Army Fluff Lost City of Mutal

Discussion in 'Fluff and Stories' started by Warden, Feb 20, 2016.

  1. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    The map would be the Mortuary of Tzulaqua.
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  2. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    - Keep in mind it is a subterranean battle so isn't in the main area.
  3. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    Had some fun going over the lore for my temple city, and revisited the epilogue for my long short-story I made a while back. I have a lot of notes on a sequel to this story, one that explores both the lore for the lizardmen of Mutal and my Bretonnian colonists/conquerors of Jeruga in the context of a war that they fight between each other, that is actually just a single battlefield in the larger, millennia-spanning war between the Lizardmen and the forces of Chaos.

    To that end (I am still going through my notes), I have made these three diagrams.

    First one shows the power dynamic between the Skink Priest Council, the rulers of the temple city of Mutal. These are the skinks constantly jockeying for power and currying the favor of the Slann, who in recent years have been completely unresponsive (save for the incident spoken about in my Ten Little Treasure Hunters work when one of the slann, Jatzom Kuh, levels a warmblood city with a comet).

    Hierarchy- Mutal.png

    The way I see it, not only is each of these Skink Priests in command of a temple or smaller temple, but each skink priest also has a host (legion) of saurus at his command. Specifically each Old One has a certain number of spawnings and saurus legions attributed to them, who ultimately answer to the skink priest in charge of each temple (the skink priests speaks on behalf of the Slann of course)

    Second sheet shows the power-structure of my Lustrian Bretonnians in the kingdoms of Jeruga.

    Hierarchy- Jeruga.png

    I have already posted the lore of the Kingdom of Jeruga in my paint thread, but here it is again in spoiler form.
    Kingdom of Jeruga

    King Baldwin IV- the Leper King of Jeruga, Lord of the New World- is the Lord of the Kingdom of Jeruga, the sixth crusader king descended from the original Bretonnian crusades in their mission to conquer the New World. He claims overlordship of the entirety of the New World, including all realms and cities currently existence on its shores (though they do not actually pay much attention to him, he has no way to enforce his rule other than making proclamations). Does hold control over the crusader states of the Kingdom of Jerusalem, and all the princes and counts must swear fealty to him and serve as his vassals. Though he was an avid campaigner and led many expeditions into the jungles in his youth, he now is confined to a litter due to the advanced state of his leprosy, contracted on a long ago campaign. In the past he sent many expeditions into the jungles to find the fabled Fountain of Youth in an attempt to find a cure to his worsening condition, but in recent years has been forced to instead direct his armies against the growing threats of undead warriors, tribal incursions, pirates, and predators that swarm the borders of his realm. At the same time he is painfully aware that both his vassals and sons are consolidating their own private armies and maneuvering to seize power over the Kingdom after he dies. There is little he can do to prevent their growing independence without plunging the fragile balance of power into an outright civil war…

    He has also recently been made aware of alarming reports of the large host of armed Lizardmen and beasts of war that are gathering along the borders to his realm, seemingly preparing for an invasion…

    Unlike the kings of Bretonnia proper, the Kings of Jeruga no longer drink from the grail. This is a closely guarded secret, but the average peasant is too uneducated to notice. According to legend and the current discourse, the first king Godfrey was gifted a vision of the lady, but in truth he was never crowned king. The second king, Baldwin (I) was the first to declare himself the true king of Jeruga, but he was never given the grail. Since then each coronation ceremony has been held within the confines of the carefully guarded throne room of the king’s keep overlooking the great cenyote, paying lip service to their watery goddess but far removed from her presence.

    Rumors abound that the current King has added vile hedge wizards to his court, instead of taking counsel from the handmaidens of the Lady. As is bretonnian law, all male magic-users are to be shunned, but who would dare question the king? Even now his small task force of hedge-wizards ply his kingdom to do his bidding. Some of the most secretive rumors amongst the nobility state that the king has even brought a necromancer under his fold to keep him alive even as his body deteriorates further due to the ravages of leprosy…

    Prince Godfrey- King’s Heir, the Army Standard Bearer- Serves as the King’s Standard Bearer for the army. He is a great warrior but arrogant in the extreme. Has believed himself destined for greatness his entire life and therefore is not as great of a warrior as he really thinks he is. Attempting to marshal support to solidify his claim to the throne upon the death of his father, but because of his demanding style of leadership has few true allies save for his cronies, his childhood friends, and knightly companions at arms. Leads a lance of Knights of the Realm into battle, nominally owing their allegiance to the King but in truth are his own sworn vassals, preparing for his day to claim the throne of Jeruga.

    Prince Robert the Templar- King’s Second Son, Knight of the Temple- The first King of Jeruga was a great admirer of the piety and chivalry of the Knights of the Temple. Aside from his generous monetary support, the first king decreed that the second son of all noble lords must be promised to the Knights of the Temple, to not only bolster the ranks of the knightly order but also to prove the piety of the nobles themselves. Due to this decree, upon his birth Prince Robert was sequestered away with the Knights of the Temple, much to the displeasure of King Baldwin. Prince Robert bears little loyalty to the King, viewing him as corrupt and suffering for his sins. He desires the Kingdom return to its righteous mission of conquering the New World for the Lady. Prince Robert is much admired by the nobility of the kingdom, who secretly whisper that he would have been a better heir to the throne than current heir-apparent.

    Prince Baldwin- King’s Third Son, the “Mud Knight”- Due to being the Third Son of the King, he does not hold a claim to the throne. As a result he was given to the household marshal-at-arms and King’s Steward for his youthful training, and gained a solid education and respect for the common men of the realm who keep it functioning. Is greatly loved by the common folk of the kingdom. In battle he most often fights on foot with men-at-arms of the King’s household or other vassals of the King, earning him the scorn of his mounted knightly peers and his nickname, the “Mud Knight.”

    Count Raymond- Count of Luon, Bretonnian Lord- Ruler of the County of Luon, which also holds claim to and nominal control over the Principality of Castol. This makes him the largest and most influential landowner in the entire Kingdom of Jeruga, save for the King himself. Is the King’s most powerful vassal. As a young page and knight was a companion to the King, but due to the King’s infirmity has grown more distant and independent. Has a great mistrust for both the King and his sons. He is the King’s brother-in-law due to the King marrying his sister, the late Queen Syballa; but since her death the two have become distant. In battle leads a lance of Knights of the Realm, made up of his own closest allies and all sworn vassals.

    Prince Stefan- Prince of Zaragon, Bretonnian Lord Pegasus Knight- richest noble lord of the New World thanks to his control over several lucrative gold mines. So rich in fact he has imported several Pegasus mounts for himself and his most loyal vassals direct from the halls of Paravon in far Bretonnia.

    Bohemund the Evangelist- Grand Master of the Knights of the Temple- a pious but greedy Noble Lord, he pledged himself to the knightly order at an advanced age, Bohemund quickly rose through the ranks due to his great skill as an administrator. Due to his influence and eventual promotion to the Grand Master, the Templars have grown from a minor influence within the realm to a dominating force both through sheer military numbers, but also due to their vast monetary wealth. Thanks to tariffs enforced in the dock cities, tolls along the guarded roads, and routine treasure expeditions deep into the jungles, the Knights of the Templar are perhaps the overall richest organization in the New World.

    King’s Bastard- Lord of the Quest- a result of one of the King’s youthful romances with the tribal folk of the New World, was raised in the King’s household but before his coming of age was denied any claim to the King’s throne due to the birth of his legitimate brother. Deeply resents the slight of his birthright, has dedicated himself to winning back the king’s favor by swearing an oath to rid the New World of its deadly beasts that lurk within the jungles.

    And here is the geneology tree of the royal family:

    Kings of Jeruga Geneology and Heraldry.jpg

    Last image for today, and SPOILERS AHEAD for future works (so ye hav bin warned). Some of this definitely can be figured out based on my previous work.

    This diagram shows the the power dynamics between the Lizardmen and Bretonnian forces at work. Shows who is allied with who, (whom is allied with whom?) and who is in conflict with each other, discounting the Lizard-Human war going on. Plus it also shows the actors that are manipulating others for ulterior motives.
    Protagonits manipulated by Antagonists.png

    Lot of fun putting this together. More to follow when I transform my notes into narrative form :vulcan:
  4. Ge32

    Ge32 Well-Known Member

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    Ok, because what you are asking for has already been created for the game Man or War, unfortunately it is not available for 28 mm scale, but if you wrote the designer by mail, as I have done, we may meet enough demand to make it Created in larger size.

    Contact e-mail:





    Savely, Nazqua, thedarkfourth and 3 others like this.
  5. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    Wow that's a great find! I especially like how the sails are painted
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  6. Ge32

    Ge32 Well-Known Member

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    Something has occurred to me based on what you have written, and mixing a little the novel by Federico Andahazi, by him The Conqueror. I wrote this.


    A naval invasion by Druchis suddenly rips apart a Mutal village at night, some citizens and creatures captured to be sold as slaves. Among them is an ancient Mutal translator skink, a master of the old and new languages. However, he is mortally wounded and for such, he transmits what he gets to hear from his cellmate Quetzatlipoc:
    On the distant Dragon Island, an archipelago located in the Sea of Terror, east of the Southlands and south of the Wailing Mountains, lies a great ancient relic that they wish to possess. Such relic is guarded by former brothers forgotten by their fate, savages, those who no longer recognize and have forgotten their purpose. Perhaps it is the relic that the Slann High Priests, who still live in Lustria, need to come to understand the great plan of the Old Ones.

    Such an invasive irruption would not go unnoticed by the Mutal army. Pliodons are launched against the dark elves and quickly the army of lizardmen jump on the black ship being surrounded by saurians and skinks. The enemy heads are exhibited in the main temple and the survivors, given to be sacrificed.

    Quetzatlipoc after being released and back in his city, begins to see his duty. You must come up with an ingenious plan to gather an army to cross the great pool and bring the necessary relics to Mutal.
    At the Mutal High Temple, he requests an audience with the green priest Yax Kuk’mo, but they refuse to give it to him. The priest has far more important duties to attend to.

    This adventure will be recognized as "The journey of Quetzatlipoc".

    PART 1:

    - Quetzatlipoc to gather the army he needs, he must attract the attention of his leaders, so he must invent some excuse to invade Bretonnian territory and rescue something of great value that has been snatched by the enemy.
    It will depend on your speaking skills and skirmish combat.

    - Once you have obtained your valuable object, you must give notice of the prompt invasion of the enemy to the city.
    If the city survives, Quetzatlipoc will be heard and given an army and a fleet.

    - On the trip, he must resist a naval combat against Bretonnia that will pursue him to the sea.
    If they survive, they will take the enemy's resources and set sail for Nahuontl in the Southlands.

    PART 2:

    - In Nahuontl you will find a city besieged by Norses. They must help in the defense of the city.
    Here if they survive, they will take food, recruit more soldiers on their journey, and leave for the Coasts of Teotiqua.

    - From the Coasts of Teotiqua they will obtain a sea turtle that will serve as a major transport, here they will just incorporate 3 Bastiladon and 2 Stegadon. And they will set sail for the Dragon Islands.

    - In the Dragon Islands, they must face another army of lizardmen. If they survive, they will be able to get 2 ancient relics, but they will have to escape from the rest of the wild creatures.

    PART 3:

    - The ship returns, but a storm diverts them to the East and they make landfall in what they think are the Southern Lands, however they are in the Ind kingdoms. Upon arrival they are mistaken for divine beings. In the lands of the kingdoms of Ind they are given silk fabrics, many gifts of ivory and a relic that they did not expect to find, with a mark of a serpent man, however, worshipers of Tzeench trap part of the crew to deliver them as a sacrifice. They must rescue them in a skirmish match.
    Those who survive quickly return to their ships.

    - The ships sarpan and reach the shores of Khuresh. In these lands everything goes wrong. The turtle for some reason sinks into the sea and part of the crew, including the beasts, are drowned. Only ships that make landfall survive. But all three relics are still owned by Quetzatlipoc.
    In the lands of Kuresh, in a lush jungle similar to the Lands of the South, the crew of Quetzatlipoc, lost thinking that they have already arrived, prepare to return home. However, they are surrounded by Serpent Men, the Naga of Khuresh, who demanded that they be given something that the crew carried in their possession.
    Here a war takes place and they manage to get back to their ships. But they lose an ancient relic in the assault.

    - They continue their journey to the east and when crossing the islands of Nippon, a cyclone destroys the ships that accompanied Quetzatlipoc, taking the rest to the bottom of the sea. But the ship where Quetzatlipoc was found manages to continue its journey east.

    - Finally, the Quetzatlipoc crew manages to see the western lands of Lustria, the ship prepares for its boarding. The two relics are still in his possession and the whole journey has been worth it. However, as is common in lands with a great climate, the rains are frequent and a storm breaks out while the sailors try to get the boats out. The sea hits the ship with force and everyone falls overboard, the relics are lost from Quetzatlipoc's hands, and they sink into the jaws of the sea.
    Quetzatlipoc, the only survivor, spits water off the Caribbean shores of Lustria. He stands alone watching and sitting as the sun hides behind the big puddle.

    Hope you like.
    Perhaps it will serve them to play it as a campaign.

    By Ge32


    (Image by: )


    Se me ha ocurrido algo a partir de lo que has escrito y mezclando un poco la novela de Federico Andahazi, de El Conquistador, redacté ésto.


    Una invasión naval de Druchis destroza repentinamente una aldea Mutal durante la noche, algunos ciudadanos y criaturas son capturados para ser vendidos como esclavos. Entre ellos se encuentra un antiguo eslizón traductor de Mutal, un maestro de las lenguas antiguas y nuevas. Sin embargo, se encuentra herido de muerte y por tal, le transmite lo que llega a oir a su compañero de celda Quetzatlipoc:
    En la lejana isla del dragón, un archipiélago situado en el Mar del Terror, al este de las Tierras del Sur y al sur de las Montañas de los Lamentos, se encuentra una gran reliquia ancestral de la cual, ellos desean poseer. Tal reliquia se encuentra custodiada por antiguos hermanos olvidados a su suerte, salvajes, aquellos que ya no reconocen y se han olvidado de su propósito. Quizás sea la reliquia que los sumos sacerdotes Slann, que aún viven en Lustria, necesiten para llegar a comprender el gran plan de los Ancestrales.

    Tal irrupción invasora no pasaría inadvertida por el ejercito Mutal. Pliodones se lanzan contra los elfos oscuros y rápidamente el ejercito de hombres lagarto saltan sobre el barco negro quedando rodeado por saurios y eslizones. Las cabezas enemigas son exhibidas en el templo mayor y los sobrevivientes, entregados para ser sacrificados.

    Quetzatlipoc luego de ser liberado y nuevamente en su ciudad, empieza a vislumbrar su deber. Deberá elaborar un ingenioso plan para reunir un ejército y así atravesar el gran charco y traer las reliquias necesarias a Mutal.
    En el templo mayor de Mutal, solicita audiencia con el sacerdote verde Yax Kuk’mo pero se niegan a dárselo. El sacerdote tiene deberes mucho más importantes que atender.

    Ésta aventura será reconocida como "El viaje de Quetzatlipoc".

    PARTE 1:

    - Quetzatlipoc para reunir el ejército que necesita, deberá llamar la atención de sus lideres, por lo que deberá inventar alguna excusa para invadir el territorio bretoniano y rescatar algo de gran valor que haya sido arrebatado por el enemigo.
    Dependerá de su destreza oratoria y del combate de escaramuza.

    - Una vez que haya conseguido su objeto de valor, deberá dar aviso de la pronta invasión del enemigo a la ciudad.
    Si la ciudad sobrevive, Quetzatlipoc será escuchado y se le dará un ejercito y una flota.

    - En el viaje, deberá resistir un combate naval contra Bretonia que le van a perseguir hasta mar adentro.
    Si sobreviven, tomarán los recursos del enemigo y se harán a la mar hasta llegar a Nahuontl en las Tierras del Sur.

    PARTE 2:

    - En Nahuontl encontrarán una ciudad asediada por Norses. Deberán ayudar en la defensa de la ciudad.
    Aquí si sobreviven, tomarán víveres, reclutarán más soldados en su travesía, y partirán a las Costas de Teotiqua.

    - De las Costas de Teotiqua obtendrán una tortuga marina que servirá como transporte mayor, aquí recién incorporarán 3 Bastiladon y 2 Stegadon. Y zarparán a las Islas Dragón.

    - En las Islas Dragón, deberán enfrentarse a otro ejército de hombres lagarto. Si sobreviven, podrán conseguir 2 reliquias antiguas, pero deberán escapar del resto de criaturas salvajes.

    PARTE 3:

    - El barco regresa, pero una tormenta los desvía hacia el Este y tocan tierra en lo que ellos piensan que son las Tierras del Sur sin embargo se encuentran en los reinos Ind. Al llegar son confundidos con seres divinos. En las tierras de los reinos de Ind les obsequian telas de seda, muchísimos obsequios de marfil y una relíquia que no esperaban encontrar, con una marca de un hombre serpiente, sin embargo adoradores de Tzeench atrapan parte de la tripulación para entregarlos como sacrificio. Deberán rescatarlos en un combate de escaramuza.
    Los que sobreviven, rápidamente vuelven a sus naves.

    - Los barcos sarpan y llegan a las costas de Khuresh. En estas tierras todo sale mal. La tortuga por alguna razón se hunde mar adentro y parte de la tripulación, incluyendo las bestias, mueren ahogadas. Solo sobreviven los barcos que logran tocar tierra. Pero las tres reliquias aún las posee Quetzatlipoc.
    En las tierras de Kuresh, en una frondosa jungla semejante a las Tierras del Sur, la tripulación de Quetzatlipoc, perdidos pensando que ya han llegado, se preparan para volver a casa. Sin embargo se ven rodeados por Hombres Serpiente, los Naga de Khuresh, que exigían que se les de algo que llevaba la tripulación en su poder.
    Aquí una guerra se lleva a cabo y logran volver a sus barcos. Pero pierden una reliquia ancestral en el asalto.

    - Continúan su viaje hacia el este y al atravesar las islas de Nippon, un ciclón destroza las naves que acompañaban a Quetzatlipoc, llevando al resto al fondo del mar. Pero el barco donde se encontraba Quetzatlipoc logra continuar su viaje al este.

    - Por último la tripulación de Quetzatlipoc logra divisar las tierras occidentales de Lustria, el barco se prepara para su abordaje. Las dos reliquias aún están en su poder y todo el viaje ha valido la pena. Sin embargo como es común en tierras de gran clima, las lluvias son frecuentes y una tormenta se desata mientras los marineros tratan de sacar los botes. El mar azota con fuerza al barco y todos caen por la borda, las reliquias se pierden de las manos de Quetzatlipoc, y se hunden en las fauces del mar.
    Quetzatlipoc, el único sobreviviente, escupe agua en las costas caribeñas de Lustria. Se queda observando solo y sentado como el sol se esconde detrás del gran charco.

    Espero que les guste.
    Quizás les sirva para jugarlo como alguna campaña.

    By Ge32

    Last edited: May 14, 2021
    Warden and thedarkfourth like this.
  7. PatrickRB
    Jungle Swarm

    PatrickRB New Member

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  8. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    Sure I have no problem with that, I would be curious what you come up with.

    I haven't looked at the King Kong -verse as a source of inspiration in the past, but I am sure that and other pulp-themed stories set in the jungles could be sources of inspiration.

    There is a ton of stuff in the Lustriapedia index that could be mined for good ideas as well. And of course I would highly recommend giving the world of Scarterra a read (as written by @Scalenex , long may he write).

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