Contest Impress me - Competition

Discussion in 'Painting and Converting' started by Deed525, Jul 25, 2018.

  1. Deed525

    Deed525 Well-Known Member

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    Hi all,

    Some of you may have already guessed, but for those who don’t know...I am a complete green stuff nut.
    By that I mean I spend about 90% of my free time making models or adapting ready made ones with the green stuff - it’s fun and by practising all the time my skills are increasing greatly.

    That being said, I need inspiration so fuel my addiction and after looking through hundreds of amazing threads on here - I can see there is a lot of skill floating around.

    So...basically I wanted to call a gathering of fellow green stuff enthusiasts.
    And rather than demand that anyone interested simply just make stuff for my entertainment, I thought i’d make it a bit more fun (by introducing a prize)

    So here are the rules;

    1. To create something new from existing Seraphon/Lizardmen model(s)
    (I want to see something usable in game but more extravagant than the existing models - as we have a lot of old (and lame looking) models, there are plenty of options.

    2. The model can be a kit bash but must include atleast obvious green stuff adaptions (I want the models looking completely different from the original) it/they can also be a complete scratch build.

    3. There must be at least one complete miniature but the options are open for an entire unit - if you have the patience and skills.

    4. The deadline will be a month from now (say the 1st of September) to give some room for planning
    -results will be done via a poll

    5. Keep your model designs a secret (save pics for judgement)

    6. Models do not have to be painted but must be a finished green stuff product (painted models are however very much welcome)
    But entrants must send pics of progress and completion unpainted (so we can see what has been adapted and how well)

    -I will enter to get people’s artistic juices flowing (but will keep myself out of the podium positions)

    -First prize will be a green stuff heavy saurus oldblood/sunblood/scar vet on foot (a choice of weapons/accessories and style chosen by the winner)

    Potential ideas just to help get motivated;

    -Slaan new body/plinth (casting spells)
    -New ripper/terror designs
    -Chameleon skinks blending into scenery
    -Overhaul on kroxigors
    -Skink priest - feathers/wings/flying - calling the two headed snake god
    -Saurus hero mounted on a new beast or on foot
    -Salamanders/Razor new bodies
    -Engine of the gods remake (maybe on an actual stegodon rather than clearly a triceratops ;D)

    (Basically anything goes as long as it could be fielded in a seraphon army)

    I’ll wait two full weeks from today to receive people’s additions (and to ensure people actually want to get involved) I’m looking for atleast 5 applicants.

    I’m hopeful people will be interested, post here for anything regarding the challenge and good luck!

    (I am aware that I didn’t actually ask for permission etc to do this, it’s mostly just for fun, but if I’ve trodden on anyone’s toes, please do let me know)
    Crowsfoot likes this.
  2. Crowsfoot

    Crowsfoot Guardian of Paints Staff Member

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    No toes trodden on but a month may be an unrealistic time frame, most people will be having a holiday over the next month or so, you may also want to tier the comp as we have some very talented sculptors and that may put beginners off.
  3. Deed525

    Deed525 Well-Known Member

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    Thank you for the feedback :)

    Very true - ok so for now I will hold off on a ‘time-frame’ - to be confirmed if/when the target amount of applicants has been reached.

    I like the idea of tiers - it never occurred to me that beginners may not want to try.

    So for this we can have two groups:

    Group1 - self proclaimed professionals

    Group2 - beginners, self proclaimed ‘need more practisers’

    ‘Note to all’ - never be embarrassed or feel unworthy when posting pics of painted/adapted models,
    Praise and criticisms both are effective at aiding development - no one will ever troll you here, I certainly would only ever encourage anyone trying to give something new a go - we are all ‘good at’ or ‘bad at’ something that someone else is better at, this is as much a learning experience as it is a skill based one (throughout, advice and help will be given to any who need support - be it in what to create, how to achieve it or simply moral support)

    Remember it’s for fun, the prize is for encouragement (and my own enjoyment) :)
    Crowsfoot likes this.

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