So every review of the new Hellboy (2019) movie is negative

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by Scalenex, Apr 29, 2019.

  1. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    Granted I only pay attention to low brow comedies and superhero movies. A big issue with superhero movies is that there is a lot of divise social politics in that. That doesn't seem to be the case with Hellboy.

    People don't like dislike because of politics, because dislike it because it fails on pretty much every level.

    Morbid curiosity will probably make me watch it when if I can stream for it cheap or ideally free (and by free, I mean available in one of the monthly streaming services I already pay for). I have to eat my words. I stated not too long ago that I like rated G movies and rated R movies and I would prefer that PG 13 movies pick a side. Go full dark or full light. But Hellboy (2019) is rated R and it sucked like a vaccuum cleaner.

    Even if the new movie was perfect, there is a problem with legacy. Hellboy (2004) and Hellboy 2: The Golden Army (2008) are not that old. These movies set up Hellboy 3 with both a personal subplot and a big scary monster and an evolving character arc. I would even go as far to say that Hellboy 2 was a perfect sequel, not to be confused with a perfect movie. Perfect movies are impossible. Perfect sequels are merely very difficult.

    Also, Ron Perlman is still alive. As a voice actor, he can play Hellboy pretty much until he is on his deathbed.

    There were also two pretty good animated movies with Ron Perlman in 2007. Hellboy: Blood and Iron. And Hellboy: Sword of Storms. They are both pretty good in terms of animation, voice acting, and story. My only main misgiving is the art style on Hellboy in that this version of Hellboy clearly skips Leg Day at the gym.

    I'd recommend looking them up. I think they are highly underrated animated movies. Blood and Iron is about Hellboy taking on a vampire that Professor Broom fought many decades ago. Sword of Storms is an adventure in the Japanese spirit realms. I'd say it's a cross between Hellboy and Spirited Away, the latter of which is an anime that I believe everyone should see. Spirited Away is a visual masterpiece and what I hope for when I see Alice in Wonderland remakes and never see.

    For reference, while both animated movies were made by the same people, Blood and Iron is pretty dark for what is theoretically a children cartoon whereas Sword of Storms is a lot more lighthearted. Both are good.

    Anyway, it's very hard to follow up success. The Hellboys movies between 2004 and 2008 were very good. When you are dealing with creative franchises, you want to follow failure not success.

    Judge Dredd (1997) garbage. Dredd (2012) fanastic.

    Batman (1967) ridiculous. Batman (1989) was so good it revived the modern frachise then a slow decay over the next two movies than Batman and Robin (1997) attempted murder of a franchise. Take a break and you get the Christopher Nolan Batmans which are in my opinion not just good, but timeless classics.

    You get the idea. Because Hellboy movies were fairly and fairly good, everything you do with a reboot is going to be compared with. Ron Perlman was iconic and now he is not in it.

    Do what else isn't in it?

    There's no love story. Liz Sherman isn't even in it at all.

    There's no buddy story. Abe Sapien isn't even it it at all.

    There is very little father-son story. Professor Broom is younger, more action oriented and less gentle and paternal.

    The CGI leaves something to be desired.

    What do you get that the previous Hellboy movies lacked? Light fan service with a sexy witch villain and lots and lots of Marvel-esque snarky dialog. Also, a bunch of references to beloved Hellboy comic characters and storylines, which is fine but Hellboy doesn't have a huge fanbase for the comics. For any superhero movie, At least 90% of the viewing public probably never bought a related comic both. With Alita Battle Angel, I bet 99% of the viewers never cracked open an Alita manga. I haven't heard that kind of dialog in the context of a non-Marvel movie but I would call constant quipping during deadly serious events Tony Snark.

    I plan to watch Endgame on Tuesday. The last couple movies I have found Marvel's trademark humor that I once found delightful now only mildly entertaining. Even in Marvel movies I'm getting tired of it. When you try it in a different franchise I really loathe it.

    Anyway, everyone should go stream one of the classic 2004-2008 Hellboy movies. You know the good ones.
    Last edited: Apr 29, 2019
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  2. LizardWizard

    LizardWizard Grand Skink Handler Staff Member

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    I am an avid Hellboy fan. I collect the mini's, read both the Graphic Novels and Comic books, and I love both of the Perlman/Del Toro movies. The newest movie captured the feel of the Dark Horse publications, but I actually got bored during the movie.

    I didn't mind the quips. Hellboy always had the bond-esque one liners. The moive was well acted. The dialogue was fairly solid without having to do much narrative peril explanation (always a trap that Hellboy falls into). The cinematography was great when considered from the lens. The CGI was inconsistent. At moments it is breathtaking. At other times it is obvious they put all their CGI budget into a few scenes. The movie soundtrack was overall well curated. The problem, imho was pacing. There is no consistent thread of dread under lining the movie.
    The existential threat isn't even the main villain. It is Hellboy
  3. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    Same here. I like that movie a lot.

    As for Hellboy....
    I _think_ I saw two movies, but I... didn't like them. Dunno why. I just didn't enjoy them.
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