Discussion Rank of the Sunblood

Discussion in 'Fluff and Stories' started by Imrahil, Jul 17, 2019.

  1. Imrahil

    Imrahil Thirtheenth Spawning

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    I am not entirely sure about where to put this tread, but Fluff seamed to me the most likely.

    Building and painting my army i created an Sunblood out of the SC-box.
    The colorscheme i follow is the Fangs of Sotek(at least for the warriors and heroes), so basically Blue with a Red stripe along the back.
    For the Scar Veterans and Priests there is a black stripe added in between the red.
    The Oldbloods and Starpriests have even a white sliver in between the black.

    So far nothing new... but where does the Sunblood at in to this list.
    What is his Fluff and story?

    First I did consult the Battletome for the answer...


    SO he is older then an Oldblood or the evolution of a Warrior??
    Where does he fit in your army in rank? What does the older fluff say?

    Gr, Imrahil
    Last edited: Jul 17, 2019
    Paul1748 and Lizerd like this.
  2. Lizerd
    Skink Priest

    Lizerd Well-Known Member

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    So here is the thing: in a command structure these guys are not generals like the oldbloods or captains like the scar veterans. While they both can fight in battle they also focus a lot on command. I would say a sunblood in a command chain would be similar to a scar veteran or slightly lower just based on the function. As for their religious significance, they are vastly ahead of even the oldbloods, simply due to the fact that they are seen as avatars of gods.
    Imrahil and Paul1748 like this.
  3. ravagekitteh
    Skink Chief

    ravagekitteh Well-Known Member

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    The Sunblood is definitely a black stripe without the White in terms of colours - the warscrolls at the back of the Tome are mostly in the Fangs of Sotek colours, so if you want to paint it as such exactly, be sure to use them as a guide. As for the fluff, based on the Battalions and other things, I think I see him as the equivalent rank of about a captain. From how I see it, the “alphas” are the sergeants, each leading a unit (no stripe), the Sunblood, Eternity Warden, Scar-Veteran, Engine of the Gods and Priest/Starpriest are the captains, each leading a division of the army (black stripe), the Oldblood and Starseers are the generals, more or less leading the army in battle (white stripe) and the Slann is the overall commander, leading the entire constellation of Seraphon.

    In terms of the Sunblood himself, his fluff is being deliberately kept ambiguous, so feel free to go nuts with it without fear of going against the canon. My interpretation is that he is lower in rank than the Oldblood; he is still consulted upon for advice and respected like an elder, and he has his own Sunclaw Starhost to command, but his skill is more in combat (in game I do believe he has the highest possible damage output with a single weapon with the right buffs, and can still inflict 45 wounds with it without them) and lower level command, and so defers overall leadership to the Oldblood, who is far better equipped for that sort of thing
    Imrahil and Lizerd like this.
  4. Imrahil

    Imrahil Thirtheenth Spawning

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    Thanks for your points of View.

    I like your explanations. As well as the stats and role fitting in the battle
    I did see the colors in the warscrolls, but was wondering how to explain this ;)

    Gr, Imrahil
    Lizerd likes this.
  5. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    Well you can have more ranks than general and captain, but I think a Sunblood is an elite warrior, no more, no less. They don't normally command. They are there to destroy enemies.
    Last edited: Dec 7, 2019
  6. Lizerd
    Skink Priest

    Lizerd Well-Known Member

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    Yeah, pretty much that.

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