AoS 1k list

Discussion in 'Seraphon Army Lists' started by Iblitz, May 31, 2019.

  1. Iblitz
    Chameleon Skink

    Iblitz Well-Known Member

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    FINALY !
    I've played my first game !

    and lose... againts Stormcast. (16 vs 10... maybe more).

    My list was :
    - Feather priest
    - Astroligth
    - 40 skinks (blowpipes, shields)
    - 10 skinks (Javelines, shields)
    - 5 cameleons
    - 2 sallies
    - 3 handlers
    - stegadon

    His list was something like :
    - sorcerer on foot with grenades
    - Sorcerer on griffin like monster
    - a squad of 5 big Warrior sorcerers guys
    - two squads of 5 warriores with shields and hammers
    - 3 guys with crossbows
    - 1 balista

    I picked the Teleport trait, and we played nothing else.

    I've let him strike first letting him grab the objectives in the corners of the tables. Which was my first mistake because i give him 4 victory points right in the first turn.

    Secondo, i should have teleported my steggie right next to my Cameleons, just to put more pressure as he may want to protect his balista.

    I misdeployed my javelin guys, blocking my alpha move with steggie...
    My steggy was lame, maybe too old to fight, he killed around 1 guy and a half...
    My sallies scored well by killing crossbows and some other guys around.

    I'm sure my list is not that bad, but i'm thinking about reducing the number of skinks and putting maybe one more sally, maybe 2.

    What do you think ?
    Which artefact and traits could fit the most ?
    LizardWizard likes this.
  2. LizardWizard

    LizardWizard Grand Skink Handler Staff Member

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    If you are referring to Great Remember, this trait is only available to Slanns. Since you like the Skink Priest my recommendation is to take the Skink Starpriest and give it the trait Master of Star Rituals. This allows your priest to become a Wizard and still retain the Celestial Rites ability from the standard priest's warscroll.

    Your list looks fun and skinky. Chameleon Skinks are one of our most overlooked units. They are fantastic at stealing objectives, tying up enemy units, and sniping backline support heroes. I would however consider dropping the Saurus Astrolith Bearer from your army until you get closer to 2000MPP.

    Here is a list of our army's most optimized units:
    • Razordons
    • Ripperdactyls
    • Skink Starpriest
    • Engine of the Gods
    • Terradons
    • Salamanders
  3. Iblitz
    Chameleon Skink

    Iblitz Well-Known Member

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    Thanks for the advices.

    I play skink still 5ed so, i'm a bit OCD on this.
    No Slann
    No Saurus, the astrolight was an exception. (and i mad a cool proxi for so i don't wan't to leave it on the shelve too soon).

    I was refering to the Master of time and space, which allows you to teleport one thing a turn.
    The astrolight is great but force to keep the units backline, and with 40 skinks inside the bubble, i lose so much manouverability.

    I'm thinking of this version :
    - CloakFeather priest with Nimble trait and Amulet for and more rocketeer skink (3+ armor, mvt 15ps).
    Skink Star preast for some magic (and benefit from Astrolight)
    - Astroligth to help the sallies and the warlord, why not
    - 10 skinks (blowpipes, shields)
    - 10 skinks (blowpipes, shields)
    - 10 skinks (Javelines, shields)
    - 5 cameleons
    - 3 sallies
    - 3 handlers
    - Stegadon

    Ps : Great rememberer trait is for slann only !
  4. Iblitz
    Chameleon Skink

    Iblitz Well-Known Member

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    AND !
    I lose again againts Seraphons...

    I took the same list, the guy in front of me was particulary "cool" but extremely rigid in term of rules.

    I lose turn one, but keep the objective until the end just to lurn some few trics.

    Here how it was done :
    - got the first turn
    - my opponent refuse me to play the "time and space" trait because i have no slann and for him, fluffwise, "i have no slann, so no powers like this" ...
    (the slann powers are clearly specified in the first half of the rule text, but for the second part it's only in the italic part (the fluff one) and not in bold like for any other capacity of any other book/armies. For me fluffwise, the slann can do it from any part of the universe, that's their power. For him, he can only do it when he is on the table. It seems that our Local HS is behind him, so i stop trying to explain him and continue to play.
    - my first turn left with no real damage dealt.
    - then he summon 3 rippers, kill my stegadon
    - summon some skinks
    - Get the initiative and kill 25 skinks...

    His army :
    - Slann
    - EOG
    - Bastiladon
    - 30 skinks
    - 10 skinks

    Then i decided to go like this for my list:
    - EOG
    - EOG
    - 10 skinks
    - 10 skinks
    - 4 Salamanders
    - 3 handlers
    - 10 cameleons

    What do you think ?
    Last edited: Jun 8, 2019
    LizardWizard likes this.
  5. LizardWizard

    LizardWizard Grand Skink Handler Staff Member

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    You opponent isn't rules strick. He doesnt know the rules and he shouldn't be playing this game if he only plans to play according to his own rules. He should know how the rules of the army considering he was playing it. If I were you I wouldn't play against him again unless he is actually willing to follow the rules of the game.
    Aginor likes this.

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