KoW French salamandre 2000

Discussion in 'Salamanders Army Lists' started by Dragon rouge 24, Jun 19, 2018.

  1. Dragon rouge 24
    Jungle Swarm

    Dragon rouge 24 New Member

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    JOUEUR : Dragon rouge 24

    Infanterie1 : Régiment Anciens(170),Armes à 2 mains(0), Force dévastatrice (2)(0) [170]
    Infanterie2 : Troupe Chasseurs ghekkotahs(100),Arcs(20) [120]
    Infanterie3 : Troupe Chasseurs ghekkotahs(100),Arcs(20) [120]
    Infanterie4 : Troupe Chasseurs ghekkotahs(100),Arcs(20) [120]
    Infanterie5 : Régiment Garde cérémonielle(160),Armes à 2 mains(0), Force dévastatrice (2)(0), Bière Naine(10) [170]
    Infanterie6 : Horde Guerriers ghekkotahs(165),Amulette d'épines d'Orcsbain(35) [200]
    Infanterie7 : Horde Guerriers salamandres(230),Armes à 2 mains(0), Force dévastatrice (2)(0), Potion de force(30) [260]
    Monstres1 : Lekelidon(95) [95]
    Héros1 : Prêtre-mage(90),Mélopée du fléau (2)(15), Soin (3)(15), Talisman de Motivation(20) [140]
    Héros2 : Seigneur céleste ghekkotah(130),Lame du tueur de bêtes(20) [150]
    Héros3 : Seigneur de clan(140) [140]
    Héros4 : Seigneur de Clan sur drake de feu(235),Drake de Feu Ailé(45), La Brume(35) [315]
    TOTAL ARMEE [2000]
  2. Rapax

    Rapax Member

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    What is the purpose of this thread? Do you want a review of this?

    Not trying to shoot you down, but most of the choices you have made are among the worst in the Salamander list (and, by extension, in the game).

    Ghekkotah Hunters - wouldn't touch them with a ten foot pole.
    Ancients - would be nice if they could be taken in hordes, but since they can't, a no for me.
    Ceremonial Guard - absolutely not. And, by the way, you can't put two-handed weapons on them. Not that you would want to, but still.
    Ghekkotah Warriors - they are ok as chaff, but I would never take them in a horde. And if I did, I would absolutely not give them an expensive item.
    Salamander Primes - great unit. But don't give them two-handed weapons. Especially since you have given them Brew of Strength.
    Clan Lord on Foot - a waste of 140 points. Take a Herald instead.
  3. classicflava
    Cold One

    classicflava Active Member

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    ;i have had a good amount of success with ancient regiments. 12 attacks on 3's is almost as good as 18 on 4's. I've never tried ceremonial guard so cant comment on those. Ghekko hunters are not worth their points imo.
  4. Rapax

    Rapax Member

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    Compare a regiment of Ancients to a horde of Fire Elementals. They perform similar roles and have similar stats. As you say, 12 attacks hitting on 3+ is almost as good as 18 attacks hitting on 4+. Almost, but not quite.

    But then there is Pathfinder, Shambling, a smaller footprint, an extra point of Crushing strength and an extra point of movement. And you get all that for 30 points! That's an upgrade I would take every day of the week. I don't reject Ancient because they are bad by themselves, it's just that Fire Elementals are so much better that there is no reason to ever consider Ancients.
    Itepixcauh likes this.
  5. Itepixcauh

    Itepixcauh Stranded Ghekkotah Staff Member

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    I do agree, having Fire Elementals on the list, makes Ancients completely pointless

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