AoS 2k Seraphon VS Mixed Chaos

Discussion in 'Battle Reports' started by Flo, Jul 2, 2018.

  1. Flo

    Flo Well-Known Member

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    Soo i owe you guys this Battlereport since quite a while, was busy on work and vacation sorry for that :) (not really sorry, vacation is great) so now here is your huge wall of text, enjoy

    This was the game i mentioned earlier versus "that guy" everyone bragged about how he is an unsporty player, always trying to humilate his opponents, exploiting every rule to his advantage, even worse than most tournament players i met - and this in a friendly game where nothing but fun really matters

    So the day came, where he challenged me

    The Pals in my Local GW Store where excited, because they knew i was one of the fewer people which could actually beat him

    The game itself started like 2 months before we actually played, first none of us had time on the same days, second we wanted to play with fully painted armies.

    2 Months of bragging from his side about he knows everything about Seraphon, that i have no chance in beating him, that he even would like to play about money as he is sure he will win

    There was a point where he said, "the only strong thing about Seraphon is Lord Kroak and therefore u just need to kill him"

    So i decided to roll with it playing his psycho game

    I ordered a Kroak Model and painted it, making it sure he saw it

    Every Day he smiled more confidently that he will beat me

    He was bragging on the morning we started to play, smiling, joking he seemed like the most lucky guy on earth...

    ...until we started to deploy our armies

    when we finished he looked at my army, said "Where is Kroak?", flinched with his smiling only to continue with "now you even have a less chance in winning!"

    We played with the Rules of the General Handbook 17

    Battleplan was Battle for the Pass (4 Objectives, Deployment on the shorter sides of the field)

    My Army was this

    Slann Starmaster
    - General
    - Great Rememberer
    - Incandescent Rectrices

    Engine of the Gods
    - Prism of Amyntok

    40 Skinks
    - Boltspitters & Star Bucklers

    40 Skinks
    - Boltspitters & Star Bucklers

    10 Skinks
    - Boltspitters & Star Bucklers

    3 Razordons
    3 Skink Handlers



    Thunderquake Starhost

    160 Reinforcement Points (For an Astrolith Bearer)

    Total 1990 Points

    His Army was
    A skaven Magician/Engineer - General
    2 Units of Pink Horrors
    1 Unit of Marauders
    1 Unit of 3 Skaven Stormfiends (VERY Ugly Beasts!)
    3 (!) Manticores
    2 Hellcannons (VERY Ugly for Everyone but me :p )

    Deployment looked like this on my side

    As i deployed my army first i took the first turn, and thats where the fun for me began

    My Slann summoned the Astrolith Bearer, which planted its Totem, cast an Mystic Shield on the Engine, Engine did nothing as nothing was really in range but that was not my plan anyways.

    Teleporting began and that was when his smiling finally faded and he realised that i could be "that guy" too

    I rolled for the first Bastiladon and scored a 6, which let me teleport it Close enough to shoot on one of his Hellcannons

    The second one rolled a 3 and the placement of it made me "that guy forever and ever"

    I placed it on top of a large Tower, just close enough to fit the Bastiladon on top of it, more than 9 Inch away but in full range of his Hellcannons

    In the Movement Phase i Went with my Big Blobs of Skinks to the Objectives in the Middle, Engine and Slann Walked forward a bit, Razordons secured the flank of my upper Skink Blob (Facing the 3 Manticores)

    Shooting from my "lower Bastiladon" put 2 Wounds ( which made it 6 because of the Chaos Deamon Keyword) on the first Hellcannon, the "upper Bastiladon" killed the crew of the other, making it useless for the rest of the game

    I got the 2 middle objectives and the one in my deployment zone so some nice points for me

    His first turn began with a lot of swearing about the Bastiladon on the tower but as the tower was not unpassable everything was fine, rule wise, in fact he said if he had thought of this he would have planted both Hellcannons on it too

    Still he was confident to win the game, as he got a lot of nasty things here

    He moved the horrors closer to my skinks, same with the Stormfiends and Manticores
    Shooting starts and the hellcannon with the crew shoot on my Slann, which was just half an inch in range (mistake made from me, should have stayed back) and got 5 mortal wounds on him. The other Hellcannon couldn't shoot as there was no crew left and it had to move 2D6 Inches to the closest enemy unit, which was the Bastiladon on my tower

    The stormfiends on the other hand put something like 16 mortal wounds on my "lower bastiladon", killing it just play from the table

    That was very hard for me as i really underestimated them, just plain roll X Dice Put X mortal wounds one the target in 8"

    So put also some wounds on Skinks with shooting from the horrors but nothing serious

    Charging Phase let him Charge with Horrors and 2 of the Manticores into my Skinks, one of the Manticores landed within 3 inch of my Razordons which killed him with an incredible lucky shot.

    A few more dead Skinks in the combat phase, nothing serious, , the larger blob vary fightert out of it and we rolled for initiative, which i won

    So my second turn startet with teleporting the Astrolith Bearer closer in Range to cover both Skink units, Engine and Slann moving a bit forward. Put an Arcane Bolt on one of the Manticores, and D6 MW from the Engine on the Same one

    Shooting Phase let the Razordons kill the damaged manticore, Skinks shot the other down to 5 Wounds, lower Skinks killed one of the Stormfiends, Bastiladon on tower killed 2 of the crew of the remaining Hellcannon (just rolled one wound :( )

    Combat phase was some dead Horrors and dead Skinks (like 2 on each side, pillow fight yay)

    I hold again 3 objectives which put me far away in victory points as i denied the points in his round, thanks to my skink units beeing more than 20 models

    His second turn was very fast, the Hellcannon with 1 crew failed its roll to cage fury and it needed to move to my bastiladon, the other one moved even more up the tower and was in charging range on the bastiladon

    Stormfiends exploded into my lower skink blob killing like 10 of them

    nothing more serious, he still couldn't get objectives

    Initiaive roll again, no double turn for him and my 3rd turn started

    The top Skinks where able to kill the last manticore, razordons and engine dropped the stormfiend down to 1, bastiladon killed the crew of the other hellcannon, skinks killed the last stormfiend on close combat, pillow fight between horrors and skinks continued, again 3 objectives for me

    His 3rd turn was where the game almost was over, he walked with his warlock closer to the middle, trying to finish my lower skinks with magic which my slann denied him to

    some pillow fights between Horrors and Skinks (seriously, those guys should never fight against each other, both his hellcannons put just 1 wound on my upper Bastiladon

    Roll for iniative, again no double turn for him, i teleported my basti back in the middle of the field, erasing the lower unit of his horrors, securing me again 3 objectives and thats where he said

    "fine, you win this time, you got so many objectives even if i table you now, you still would win" resulting in a huge laughter in our store, as i just lost a bastiladon and he had almost nothing left

    I was able to take some pictures in the first round but then he was too salty to continue afterwards

    Resume, watch out for ranges on the deadly things like the Stormfiends, always double check ranges when i think my slann could get killed in one shot (was very lucky, not sure if his artifact could have saved him as it never worked beforde) and i really need to remember the prysm of amyntoc, never remembered it, making it useless

    Beeing "that guy" was not really funny, not even against this opponent, still was just a friendly game and it was nice to wipe the grinning of his phase

    Attached Files:

  2. Crowsfoot

    Crowsfoot Guardian of Paints Staff Member

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    Nice report and good win, your picture won't load?
  3. Flo

    Flo Well-Known Member

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    Just the ones at the end as attachements im afraid
  4. Lezlor
    Cold One

    Lezlor Active Member

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    Nice one. Got to be that guy once in a while. I regularly face stormfiends, they’re er...not shy!
  5. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    Congrats on your win - great to see you wiped the smile off his face. Forgive me for using bad language but from what you've said of your opponent he sounds like the biggest b@stard ever to play Warhammer. Even a Dark Eldar player at my University who keeps bragging that Tyranids are an instant win for him isn't as much of a b@stard as that goon seems to be.

    Also the monsters he was fielding were Chimeras, not Manticores. Manticores only have one head.
  6. Flo

    Flo Well-Known Member

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    Thanks, he is not so much bragging anymore just mumbling about a revenge

    The Chimera/Manticore thing was my bad didn't remember the name of those beasts as they did nearly nothing :)
  7. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    If you keep playing the way you did he'll never get chance! ;)

    Love it when people like that get hammered - gives them a taste of their own medicine, I say.
    Flo likes this.
  8. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    Good report and good game.
    That list your opponent played... well, yeah, that's a cheese list. But far from unbeatable if you do it right, which you did. :)
    Flo likes this.

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