KoW KoM vs Brotherhood [PILLAGE - 2000 Points]

Discussion in 'Battle Reports' started by Itepixcauh, Dec 19, 2018.

  1. Itepixcauh

    Itepixcauh Stranded Ghekkotah Staff Member

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    I bid thee welcome!

    A new Bretonn.... I mean Brotherhood (ups) battle report is uploaded! Rejoice in the magnificence that is gaming with OOP miniatures!

    Second game our our local league, will the Brotherhood keep their winning streak? There is only a way to know.

    Scenario this month is Pillage, my opponent is the best KoM player I've ever faced and the nicest guy in existence. A challenge as always and a VERY strong list on his side:

    - Horde of Footguard with Strength
    - Horde of Heavy Pike Block with Courage
    - Horde of Militia
    - Horde of Chariots with Nimble
    - Regiment of Archers with Keen-Eyeness
    - Regiment of Knights
    - Regiment of Knights
    - Regiment of Knights with Haste
    - Mounted Hero
    - Mounted Hero with Kelvinar's Flying Hammer
    - ASB with Banner of the Griffin
    - ASB Mounted with Lute
    - Mounted Wizard with Lightning Bolt, Bane-Chant and Inspiring Talisman

    So a HUGE amount of US and massive speed and hitting power with lots of pesky individuals. VERY good list.

    My list for this game is as follows:

    - Horde of Spearmen with Strength
    - Horde of Bowmen with Jar
    - Horde of Martyrs
    - Regiment of Abyssal-Hunt
    - Regiment of Initiates
    - Troop of Reconnoiterers
    - Swain's Villein Rangers
    - Siege Artillery
    - Siege Artillery
    - Kev the Naughty Dragon (Forsaken Beast with Ensnare and Breath)
    - Devoted with Heal (4) and Inspiring
    - Devoted with Martyr's Prayer
    - Mounted Adjutant with Lute
    - Mounted Exemplar of the Brotherhood

    We rolled and got 5 objectives, I placed one in a forest and he did the same so that saved me a drop as I wanted one in each forest to get Swains an objective, then placed my other two in both deployment zones so I could capture another with my Bowmen, he placed his in the middle. I chose side and picked the one with more objectives in it.



    He deployed masterfully, all his knights are behing hills to my artillery, so i won't be able to fire at them as I wanted, and his infantry is layered so my only objective is the Militia too. Brilliant deployment on his part.

    I decided to deploy my Cavalry on the left to hold that flank as long as posible, and use Kev to hold the other flank using the terrain to his advantage and his breath to kill his pesky mounted hero. We went all in with our infantry in the middle, I placed my Bowmen on one objective and Swain behind the forest containing the other.

    My vanguard move is easy, just move Swain into the forest and onto the objective. We rolled for First turn and I WIN IT!! Oh yeah, I was hoping for that, I took it of course.

    TURN 1

    Simple turn, I move my Infantry forwards and my Cavalry as well, I leave the Chariots outside charge Range but the Knights in with my Reconnoiterers to see if I can bait him or make him move backwards. My Exemplar moves behind the house to jump into his lines if possible next turn.

    Shooting goes very well, I shoot both Trebuchets into the Chariots (height 3 is a problem sometimes) hit with one of them, I roll a SIX!! and roll three ONES to wound... still 5 wounds is a good result. The rest of my shooting can only target the Militia thanks to his brilliant deployment so I took it, wounding on ones is great and the Horde takes 8 wounds in total, I think again i rolled like 3 or 4 ones there. Nothing gets Wavered sadly.


    His turn is EXTREMELY aggressive in the middle, his pushes very hard with all his Hordes to put preassure into Swain and try to take the middle as fast as possible, he left the Footguard into charge range of the Martyrs on purpose.

    On the left he was cautious, my plan worked as intended, he backed up the Knights and moved the Chariots to the side. He proceeds to shoot EVERYTHING into the poor Reconnoiterers and kill them with ease.



    I start with the centre, I have a charge into the footguard and I take it. Doubt I'm winning that grind even with Heal but I need to buy time and keep that Horde pinned in place for as long as possible. The rest of my centre keeps still, as Im actually winning so I can wait for him to make a move.

    On the right I move Kev into a position where his Knights would take a Hindered charge and still can breath his Hero (hopefully into the grave)

    The left flank is not as good as I've hoped, without my Reconnoiterers I cannot advance safely and as I'm holding an objective there I once again keep still but move my Exemplar into striking position, he will perform the function of the Reconnoiterers next turn if he survives.

    On the shooting phase I've blocked my Siege Artillerys line of sight so the won't be firing this turn, but both the Bowmen and Swain's shoot into the Militia again, deleting them and keeping the pressure off. Now the Pikemen are finally a target.

    Kev performs brilliantly, doing a couple of wounds in to the Hero and wavering him. GREAT JOB.

    The combat goes as expected, being hindered and against defence 5 there is not much I can do, three wounds go through but nothing else.


    KOM TURN 2

    Loosing that Horde of Militia without even getting into combat has hurt him, so he finally decides to commit the third Regiment if Knights to the centre, again he pushes forward but stays away from the charge range of my Spearmen.

    The Knights on the right charge Hindered against Kev, and on the right the second Mounted Hero charges my Exemplar trying to pin him or better still kill him. The Chariots move to support the centre as well.

    On his shooting phase he targets the Spearmen with everything doing some damage but not Wavering the unit luckily.

    Now we move into combat, the Knights behind Hindered AND Ensnared can't kill Kev, or waver him, can't remember how many wounds were made but not many.

    Oh boy those Footguard are PISSED, don't know why, but boy they are on a bad mood. Thanks to a Bane-Chant they manage to deal 11 wounds into the poor Martyrs, ouch! Thankfully they hold as does my Exemplar on the left.



    Last turn went really well for me, I'm in a very good position and I plan to take advantage of it. I take my Exemplar into his Knights on the far left to chaff them and move my Initiates into striking position behind. Then I charge his Hero with my Abyssal-Hunt. Not having to worry about the Chariots has changed the face of that flank dramatically.

    On the center I counter-charge the Footguard and leave the rest static, again I'm technically winning so I choose to play conservatively.

    I counter-charge the Knights on the right.

    On my shooting I unleash my Healing power, reducing the Martyrs wound to just 3, thanks to a very good Regeneration roll and heal the Spearmen too.

    My Trebuchets unleash their Fury again, the one targeting the Chariots miss but the other shooting the Knights behind the Pikes hits doing 5 wounds, the rest shoots the Pikes doing a very respectable 8 wounds in total. Another turn of shooting and they are dead.

    Grinding keeps on, with more wounds piling but nothing interesting. The Exemplar does one wound on the Knights stripping the TC but he is likely dead anyway, my Abyssal-Hunt obliterates the poor Hero that dies turned into a very fine pulp.


    KOM TURN 3

    I don't have a handy picture of this turn as the game started to get interesting, but a cool graphic should be enough.

    He countercharges the Forsaken Beast, hoping to kill it this turn, while the last hero moves to shut down my Bowmen next turn. On the centre I going to be honest with you I didn't saw this, the Pikes charge the Martyrs on the flank, that caught me completely by surprise. Have I seen it I could have moved my Rangers to block that charge but I wouldn't have done it either way as that would have meant a double charge into the Rangers and I would rather have them alive than the Martyrs.

    The Knights behind the Pikes now have a clear charge into the Rangers and take it, while the other Knights charge the Exemplar.

    His shooting is sparse as usual, Chariots and Wizard go for the Abyssal-Hunt and the Archers into the Spearmen again. Some wounds are made but neither unit gets wavered. Some Bane-Chant is supplied on the Footguard if I remember correctly.

    This turn of combats is crucial to me, if he rolls well I will probably loose the game. Cross my fingers and we get into it. The Knigts on the right do quite well even being Ensnared but wounding on 5s is not nice and a low Nerve roll means my Forsaken Beast is alive for another turn, not even wavered!

    The other flank has my hero smashed as predicted and we move into the juicy centre, he decides to roll for the Rangers first, he is quite confident but they are a very tough nut to crack with that massive Nerve and a hindered charge, and they survive, leaving the Knights in a very bad situation. The combination of the Footguard and Pikes is too much for the poor Martyrs and they die, the Pikes turn 180 degrees to face the centre and the Footguard stays where they are.

  2. Itepixcauh

    Itepixcauh Stranded Ghekkotah Staff Member

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    Last turn went well for me, everything is where I want it so it's time to hit hard.

    I charge the Initiates into his Knights on the left, the Abyssal-hunt into the Chariots, Kev counter-charges the Knights again (will probably be his last combat as I doubt at this point he will survive another round) and the Spearmen flank charge the Knights in the center (that's going to hurt I hope xD).

    I could charge the Rangers into the Knights as well but I decide to back them up as togrinding re for the incoming threats from the right.

    In the shooting phase I decide to unleash everything into those pesky Pikes. One of my Trebuchets hit and with the Bowmen they get the Pikes to a good 13 damage. I fail to waver by just one point thanks to his Griffin Banner.

    I manage to Bane-Chant the Initiates successfully and Heal the Spears and Rangers with as much as I can.

    The combat phase is on and I roll for Kev first, he gets the Knights to 7 total wounds, I roll for Nerve and get a 10!, the ASB is nearby and have to roll again, ANOTHER 10!! The Knights are dead, KEV IS A SUPERSTAR !!


    Look at him Viciously annihilating those proud Knights!

    We move into the centre and my Spearmen get the already wounded Knights killed. Not bad so far! On the left the Abyssal-hunt, once again, get some tremendous rolling and the Chariots get destroyed and turn to look at the rear of those Archers in the forest. My Initiates do well but that unit is fresh and they only manage to waver it, I'm not complaining or anything. NOT BAD!

    This turn is massive, I've cleared most of his Army and I still have two turns to get back into the objective game.


    KOM TURN 4

    He need to delete my centre to have a chance of winning, so he charges his Hero into my Bowmen to shut them down, his Pikes into my Spearmen and the Footguard charge the Martyr's Prayer Devoted, luckily as they centre themselves with her the corner of the Horde gets behind the Pikes and at least they won't be able to overrun into the Rangers.

    His Archers that decided they rather try to kill something else instead of facing their imminent doom try to shoot the other Devoted but fail to hit her.

    The only Regiment of Knights left passes his Headstrong test and counter-charge the Initiates, doing some damage but nothing else. My centre holds strong, the Pikes pack a punch but being hindered hurts them, my poor Devoted is not so lucky and she dies.



    Having held the centre is very important, his Pikes are heavy wounded and I'm confident to kill them.

    The poor Archers get rear charged by the Abyssal-hunt and the Initiates keeps grinding. My Bowmen counter-charge the Hero hoping to kill him as he is wounded already.

    Both my Artillery and the Rangers target the Footguard and take them to ten wounds but is still not enough to kill them.

    The real heroes of my army, my trusty Spearmen kill the Pikes with ease, and the brave Initiates, those humble Knights wannabes get Bane-Chanted again and kill the Knights, turning to face the objective on my side of the board.

    The amazing Bowmen manage to kill the Hero and I take advantage of the free turn to face the centre a bit more. The Abyssal-hunt keep being brutal and kill the Archers, advancing into the Forest.


    KOM TURN 5

    As the game is, he cannot win, only has one scoring unit and I can take three objectives with ease. He knows it of course but he never gives up and will try to kill as much as possible.

    His Footguard charges my Spearmen, and his Wizard tries to block my Abyssal-Hunt from the objective.

    Again my beloved Spearmen hold strong and he backs up.


    TURN 6

    I advance my Initiates to the objective, charge the Abyssal-hunt into the Wizard and multi charge the Footguard with both the Spearmen and the Rangers on the flank.

    The Wizard dies with ease and my cavalry takes the other objective. In the centre the stubborn Footguard refuse to die but they get wavered and that seals the game.

    On his turn he tries to do a wound with his ASB into my Spearmen but fails. We look at the clock (I genuinely haven't even looked at my time) and WOW! He has 40 seconds left and I have THREE, not minutes, THREE SECONDS! There is no reason to roll for turn 7 as we don't have time to roll any combats but we still do for the sakes of it and don't get it.

    I control 4 objectives and he has none.




    Probably this has been one of the smoothest games I've had with the Brotherhood ever. It was still tense and very challenging but everything I tried worked and for once MY ARTILLERY HIT SOMETHING!! What a feeling!! Three hits in total that soften up key units that I could kill later on with ease.

    I felt my shooting was EXTREMELY powerful, everything that got into my units was wounded and fell shortly after. I'm at a point where I truly love the list as it is and didn't took me almost a full year as it did with Salamanders. Love the Brotherhood.

    I'm tempted to change the Bowmen (although Great) for another Forsaken Beast with Breath and Ensnare to get a more compact and mobile force. Apart from that Heal (4) makes the Devoted extremely inefficient points wise, I could use an Adjutant on foot with the Healing Charm and save some points but Heal (3) is just not that same, that extra point can be live saving, I wish I could afford the Shroud of the Saint but there aren't enough points if I want to keep my Bowmen with the Jar, and I do want that.

    We will see what the future holds for the Brotherhood.

    Fair thee well and thanks for reading!

    Last edited: Dec 20, 2018
  3. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    Great reports, both of them - sorry I haven't been replying to them of late, I've been very busy with work aplenty to do. Great to see Bretonnia's equivalent in KoW being a genuinely powerful army in places - I always felt sorry for Bretonnia being left in the dust for the awful Empire by GW - although I also wanted the Dwarfs to win because Dwarfs are awesome :p

    Interesting though that Kingdoms of Men is being portrayed as any human kingdom, not just a kingdom similar to the Empire, as they have really varied infantry choices - Berserkers and Chariots being more Germanic and Celtic respectively than medieval.
    Warden and Itepixcauh like this.
  4. Itepixcauh

    Itepixcauh Stranded Ghekkotah Staff Member

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    Yeah, KoM is far from the Empire, it's an army designed to accommodate Historical wargamers more than the Empire.

    When Uncharted Empires came out they included a list called League of Rhordia that is more akin to the Empire faction from Warhammer Fantasy, with Demigriph Knights, Steam Tank, Halflings and those sort of things.

    It's funny that you mention the strength issues as Brotherhood is commonly regarded as a very low tier faction in KoW, it's down there with Salamanders in fact (if the Internet is to be believed). I'm on my personal crusade to demonstrate that is not the case. Let's see if I'm wrong or right, but I already proved Salamanders can be a very competitive faction so I'm quite confident .

    Thanks for reading!
  5. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    Long Live Bretonnia!

    Excellent report!

    That is true, I really like the list. Still putting together my samurai force!
  6. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    Didn’t know that you were using your Samurai Force for KoW - I thought that was purely for Test of Honour and Pike and Shotte.

    Even though I’m not into Samurai specifically I’m enjoying seeing your passion for Japanese history shining through with your army - I might consider doing a Celtic one with Victrix minis for the rank and file, as they do really good-value packs that have recently become more diverse with Armoured Warriors coming out this month and Chariots coming next month!
    Last edited: Dec 27, 2018
    Itepixcauh and Warden like this.
  7. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    I am planning for both systems. I got primarily Pike and Shotte Bases, but I also have KOW Historical (and Kingdoms of Men as a pdf) and am keeping the min-max base sizes in mind as I put the army together. Don't quite have enough cav or archers to make a full unit yet, and their can never be enough foot samurai!!!
  8. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    Of course Mantic are generous enough to include free PDFs for Kingdoms of Men, which will certainly be helpful as well as EasyArmy allowing you to produce free PDFs of army lists with the profiles attached. I had a look at KoW historical but they seem to combine all the ‘Northern Enemies of Rome’ factions (I.e. Gauls, Britons, Germans, Dacians e.t.c.) into Barbarians, which along with sounding very Romanised is also pretty boring as there’s much less room for specialisation between armies of those different cultures (they could have at least had Celts as one faction and Ancient Germans as another, as those peoples had considerably different cultures). However, Hail Caesar from Warlord looks pretty good fun, as well as Kingdoms of Men in KoW fantasy. Any ideas on what the fantastical elements of your army for KoW fantasy will be yet?
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  9. Itepixcauh

    Itepixcauh Stranded Ghekkotah Staff Member

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    Expect more very soon!

    I'm playing Invade against the League of Rhordia this January.
  10. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    Well ninjas don't really count as "fantastical" but they were never really "historical" either... so that's a bit of a toss up.

    Biggest actual fantastic thing for the samurai is a unit of undead samurai warriors representing the Takeda clan (which was defeated by the combined Tokugawa and Oda forces prior to the unification of Japan) led by their dead leader Takeda Shingen. I got the idea from the old undead Dogs of War unit.

    Looking forward to it! Those halflings will have to cancel second breakfast!
  11. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    They sound fun to play with! What will they represent in Kingdoms of Men army list then?

    I’ve had a look at the army list and I can see how the Victrix kits can fit in - the less well-armoured regular Celtic Warriors will be Militia Mobs, the better-armoured regular Warriors can be given spears to become Spear Phalanxes, Fanatics will obviously become Beserkers, Armoured Warriors can be Foot Guard, Celtic Cavalry can be Mounted Sergeants and of course Chariots will be Charioteers, with Druid figures as wizards and Chieftain figures as Heroes. I’ve also thought of putting one of the mounted Celts on top of one of the Warhammer monsters to represent a King on Winged Beast - I was thinking of a Manticore but any other regular winged beast from the range would also work.
    Warden likes this.

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