AoS My first AoS game!

Discussion in 'Battle Reports' started by Tk'ya'pyk, Mar 28, 2019.

  1. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    So I fought my first ever game of Age of Sigmar today. Went to the local game store. Haven't been there on gaming night in almost a year. I've been used to people playing 40K and ONLY 40K, so when not one but THREE players with AoS showed up, I was ecstatic!

    So onto the game. Because it was my first ever game, we went with the most basic of basic "kill the enemy" games. 1000 points per side. Apologies for the sparse photos. Start.jpg

    Seraphon (me):
    Skink Priest w/Priestly Trappings (General)
    Skink Starpriest
    Astrolith Bearer
    Scar-Vet on Cold One
    20 Skinks
    10 Knights
    5 Knights (proxied my Kelwdyn Cavalry from my Regenades army for these as I'm not done assembling my Start Collecting box)

    Stormcast Eternals (opponent):
    2 Celestar Ballista (!)
    10 Liberators
    10 Liberators
    4 Evokers
    Leader guy with hammer and shield
    Leader guy with wings (who was "up in the Heavens" and never actually made it to the battle)

    He finshed setting up first, chose to go first so I could see how things went. (see the pic below for setup, I'm closest to the bottom, he's across from me. Such shiny, golden ballista...) He just moved up for the most part. His shooting with the Ballista was terrible, killing a whopping ONE Knight from the smaller unit.

    Turn 1, me: Hero phase. Astrolith Bearer banked... one Conjuration point. Failed my priestly rites, even with the reroll. Forgot to use my Starpriest's snake staff. Moved knights up, surrounded my general with my skinks, had to keep the Astrolith Bearer and Starpriest back to keep them out of LOS of those Ballista. Shooting went okay, Gleek (troglodon) took out a Liberator. Yay. Onto charges... which is where EVERYTHING WENT WRONG. Smaller unit of knights on the left went to charge the Liberators and I rolled... 4". A pair of twos. Command reroll, and of COURSE I said those stupid, stupid words. "Can't get much worse than that, can I?" Wish granted. Reroll came up 3", so failed THAT charge. Scar-Vet charged the other unit of Liberators. Big unit of 10 Knights that was SUPPOSED to back him up rolled... 5". Another failed charge. Uh-oh. In melee, the Scar-Vet killed another Liberator and took 2 wounds. Not bad when you're surrounded by 9 Liberators.


    Roll of for next round... he got a 1, I got a 6! Double turn on the first round? YES PLEASE! Remembered to use the Starpriest's staff, Skink Priest got his Rites off. Astrolith bearer banked... 1 Conjuration point and moved up, Starpriest moved up, skinks moved up to try shielding them from Ballista fire (that failed, but more on that in a moment). Both units of Knights and Gleek moved up as well. Both units of Knights make their charges! FINALLY. Small unit of Knights take out ONE Liberator, but they're really just there to block that unit. Big unit of Knights and the Scar-Vet took out 4 more Liberators at the cost of the Scar-Vet, who got hit with 7 more wounds (and only saved two - killed him on the money. Ugh).

    Stormcast up next. This is where my grand plan really screwed up. Well, actually taking a Trog and not a Carnosaur might be where I screwed up, or not having a Slaan. I'm not really sure. Stopped a spell from the Evokers, but then those Ballista killed my Starpriest. When I moved him up I forgot about shielding him with the skinks and left him in the open. One shot, one kill. The second Ballista tried to do the same to my Astrolith Bearer, but missed. Liberators on the left wiped out that small unit of Knights, but again, Just As Planned. Kind of.


    Roll for turn again... he got a 1, I got a 6... again...? Weird. Evokers had moved into melee with my Knights, so I moved the Trog into melee with the last of the Liberators. Liberators died. Skinks killed an Evoker, Knights killed an Evoker, Evokers and Liberators killed most of my Knights. By the time combat on my turn was done, I figured enough was enough and conceded. I had a wounded Trog, 20 Skinks, a Priest, and the Astrolith Bearer left on the table against 2 Evokers, 9 Liberators, 2 Ballista, and both of his characters. Oh, and a whopping 3 Conjuration points. Astrolith Bearer might not be worth it unless you have the Slaan as well. Pic below comes at the end of Stormcast, Round 2 right before I moved and charged in with the Trog. His acid spittle is nice - I took out two Liberators with that alone.


    Lessons learned? Those Celestar Ballista. It has been so long since I've played anything Fantasy that I forgot how careful you have to be with exposing heroes to artillery fire. Most of my Characters in my 40K armies lurk at the back (Renegades and Heretics Commanders and Psykers like to be BEHIND a gunline, not in front of it), but I had to move the Starpriest up to get the bigger unit of Knights in range of his snake staff. Trog is okay in melee, is great as a spell-blocker (Evokers tried to cast spells twice, both times the Oracle stopped it), and decent at shooting. Knights REALLY need the reroll from the Priestly Rites to stay in melee for a decent length of time. Before you ask, the table was SMALL, and there really wasn't a good area for me to LoSaT units around without exposing them to Ballista fire.

    Oh, and either they need to give us a better way to get Conjuration Points, or I need to buy a frog on a hoverchair. Or both. Probably both. I also need to finish assembling those Knights so I don't have to proxy my R&H Rough Riders. The Bravery hits from the Trog and the Knight banners actually did help against the Liberators, causing two to flee, so all in all, not a bad ability? But I'm wondering if I should have sprung for a Sunblood instead of the Scar-Vet on Cold One...

    Oh, forgot to mention the highlight of the evening. The mother who was teaching her 5 year old daughter how to paint Nurglings! "I'm painting dem GREEN!!!" as she slops gloss green paint on. :D
    Last edited: Mar 28, 2019
  2. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    Yeah you had some bad luck there (and to be honest your list wasn't very competitive either, but hey, that's OK as you are still learning the game). Facing those Ballistas isn't easy.

    Also: "New model syndrome". Often the first time you use a new model, it sucks. :D

    But if you had fun, and have a plan what to do next, then all is OK. :)
  3. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    Yes. My plan is as follows:
    Assemble the rest of my Knights.
    Assemble my SC Box Saurus Warriors
    Bring a Sunblood instead of an Astrolith Bearer if I don't have a Slaan
    Buy a Slaan
    Buy more Seraphon. That on the table? That was almost my entire army. It looks non-competitive because I just don't HAVE anything else, and up until a few weeks ago nothing was available either locally or from the US GW webstore. Now that Stegadons/EOTG are available, I will have to scrounge up the money for one of those.
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    Skink Chief

    ILKAIN Well-Known Member

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    before you assemble that start collecting box, read @Crowsfoot 's tutorial on how to get the most out of it. (sorry Crow, im linking you everywhere today lol)
    Crowsfoot likes this.
  5. Seraphage

    Seraphage Well-Known Member

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    Welcome aboard ! Remember that our army is one of the most unforgiving ones and toughest to play due to all kind of synergies coming at different phases of the game. That being said though, we are one of the most interesting and most complicated armies which makes us awesome !

    So 2 advices : Be patient with the losses cause they 'll be many of them until you get the hang of it - had like 90% loss first 7 months ! - and two, enjoy this awesome game with the coolest army there is ! :cool:
    Tk'ya'pyk likes this.
  6. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    @ILKAIN: Actually, I already looked over Crowfoot's excellent guide to the SC box. I assembled it as a Troglodon because I wanted to, I then made a Scar-Vet on Cold One, a Saurus Sunblood, an Astrolith Bearer, and am only now finally starting to assemble my Knights and Warriors. :D

    Ironically, I'm using a lot of old metal minis in this army. I've got 10 of the old, metal "Skink Cold One Riders" that I'm using as Knights.

    As for losses, I played Dogs of War from 4th-6th edition WFB. Trust me, I'm familiar with that issue. ;)
    Last edited: Mar 28, 2019

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