40k Army Brainstorming

Discussion in 'General Hobby/Tabletop Chat' started by little-myth, Dec 13, 2018.

  1. little-myth

    little-myth Well-Known Member

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    Couldn't think of a better title, currently in the process of making a new homebrewed army, how I have my AoS ones I thought of making a 40k one. How my local GW supports conversions and kitbashes (with GW parts of course)
    The plan is going Xenos, how I have plenty of parts that give off the vibe. Did have thoughts of building them as the more elite types also, saves with building so many miniatures but even some existing armies have that one or two units.
    I think one main interest I would like is makeshift weapons, similar to the Skaven, maybe they have their own ways of making their weapons and strange ammunition, maybe strong but unreliable at times.
    Then it's mostly settling on what they will look like and everything. Hard to lean away from those reptilian appearances but it's a problem when you have so many spares.
    I can imagine this race being a wilderness surviving one, making use of what's around them.
  2. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    Sounds a bit like Orcs to me.
    Especially the part with the unreliable makeshift weapons and living off what they can find.
  3. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    Here i was, thinking about something heavy psiker, with almost no tools or weapons...

    kinda like D&D mind flayers / aboleths
  4. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    OK, let's ponder about this and give the army something that reflects a race accustomed to prosper with few tech..

    give them poor armor: 5+ or 6+
    BUT, to compensate for it, you could try these as abilities for the whole army:

    "Forged by the wild" - the need to survive in hostile enviroment has forged a race with a high degree of resistance to harm. FNP 6+

    "Blending with shadows" - being accustomed with camouflage and ambushes, units in cover gain +2 to save, instead of the usual +1

    For stratagems, you can also use something that duplicates the Wulfen ability to enter from a side of the battlefield. "Out of nowhere", a deep strike without a teleport beacon.
  5. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    This is all very interesting. I’ve been making up some rules for my take on the Hrud, for use in 6th Edition with a 7th Ed style codex because I can find a lot of pics of miniatures but very few on artwork.

    Just wondering, which Edition are you intending to use this army for? If it’s 8th I may one of less help to you here because I positively loathe 8th, but the rules that @Killer Angel has already provided could be used in essentially any Edition so that’s good.

    The first thing you really need to consider is what’s their main strategy in warfare? Are they predominantly melee specialists like Tyranids and Orks, shooting specialists like Tau and Imperial Guard, full of individual specialist units like Eldar and Dark Eldar or jacks of all trades like Space Marines? Certainly from the sound of your army you could use the Gets Hot rule quite often here, to represent their weapons having a degree of reliability issues.

    Also, how does your race feel towards all the others? How would they fit in the allies matrix?
    little-myth likes this.
  6. little-myth

    little-myth Well-Known Member

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    I had this feeling that it would feel like Orks, after I wrote this I had the thought running through my head.

    Would be interesting making a more 'no guns' army for 40k

    Will reply to the others later on, having a monitor problem and my eyes are straining trying to read and reply properly
  7. little-myth

    little-myth Well-Known Member

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    This is all very interesting stuff!

    Makes me wonder if I should take my previous Destruction homebrew army and use them for this instead, how I haven't been touching on them and updating. They seem more fitting and all, could do both. How there is a few wizards in there, would make a nice poor armour army with Psykers

    Plans on using the 8th edition, it means I can play-test them in-store like I was able back when I was test-running Ataxa the Saurus.
    I would also plan on a more Melee-based army but need to take into consideration about their survivability, but that's what testing is all about. Would be needing to do some research for the other Xeno races, I feel closest would be something Tau or Eldar but needing the research first before that can be confirmed.

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