AoS 2K Thunderquake vs Skaven - New rules!

Discussion in 'Battle Reports' started by Joshua Horchler, Mar 16, 2020.

  1. Joshua Horchler

    Joshua Horchler Well-Known Member

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    Trophy Points:
    Kroak - 320
    EOTG - General, Aethquartz broach, +1 Attack Command Trait - 260
    Starpriest - 120
    Priest - 70
    5x Saurus Guard - 100
    10x Skinks- 60
    10x Skinks -60
    10x Skinks -60
    10x Skinks -60
    1x Salamander Hunting Pack - 80
    Bastiladon - 220
    Bastiladon - 220
    Thunderquake - 150
    BWV (normal) - 40
    Spellportal (normal) - 70
    Bound Geminids - 70
    Bound Burning Head 40

    6x Stormfiends
    60 clan rats
    Doom wheel
    Rattling guns

    It was his first time playing his list and my first time with the new army. We both made some mistakes but overall a solid game.

    Battleplan was Escalation which meant all our Behemoths were forced very far back. 3 Objectives spaced out evenly in the middle from board corner to board corner. We were in the Shadow realm (extra teleportation spells/command abilities)

    Here's a terrible picture, but it shows my deployment, which was probably the biggest deciding factor of the game. Stars are objectives. Gnawholes are green.

    He was running a MSU build so I out dropped him. Off the right side of the picture is one of the objectives and a Gnawhole. I decided to play for the middle objective and the bottom right one. I put my TQ baddies on the right hand side to deter him from teleporting. The Basti's with run and charge could then also threaten the middle of the board with 24 inch range.

    Other important things, Skink Starpriest is outside unbind range and is exactly 12 inches from Kroak. Skink Priest rides the taill of the EoTG hiding and buffing.

    I made one big error and put the EoTG too far towards the back board edge, it took him forever to get to the middle of the board to fight Thanquol *spoiler alert* :)

    Skinks hid behind some cover and also pushed up aggressively in the middle of the board. My plan was for Kroak and Guard to hold the line with Skink screens.

    I give him first turn. My deployment works and he doesnt get aggressive with his Stormfiends because he fears the Basti's and EoTG. He shuffles up the middle of the board, Teleports 20 Rats to the bottom right objective and does some shooting. Due to the mission almost all his shooting was out of range. It was a tough mission/matchup for him because we were so far back and most of my shooting out ranged him. He does get some Stormfiends in range and he kills some skinks on the bottom side and forces a BS roll.... Yikes Coalesced skinks bravery is so bad. I lose 3 more.

    My turn. 2 extra Command points from Kroak. Good start. Priest buffs EOTG with +1 save. This is where my deployment worked well. Use 2 CPs to buff Basti's with +1 to hit (in hindsight I didn't need both to kill 20 Clanrats), buffed one with Starpriest mortals. Then started casting. Starpriest is outside of enemy unbind range, but within 12 of Kroak. Portal goes off! One next to Kroak, the other 18 inches into enemy lines. Kroak gets BWV off :) Great start. Then Kroak goes nuts. He is at +2 to cast and none of his spells fail or get unbound and get all 3 damage spells off. 3 Wounds from board-wide spell onto Archwarlock, 4-5 wounds to one unit of Stormfiends, 4-5 to another, Jezzails DEAD, a bunch of dead clan rats. It was beautiful. It went as well as it could have and showed his max potential. Scary. Not much fun for opponent.

    Movement phase - run with TQ (can still shoot). Due to the mission, the bottom right clan rats are the only thing in range. Move Skinks on my bottom right to just outside of 3 of Clan rats and within objective range. Boom, 20 unit of rats dead. Didn't need to use 2 CP to buff both. Other Skinks push in the middle to threaten objective ( you start scoring in the 2nd round). EOTG engine rolls heal :(

    Do I get the double and blow him off the table?????

    Nope not today. He wasn't feeling great after Kroak exploded but he still had 6 Stormfiends alive, the doomwheel and Thanquol at full health. Thanquol casts some buffs, including a really nice +5 after save from the shadow realm. He dispels spellportal. He moves everything towards the center of the board to contest it. Thanquol is slowed down by some terrain and the big rats shooting doesn't do much. He decides to go for my Skinks. He kills one center unit and damages the other. -1 dmg was great all game. He fails a couple super long charge attempts, but gets his clan rats into combat with my Skinks who are contesting the middle objective. After pile in and attacks 5 Skinks survive. I use a CP to make them fearless. At the end of his turn 2 he has the top left objective and the middle. Stormfiends and Thanquol are in the middle of board.

    My turn. 2 extra CPs, 4 in total. Buffs onto Steggy and Bastis (get 2 CPs back from AQ Broach). Kroak uses +1 to save and fly onto my Starpriest buffed Basti so he can get over some terrain. Casting, Starpriest fails to get portal off. Thought for a second and adjusted my of plans. Kroak dispells own BWV to re-position to better protect against possible charges next turn. He tries to cast Geminids but it gets dispelled. He casts board wide comet and gets a 10! 4 units are hit. Archwarlock now on 1 wound, killed one Stormfiend model and hit some clan rats (Thanquol is on a +5 +5 so not targeting him). Kroak casts Mystic Shield on Guard then hits the only thing in 10 inches with a few more mortals, the Clan rats.

    Movement phase - Re-position Skinks in the middle to form a screen in front of Kroak/Saurus guard. They also get ready to charge middle clan rats. I run my TQ and get Basti's in range of both Stormfiend units. EoTG pushes up but is stalled by terrain and the big bases of the Basti's. Skinks on bottom right objective run into the Gnawhole to prevent teleporting.

    Shooting goes well, especially after I do it again with one of the Basti's. Middle stormfiend unit is dead and the right one is down to 1 guy. EOTG summons 10x Warriors which go as far up as they can to try to charge remaining Stormfiend. Clan rats and Skinks pillow fight and I take middle objective thanks to body count.

    I make my charge with Warriors into Stormfiend but only have 2 in range. He kills 1 warrior and I do nothing.

    I get the double :). Smooth sailing from here. Skink priest gets portal off, I buff Basti's and EOTG and get ready for run, shoot and charge. Things die to Kroak, including Archwarlock, a few mortals onto Thanquol. Basti's finish off clan rats and Doomwheel in shooting, then shoot Thanquol. Salamander runs 6, moves 14 inches in total and then shoots. Rolls 2 sixes to hit and does like 4-5 wounds to Thanquol. EOTG summons 10 more Warriors. Everything charges Thanquol. The EOTG goes first and finishes him off.

    Win for the Seraphon!!

    We called it from there. I would have tabled him and gotten to his back objective. Going second and waiting for the double was huge. After report analysis below!
    Last edited: Mar 16, 2020
    Lizerd, Putzfrau, Captaniser and 4 others like this.
  2. Ivor

    Ivor Member

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    Very Nice battlerep! Did you cast multiple spells through the portal with kroak?
    Lizerd and Joshua Horchler like this.
  3. Joshua Horchler

    Joshua Horchler Well-Known Member

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    Yep! Kroak spell went off all 3 times the first turn. It felt good:)
    Lizerd likes this.
  4. Ivor

    Ivor Member

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    Ah I see. Well its still a very nice battle report but since the FAQ of malign sorcery you can only cast 1 spell through the spellportal ;)
    Lizerd and Joshua Horchler like this.
  5. Joshua Horchler

    Joshua Horchler Well-Known Member

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    .......huge oversight. Thanks for point that out. That's a bummer. I'll probably be reworking the list then
    Lizerd likes this.
  6. Lizerd
    Skink Priest

    Lizerd Well-Known Member

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    You’ll be reworking the list to include more carnosaurs :D
    Joshua Horchler likes this.

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