  18. John1974
    Cold One

    John1974 Active Member

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    So this is the final rules. No battalions allowed also. After every round you get a new unit but if you lose all 3 matches all you can get is a basic unit as glory points are used to get more powerful units.

    Also now your starting selection consists of your champion 1 elite and however many basic units your champion allows. But he is unsure what constitutes as an elite on our table as none of the table headings are elite like they are in the other armies. Just says monster or mighty.

    I was considering taking either the slann or oldblood. But in a tiny army of a slann and 2 followers what good is a slann that has nothing to support it. Its easy to take down in melee and its command wont help much and with only 2 support units what would you take to take down someone with 5 units.
    And as with the old blood he isnt bad but you want the carny in the fray of the battle but the old one is a little squishy compared to the scar vet as he doesnt have the shield to ignore 1 rend and his command ability he has nothing to use on it.. all i see is 3 losses in the 1st 2 or 3 rounds and that means only accumulating basic units while others getting strong with elite units.

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  19. John1974
    Cold One

    John1974 Active Member

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    From what I've seen all armies have units that cant be obtained after the initial selection . But honestly most other armies version for that would honestly tear a slann to peices... the only tatics i see is pray the opposition has no ranged or magic and the start of each turn use our teleport to move as far as possible from all enemy units and cast arcane bolts and pray i dont roll a 1 on the teleport and eventually wear them down after maybe 10 turns. But will probably lose on the objective path anyway
  20. John1974
    Cold One

    John1974 Active Member

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    So it's been finalized..fimally lol..
    Yoi can start rhe game with
    X1 champion and as many units based on what you champion allows including axillary
    X1 elite which is either mighty hero or monster

    So what would you take and why...

    After that you can only take 1 extra unit or hero after each round and glory points if you get any will be used to help purchase extra abilities for your champion or more elite units.
    Im still a little perplexed at what would be comparative at the start and be so at the end as well..
    All im thinking is if i take a slann or old one i wont win battles at the start but might get better along the way . Or take a scarvet coldone and either a carny or stegadon/bastiladon and wreak havok at the start but may die down as the campaign goes on

    Im still contemplating
    Scar vet coldone
    X5 knights
    X5 knights
    X1 skinkstarpriest
    X1 bastiladon or stegadon or scarvet carny
    Last edited: May 18, 2018

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