AoS ravagekitteh’s Battle Reports

Discussion in 'Battle Reports' started by ravagekitteh, Mar 2, 2019.

  1. ravagekitteh
    Skink Chief

    ravagekitteh Well-Known Member

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    In terms of detailing Battle Reports I figured I might as well go down the route of some of my fellow forumites and indeed my own list thread, and stick them all in one (hopefully) easy to navigate thread. Once again I am a highly inexperienced gamer, so expect the reports to be filled with mistakes, dodgy reading of rules, missed abilities and spells and general ineptitude!

    One particularly common house rule that tends to appear in my games is when a unit is in range to attack, all models are treated as if they are within range and attack.

    500 Points Stormcast v Khorne v Bonesplitterz
    Last edited: Mar 2, 2019
    Killer Angel and Lizerd like this.
  2. ravagekitteh
    Skink Chief

    ravagekitteh Well-Known Member

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    So my first Battle Report to post here is one I had today. It was a three way, 500 Point match between my Stormcast Eternals, my Khorne, and a friends Orks proxying as Bonesplitterz. All three of us were very inexperienced gamers, and the whole thing was extremely casual, with no real deployment guidelines and the all models in range house rule. The three way aspect made little difference to how things were played except three dice were rolled for priority. The armies were as followed:

    5xJudicators - Skybolt Bows
    5xLiberators - Swords and Shields

    Skull Cannon

    Wurrgog Shaman
    5xManiak Boarboys
    10xSavage Arrowboys

    The Khorne player mainly picked his based on what looked cool, while the Bonesplitterz player was more to do with seeing warscroll pictures and base sizes. My own was designed to be more of a defensive block, like a scaled down version of my super defensive SCE list. The battlefield was littered with terrain, and armies were more or less set up how and where people pleased. It ended up with a sort of triangle, with the two opposing armies slightly closer to each other than to me and with their forces just in a blob behind cover, which suited me just fine. My own were arranged in formation with the Liberators up front, Judicators behind and finally the heroes.

    The Bonesplitterz player had the first turn, and after managing a wound on the Skull Cannon charged the Boarboys at the Khorne player. They managed to take out one of the Bloodcrushers and a couple of Bloodletters before they themselves were wiped out. The arrowboys and Wardokk started to advance towards my position. The Khorne player then took out the Wardokk with a shot from the Skull Cannon, and charged the remaining Bloodcrushers at the Arrowboys, taking out a few more. At that point though, my archers had managed a couple of potshots at Khorne’s forces, and severely wounded the Skull Cannon. With the Bonesplitterz almost wiped out, they agreed a truce to come at me. The Arrowboys made their way to nearby cover, and the Khorne units started making their way round the other side of the central Arcane Ruins.

    At that point, I unveiled my secret weapon - the Knight-Heraldor. His horn allowed him to pick a terrain piece in 18” and each enemy unit in 3” takes D3 Mortal Wounds. It wasn’t much in the grand scheme of things, but it was enough to frighten them from taking cover for a bit. In this time, the Skull Cannon almost took out the Knight and I suffered my solitary casualty, one Judicator. After that though, the remainder of the Battle was very one sided. The Arrowboys made an attack that only succeeded in healing a wound on the Judicators from the Lord Castellants ability, and were in turn wiped out. The Khorne player retreated all his forces to the end of the board, meaning I could slowly advance and shoot him without worrying about combat. At that point, the game was conceded.

    Overall, we agreed that the battle probably came down to a couple of things. The Bonesplitterz player missed out in several key abilities in his turn which might have helped turn the battle - he is normally a 40k player and due to not having the models themselves I didn’t know the abilities well enough to help. The Khorne player I was able to point out a few more, but I think they both feared my archers and Knight too much, particularly the Khorne player who probably should age been more offensive. The fact they went for each other first was also in my favour.

    Still, it was a fun match and provided some good lessons for the future.
    Crowsfoot and Lizerd like this.
  3. Lizerd
    Skink Priest

    Lizerd Well-Known Member

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    Pretty cool! Kinda funny seeing how not knowing your own warscrolls can lead to some embarrassing defeats.
    Next time you should use seraphon ;)
  4. ravagekitteh
    Skink Chief

    ravagekitteh Well-Known Member

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    I definitely should! We were just coming up with lists on the fly and Stormcasts were closer to hand and I knew what they were like better. I should probably prepare a 500 Point Seraphon list for next time!
    Zu'rashi and Lizerd like this.
  5. Lizerd
    Skink Priest

    Lizerd Well-Known Member

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    As many a man or reptile knows: everything is better when you have a lizard man army :D

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