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The looming excitement that might be TW warhammer II

Discussion in 'General Hobby/Tabletop Chat' started by The Sauric Ace, Mar 9, 2017.

  1. Canas

    Canas Ninth Spawning

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    mwha, low end computers aren't too expensive, and will manage. Given that you are collecting a miniature game by GW you should have the funds.. provided you can manage to not buy a models for a month or two :p
    Papalugy likes this.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    I haven't paid for full price GW miniatures in probably over a decade. I've always found a deal here or there. As for buying models, I pretty much have all that I need. AoS has helped to massively lower my hobby expenditures.

    As for a computer, I don't want to be playing the game in minimum settings. I don't spend money easily. :shy:
  3. Lord-Marcus

    Lord-Marcus Sixth Spawning

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    You and me both, brother.
    NIGHTBRINGER likes this.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    I'd love to be able to play that TK DLC.

    I'm eagerly awaiting for the specs/requirements of the 3rd game to be released so that I know what level (for a lack of a better term) of computer I need.
  5. Lord-Marcus

    Lord-Marcus Sixth Spawning

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  6. Papalugy

    Papalugy Well-Known Member

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    This needs to go on the meme thread.

    Also if the Asrai are hippies then why are the Asur high?
  7. Lord-Marcus

    Lord-Marcus Sixth Spawning

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    i mean normally yes, however lizard trinkets and the vampire coast go hand in hand.
    ChapterAquila92 likes this.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    Speaking of which, when do you guys think the system requirements for the 3rd installment of the game will become available?
  9. Paradoxical Pacifism
    Skink Chief

    Paradoxical Pacifism Well-Known Member

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    Probably similar to the second game (perhaps a bit bigger since they want to include all of the armies that had army books in 8th edition on a single map).

    So on a related note, they will probably stick with the same engine, since it'll be nonsensical to start all over again with a new engine, and remodel everything they already did.
    Papalugy and NIGHTBRINGER like this.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    Does that mean that the graphics card requirement will be the same as for the second game?
  11. Canas

    Canas Ninth Spawning

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    It'l be whatever is the succesor to whatever it was for 2. It won't change extremely much unless 3 only appears in 2-3 years (which would be way behind scedule). Basicly as long as you can play 2 at slightly better than recommended you'l be able to play 3 at recommended.
  12. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    My campaign is running pretty decently, except that the High Elves will soon start the last ritual and I only finished two. :D

    But I have a few questions for y'all:
    1. Right now I am using Saurus Warriors with swords and shields, and they work well against Skaven. But I have to fight a lot of Elves soon. Should I replace them with Saurus Warriors with shields and spears because they are probably better against Cavalry and Monsters?
    2. Provided I have enough money, is it worth it to replace all the Saurus Warriors with Saurus Guard? They seem to combine all the advantages of the other two Saurus and never rage. Are they worth it?
    3. Right now Chameleon Skinks work very well for me, I replaced almost all Skinks with them. But I fear they will suck against the armored Elves. Any thoughts on that? Up until now I have rarely fought Elves without massive advantage in numbers (Two full stacks together beat almost everything) so I don't know.
    4. Is a Bastiladon with Solar Engine worth it? That unit is damn expensive and based on what I see from other artillery (like the Skaven's) I fear they might not be very effective, and also I will miss the monsters on the front line, I use my feral Steggies and Bastis as line breakers right now.
    5. Is a feral Carnosaur SO much better than a Steggie or Basti? It is WAY more expensive it seems.
    6. Is there a disadvantage in letting my Skink Chief on Stegadon or Skink Priest on Stegadon go into melee? They seem to avoid it although they are sitting on a huge dinosaur. I thought I would have a big monster _and_ a Priest in one slot now, but I have my doubts now. Did I give it wrong orders?
    7. Related to #6: My Skinks seem to avoid combat like the plague although they have spent all their ammo. I'd like them to do something at least. Or are they _that_ bad in melee that I shouldn't even bother? Even if they attack from the back as a hammer to my Saurus Warriors' anvil?
    8. Are Slann commanders worth it? Right now I use Scar-Veterans as commanders (because they get a Carnosaur) and Skink (heavens) as wizards. Can a Slann do the same cool tricks a Skink Priest can, and how is he in melee?

    Thanks in advance!
    Paradoxical Pacifism likes this.
  13. Canas

    Canas Ninth Spawning

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    1) In general in TW use a mix of spear and sword/club/axe units. High tier enemies will Always have heavy infantry to break through and your average spear unit simply isn't going to manage. Similarly there'l Always be heavy cavalry or in this case monsters that your clubs won't manage with.
    2) Yes you should provided you have the economy for it. They have anti large like the spears, and they'l have armor piercing to deal with heavy infantry.
    3) All skinks are indeed rather mediocre against armored units. They have however 1 massive advantage, they have poison attacks. That debuff can make a large difference. However, in end game battles dont expect your skinks to actually kill anything. Personally I don't use them much at this point as just throwing another unit of guard at the enemy tends to be just as if not more effective. Also chameleons aren't necesarly better than regular skinks, they don't have shields and are considerably worse in melee if they ever get caught.
    4) View the solar engine as a regular bastiladon with a laser strapped to his back to shoot at people while you wait for them to close in. Not as a piece of artillery. Also if I remember correctly it has an aura of some sort.
    5) The carnosaurs are faster and have better damage, there defense is worse though. Also I think they might be better at breaking morale than stegadons and bastiladons. I mostly just use them as mounts for saurus though, not as feral ones.
    6) Default order for mounted stegadons is ranged, use alt+right click to send em into melee (works for all ranged troops). No idea why the ranged attack is prefered.
    7) Again alt+ right click. Also if skirmish mode is turned on (which is the default) they'l try to keep their distance, though that should turn off when they run out of ammo. Skink cohorts will be able to fight of most other skirmishers in melee, but basicly any dedicated melee troop will beat em in a fair fight. It's fine for flanking, just don't expect em to be a hammer, more like a small poke in the back :p
    8) Yeah, he's decent. Knows the same spells for the specific lore he's for but is better at it (more winds of magic, less misscasts etc). Fairly terrible for a lord in melee till he gets his stegadon though.
  14. Papalugy

    Papalugy Well-Known Member

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    1. Spears are best on the flanks as cav will generally never attack the center of your formation. Your Saurus Oldbloods and Scar Vets on Carnosaurs or Cold One Spear Riders should be you counter to Dragons and Phoenix as Spears are to slow and will have trouble penetrating your own formation.
    2. Yes, except with Kroq Gar as he provides a massive upkeep reduction to regular Saurus. Instead prioritize his army for Sacred Spawnings.
    3. Chameleons and Cohorts with Javelins are very useful with their poison and will be able to beat basic archers in melee. If you are afraid of cav then keep them near your spears so they can flee behind them for protection.
    4. If you want artillery I find that Stegs with bows are better as they have more range, AP, accuracy, and poison. But it is a straight upgrade to the feral variant as it does have range and doesn't rampage.
    5. Feral Carnosaurs suck don't get them, this doesn't apply to the Sacred Spawning variant totally get that.
    6. Its situational as to which mode is better, but they will be defaulted to range attack. At the bottom under your army panel you can toggle it on an off.
    7. You have skirmish mode on although it should automatically turn off when they run out of ammo. Rear charges give a hefty leadership penalty to the attacked unit so that is worth it, also Chameleons have poison melee which will massively help your Saurus.
    8. Slann are worth it. They have a mix of spells from Heavens, Light, and High magic plus a bound Banishment. Slann aren't super fantastic in melee but they are still lords, they do have magic attacks incase you have to deal with any pesky ethereal units. I always put a Scar Vet in their armies to provide some mobile muscle and leadership. Also only Mazdamundi gets a Steg, but regular Slann get better spells overall.
    Aginor and Paradoxical Pacifism like this.
  15. Paradoxical Pacifism
    Skink Chief

    Paradoxical Pacifism Well-Known Member

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    I've been putting Kroxigors behind the Saurus warriors, and it has worked perfectly so far.

    Plus they're pretty cheap as well.
    Aginor and Papalugy like this.
  16. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    Thank you all, very helpful!
  17. Lord-Marcus

    Lord-Marcus Sixth Spawning

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    YouTubers have early acces

    Monsters around has started a clylostra campaign.

    Lionheart is playing noctilus

    Indypride playing lokhir.
    Captaniser likes this.
  18. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    I finished the Vortex campaign last night!

    It was... interesting.

    In turn 160 or so I noticed that while I had already confederated with all the Lizardmen and had the Skaven under control (I was allied with the Tomb Kings factions) both Elven factions were far ahead of me.
    I had finished my second ritual and they were already doing their fourth.
    I also noticed that they were gaining resources more quickly than I did.

    But I had a plan. I triggered the next ritual, and with that started a lot of turns of constant war and a few very close calls.
    I also realized that the Elves would still beat me so I decided to do something radical:
    I went to the High Elven island with three full stacks of units, including Kroq-Gar.
    So while I was busy defending my ritual sites I noticed that Lothern had the same problem I had: they were spread awfully thin, they didn't have a lot of armies in their homelands, just like me. But the difference to my empire was: most of their settlements actually didn't have walls!
    So I basically captured all their ritual sites. In turn 180 I disrupted their last ritual.
    And by that I also gained a lot of income and ritual resources, enabling me to start my last ritual in turn 184.

    The problem was: in turn 182 Naggarond started their last ritual.
    So while I was fighting numerous Chaos stacks and those intervention armies I sent my own intervention and two stacks of Lizardmen toward Naggarond.
    I actually managed to destroy one of their ritual sites, but by turn 195 they smashed both of my armies and took it back.
    The Chaos stacks and intervention armies meanwhile destroyed my capital, and I had big problems getting it back. Turn 198 I made it though.

    I sent another intervention to Naggarond, hoping to catch them off guard, and it almost worked. Almost. They finished their last ritual in turn 202.

    I prepared to fight Malekith in the intervention battle, but I wasn't happy about it, I know I am not that good in the game and win most battles just because I bring more troops.
    But then I noticed: I had five turns to do that!
    I quickly checked my ritual: two turns to go!

    I played the two turns and sent Kroq-gar to the final battle, which I won!

    Yay! :)
  19. Paradoxical Pacifism
    Skink Chief

    Paradoxical Pacifism Well-Known Member

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    Just reached turn 200 in my Gor-Rok campaign, and i'm getting 21k gold per turn!

    Pretty sure it's no big deal, but oh wel
    Canas and Lord-Marcus like this.
  20. Lord-Marcus

    Lord-Marcus Sixth Spawning

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    Gor rok?
    Paradoxical Pacifism likes this.

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