Star Trek vs. Star Wars (and a collection of memes)

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by NIGHTBRINGER, Apr 16, 2015.


Star Trek or Star Wars; which do you like better?

  1. Star Trek

    19 vote(s)
  2. Star Wars

    60 vote(s)
  1. ravagekitteh
    Skink Chief

    ravagekitteh Well-Known Member

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    He does get a friend though in the form of another child who's a misfit, and he teaches him to be a clown and they go off adventuring together, so its not all bad. :)

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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  6. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    Gah, it has been a week and I still haven't posted my other thoughts about your opinion of Rey, @NIGHTBRINGER , I have been obscenely busy this week, sorry!

    I might get to it tomorrow. Hopefully.
    Paradoxical Pacifism likes this.
  7. ravagekitteh
    Skink Chief

    ravagekitteh Well-Known Member

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    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    So is your argument that because a couple of little girls (who are too young to recognize or understand the political interference that is taking place) look up to the characters, it makes it okay? You can create well written characters to obtain the very same thing and actually teach them some positive virtues while you're at it.

    P.S. nothing wrong with Wonder Woman, it seemed free of the NPC nonsense.
  9. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    I disagree about the setbacks. Note that I don't write "failures" but "setbacks", the difference being that failures would be her fault, while setbacks aren't necessarily her fault. Han's death, her being captured by Kylo, and the revelation about her parents are setbacks, and I would call them significant, although I agree that they aren't displayed as impactful on her as they should be.

    I kinda like that because it shows that strength isn't everything. Kylo might be stronger than any of them in a way (Luke talks of _raw_ strength, it isn't quite explained what he meant with that, but it might mean something else than we think, because the strength demonstrated by the other strong force users Luke met was way more impressive than what Kylo showed so far), but he obviously lacks training a lot.
    I also think that is in line with Snoke's character as far as we have seen him. Snoke probably hasn't trained Kylo nearly as well as we thought, because even a force user with way less strength but real training (such as Obi-Wan) would defeat Kylo I think, perhaps even easily. Snoke knows how dangerous a fully trained Kylo would be. He wants to stay in control so he doesn't tell Kylo everything.
    Kylo's performance in the fights we have seen in the movies shows that, I think. While you could argue that against Rey he cannot use his force powers well, since she is also very strong in the force (that's one possible explanation why force users battling each other throughout the movies don't use force powers _that_ often during fights), I don't really see the reason why Rey and Kylo performed so poorly against Snoke's guards.
    I llike that scene a lot, for me it was one of the highlights of TLJ, but I mean, seriously: Yes, Rey and Kylo won the fight despite being outnumbered, but imagine Obi-Wan and Anakin fighting those guards.

    Here's how a force user looks who fights non-force users:

    Deflecting a blaster bolt back with his bare hands, choking and lifting a soldier to the ceiling while at the same time swinging his lightsaber deflecting blaster fire, taking weapons out of the hands of enemies, slaying trained soldiers left and right. Sure, those guys don't have melee weapons and they are scared to death, but I cannot imagine any but the most well-trained and equipped regular people (Jango Fett or the robotic guards of Grievous) to have any kind of chance against a moderately skilled force user with a lightsaber, unless they are at least at company strength.

    Here we see Yoda and Obi-Wan fighting 15 or 20 Clone Troopers (elite soldiers) and during that scene we see both Yoda and Obi-Wan using the Force powers to do so.

    If we compare that to Rey (who even swings her lightsaber wildy out of measure a few times, missing completely. Kylo looks quite a bit more proficient with the Lightsaber) and Kylo who seem to use the Force not at all during their fight with the eight guards that's what I meant with "a bit underwhelming". Rey and Kylo each kill four of those guards, but Rey kills three of them in one-on-one situations and one with a quick stab in the chaos of the first seconds, while Kylo fights three of them at the same time at some point. He has a bit of bad luck when his lightsaber gets stuck in the armor of opponents twice (the second time he even has to drop it do dodge a strike), but overall he displays great swordmanship there. Fighting multiple opponents is hard and the Praetorian Guards are (as we know from Kylo's view point in the TLJ novelization) the best fighters in the First Orders, and also wearing armor that helps against lightsabers. In fact the novelization tells us that Kylo is not sure if he could win against them.
    So that says a lot about Kylo and Rey: They can use the force, but it seems their training doesn't allow them to do so in real stressful situations like in the middle of the fight.
    Here's a compilation of all the times Kylo uses the Force in TFA, and it seems that while his strength is impressive, he needs to concentrate a lot on the Force, he uses it to quite some effect, but those are all situations in which he is confident and in control of the situation.

    And by the way, Rey looks really bad against Kylo when they first meet. She shoots at him, and badly so to boot, and she is scared to death when he just deflects all her bolts, freezes her, even looks away from her giving commands while she is frozen (it seems he doesn'T have to concentrate a lot there). And then he just stuns her with the Force and carries her away. That's not exactly OP of her.
    When they meet on Starkiller base he throws her against that tree like Obi-Wan would do with a combat droid. Not too impressive of her either.

    I agree that her OP moments are a lot stronger in TLJ. But then she does have the old Jedi texts (no clue if she read them, probably not but probably she did, or at least was supposed to do so by the original screenplay before it was put into those tight time constraints.), a bit of training by herself and Luke (again, too shortened in the movie, which I really dislike), and most importantly a lot more confidence which probably helps if you are strong but don't know what to do with your strength.

    Is she still an OP character?
    Yes, I guess so. But not as wildly OP that it would bother me. A Mary Sue would.

    The last point is her quick learning, and that is the one point I fully agree with. She learns REALLY fast, especially Force powers. Her mechanical skill, flying, and parts of her fighting skills are explained in the novels, her quick learning of force powers isn't.

    Again, I do think that when watching TLJ and reading its novelization it is possible to see that some parts of the movie, especially the Ahch-To scenes, were originally meant to display a much longer period of time. Same goes for the Canto Bight scene, in which the characters seem to have a weird amount of time at their hands and don't seem particularly stressed about having to get back to the Resistance quickly.
    And that's because the "fleet scenes" and the time constraints put on the rest of the story by them probably weren't meant to be in the movie in the first place, or at least not in that form.
    I'd almost bet that in the original draft Rey was on Ahch-To for months and learned a lot about all the Force stuff. Not nearly enough, just like Luke on Dagobah she left before she should have, but she did receive a substantial amount of training. She trained by herself and with Luke. She also spent some time in hyperspace after that, and that's when she read all the Jedi books, unlike Luke who apparently didn't. Combined with what she ripped from Kylo's mind in TFA that would make a lot more sense, and that's probably my main point of critique about TLJ.
    They probably felt they would add to suspense by having all of that happen within a few days, simultaneously, with the fleet being in danger, but IMO they were wrong. The fleet scenes were not only silly from a physics point of view (ok,ok, like all space scenes in Star Wars, so par for the course I guess) but they rushed the plot and thus contributed to the negative views on Rey's character development, among other things.

    And one last point I'd also like to mention:
    One might argue that learning a lot about the movie and filling plot holes of the movie by not actually watching the movie but reading the novels and playing computer games (Star Wars Battlefront story is canon for example, and has tie-ins to both TFA and TLJ) is not so great and the movies should stand for themselves, and I do agree with that up to some point, but we have to take into account:

    That has always been true for Star Wars. We don't notice it that much because we have known the OT and prequels for many years, and most of us have probably seen the three movies of the OT together as one finished piece fitting together (unless y'all are significantly older than me), and there is loads and loads of information that is just "common knowledge" and not really in the movies, but stems from the mind-boggingly large amount of stuff the EU provides, or stuff like commentaries by George Lukas. If you only watch the OT by itself it is full of plot holes and lacking a lot of information.
    Same goes for the prequels. The plot holes are even worse there, and the movies directly contradict the OT. Only the expanded universe, novelizations, computer games and all that stuff filled all the holes and put the missing pieces into place. Many things are only implied in Star Wars movies, and explained later in other sources. Star Wars has always been a cross-medial franchise, and thus I think it is not fair to use that as an argument against the newer stuff only. You are expected to read the books and play the computer games in order to have everything explained. I think they might have overdone it a bit this time, but overdoing something is the most important trait of the modern age I guess, so again that is to be expected. George Lucas is an expert in milking the franchise cow and Disney isn't any better, but that is Star Wars.
  10. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    Poor? What are you on about? They both survived largely intact, while all the guards ended up dead. These Praetorian Guards should be some of ‘the most well-trained and equipped people’ if they’re supposed to be Snoke’s elite guards, and in the lore they are portrayed very much as such. Indeed they are named after the Praetorian Guards who were the apex soldiers of the Roman Army and the bodyguards of the Emperor. They’re living creatures so should be more intelligent than Grievous’ Magnaguards, and they’re equipped with weapons that can parry lightsabers just as the Magnaguards are. True, Clones are elite troops, but they’re still missile troops and missile troops are at a distinct disadvantage in a melee combat if they are armed with any gun larger than a pistol because such weapons become far more unwieldy in the close confines of melee than a sword or, in this case, a Lightsaber. Snoke’s Praetorians are in a completely different league to Clone Troopers or Rebel Troopers, so why do they fail so badly in the fight? Because Disney want to continue the OT mantra of villains being hopeless, that’s why, so they decided to have them all killed pretty easily by a virtually untrained girl and a former Jedi Padawan turned Sith apprentice who was also beaten by her. According to Wookieepedia, the Praetorians were extremely highly trained in martial arts and wore armour that could deflect blaster bolts and even indirect blows from Lightsabers. Snoke sensed that they would eventually fight Lightsaber users so attempted to have them trained to defeat such opponents, yet even such great skill as this is obviously no match for 1970s-80s escapist plot armour.

    You have to admit that it’s a bit silly.

    Indeed, but there she’s armed with only a cheap blaster pistol that Han probably found in a trash compactor. As soon as she gets her mitts on Anakin’s Lightsaber we get all that ‘Force Awakening’ nonsense and she beats him easily.

    I think we all agree with that one - just why?

    I agree with this at least. The books do expand a lot on the films, in the form of reference books like the Visual Dictionaries, in-universe text facsimiles like the Titan books and novels. You have probably heard how much I go on about Guardians of the Whills and how it really expands on Chirrut and Baze. In fact I have always used books like the Visual Dictionaries to fill in gaps in the films and find out characters’ backstories (which was why I was miffed about them not expanding upon Snoke - I was fine with them not expanding upon him much in the film because I was hoping that the Visual Dictionary for Episode VIII would provide him with a backstory, it was only when they did so little on expanding upon him in the Visual Dictionary that I became miffed).
    Last edited: Mar 2, 2019
    NIGHTBRINGER and Aginor like this.
  11. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    Poor is probably the wrong word, but what I meant was: If K&R are _that_ strong, they should have defeated them easily, because even the best armor doesn't protect you from the Force. That would have been a great moment to use Telekinesis to throw them against a wall, into the pit of death that obviously exists in any Star Wars room for some reason, to choke them, rip them apart, freeze them or something.
    The reason why I mentioned the Clone Troopers is that they are also elite soldiers, in a time where fighting against force users was a realistic possibility, and as well equipped as they could be. Still Yoda and Obi-Wan can easily defeat them, using their Force Powers. Because no amount of training or equipment will protect you from being thrown around by telekinesis.

    So no, I don't fully agree with your analysis of the situation there. (Even though I do like 1970s-1980s escapist stories, it is the core of Star Wars after all) Also: Why would you say OT villains are hopeless? Vader, and Palpatine certainly aren't, and Jabba is a pretty good threat as well, although of a completely different type.

    The distance is, like, 10 meters or so. Han is not an asshole, he wouldn't give her that bad of a weapon.
    Even the worst blasters (or 18th century pistols for that matter) should have enough accuracy for that. Rey just cannot use the weapon well (although in her defense: Her shots are on target twice, he just deflects them), probably because of lack of training and/or her being scared.

    Why we agree? Don't know, it is a natural interpretation of what we all see I guess. She does seem to pick a lot of skills pretty quickly. Even if you apply modern movie standards in which heroes are often pretty quick learners.
    As to why she is that strong... we don't know yet. I guess that could be one of the things we learn in Episode 9. :)
  12. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    Palpatine I would say is the one exception. To me Vader came across as pretty weak - we only got a true display of his Lightsaber abilities in Rogue One. In the OT films he takes a noticeable while to beat Obi-Wan even though the latter is getting into the early stages of old age (he even says Obi-Wan's powers are weak, yet he still takes a long time to defeat him). Instead of defeating Luke almost instantly in 5, which he could easily have done, he again takes so long that the true extent of his powers became questionable in my view ('Had he lost a portion of his power after Mustafar or something?'). We can at least assume he's doing this on purpose, but even still, he could have disarmed him a lot earlier if he wasn't so incompetent, and then in 6, of course Luke is then strong enough to beat him properly by that time. All in all, before Rogue One I just got the impression that Vader was an 'all mouth, no trousers' villain that could intimidate people with threats and force-chokes but couldn't act upon them in lightsaber combat. It was only with that Rogue One scene that that opinion started to change a little.

    I meant why is she able to learn so quickly? The whole thing's pretty silly if you ask me.

    I just hope that Episode IX doesn't feature a Starkiller Base II :facepalm:. That chestnut is getting too old and needs to be put down (should really have been put down after VI, but of course J.J. wanted to bring the so-called 'nostalgia' back). I wouldn't be surprised though if he does it again :argh:

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    That only makes the situation worse in my opinion. It goes from her being absolutely no match against him to defeating him in the span of a very short amount of story time (at best it was a couple of weeks, at worst is was only mere days). While he was injured, there still isn't sufficient justification how that massive gap could be filled in so little time (other than her insane rate of unjustified skill progression).

    The movie has to show some indication of her training/work/progression. We don't see Luke train her, besides a few mere morsels of philosophical exploration. We don't see her reading the Jedi texts. The only training we see her do is swing her lightsaber at a rock.

    And yet her skill grows at a rate of progression previously unseen.

    I think it is quite a bit different. With the PT and OT all the extra stuff added to the films, but the movies didn't actually require them. The movies still stood on their own. With the ST we actively have to find other sources to try to excuse poor story telling.

    The guards may have had some level of force powers themselves which they were taught to use defensively. Just as the force can be used offensively, there is an unseen defensive aspect to it as well. A force shield might be actively created by the guards that prevents them from being directly manipulated by the force.

    Of course, maybe some bit of of non-movie cannon exists out there that squashes this theory, but since I'm not really a fan of the new stuff I don't consume anything outside of the films anymore. This is simply hypothesizing on my part, in reality TLJ is full of flaws. If they indeed had no force powers, then you are 100% correct that Rey and Snoke should have been able to absolutely stomp them without even having to draw their lightsabers.
  14. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    I agree with that statement very much. It really was the lamest part of TFA.

    As for whether the quick learning is silly or not, I guess we really will have to wait for the end of the story to be able to tell.

    About the OT guys skills:
    Remember that those are movies of the 1970s. Lucas and others have said numerous times that they would have liked to make the fights more impressive, but just couldn't. They had problems with the not very stable props and quick movements could not be done due to limitations of the CGI (EDIT: Not really CGI, most of that stuff was done manually back then) techniques.
    That being said: Anderson (Vader) as well as Hamill and Guiness did receive training in saber and longsword techniques. Obi-Wan vs. Vader and Luke vs. Vader is a pretty interesting fight for HEMA (historical european martial arts) fans because the techniques they use are far more realistic than the (admittedly cooler looking) baton-swinging stuff that we see in the prequels. They circle each other, doing quick stabs and cuts now and then. Overall not bad.
    In TESB and ROTJ they had a lot better props and stuff so they could afford making the fights more dynamic. The idea was for the actors to act like a lightsaber was pretty heavy (much heavier than the props were), and especially Hamill does a pretty good job in looking like it was really strenous, and like he was fighting for his life. Anderson had a few problems with the clunky Vader suit, but that wasn't too bad as they used the pretty well working trope called "Menacing Stroll" (IIRC), which basically is the villain - especially a powerful one - will move slowly. He has time and knows he is better. The Terminator does it all the time, and that makes him look very menacing. His footwork still wasn't bad at all, which is not surprising as he was an expert fencer (and also trained Hamill and other famous actors including Viggo Mortensen), and he uses relatively short movements a lot of the time. Expert fencers don't swirl around.
    Vader also uses the Force a lot during his fights (throwing stuff, pushing, sometimes jumping, throwing the lightsaber), which makes him look powerful. On Bespin he doesn't even stretch out his hand to use telekinesis, he just does it. He also reads Luke's mind while not even looking at him. That's pretty impressive IMO.
    Luke gets a lot better at fencing between TESB and ROTJ btw, you can see it in his stance, sword movements (less wild swings) and especially in his footwork.

    I admit that from today's point of view the Emperor doesn't look too powerful. They mainly used his control over Vader and the fact that he doesn't need a Lightsaber and can easily defeat Luke with Force lightning to show how powerful he really was.
  15. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    I haven't read a lot of the new stuff either, I mainly read/heard about the more interesting bits from people who have.
    I am not 100%sure but I think it is either not mentioned that they have any special powers or it is mentioned that they don't have any.
    I googled around a bit and all pointers I found say that they are just well trained in martial arts.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    In which case it should have been no contest at all. It should have been a completely one sided fight without even a struggle to be had.
  17. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    Pretty much. And it would have been a pity since I think that fight is pretty well done, both visually (red guards and the red in the background, stunning visuals as many parts of the movie) and from a choreography and camera point of view (minus the little error with the disappearing dagger).
  18. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    Anderson? :confused: The last time I remember the Vader suit was worn by the British actor David Prowse - the only reason why he didn't voice the part as well was because he was from Bristol and they didn't want Vader to have a Bristol accent, which would have made him more of a comic villain than a serious one :p
  19. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    Bob Anderson did all the fight scenes, because Prowse was really bad at fencing.
    Originally Anderson should just have taught them, but in the end he did all the fight scenes.
  20. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    OK sorry didn't realise

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