9th Edition Tyranids

Discussion in 'General Hobby/Tabletop Chat' started by JscoobertDoobert, Aug 7, 2020.

  1. JscoobertDoobert

    JscoobertDoobert Active Member

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    My friend I play AOS with is wanting to get into 40K with the new necron models dropping so I’m looking to get started too.

    I really like Tyranids but I have no idea where to even start with collecting. Does anybody who plays have any ideas on what’s gonna be good in the new version and what to avoid? I really the big monster bugs like the carnifexes and hive tyrants.

    Also I usually buy second hand to save money, and from what I understand 40K has a bunch of different weapon options and combos so are there some I should avoid or make sure I get?
  2. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    Greetings fellow Tyranid fan! I too am a follower of the Great Devourer, though I continue to play 5th and 6th Editions as 7th was pointless and 8th was awful.

    Now that each race is going to be given new cover art to its codices again and the rules in 9th look better than those in 8th, I am interested to see where it goes, though I don’t expect we’ll be seeing the Tyranid rules for a while. GW haven’t even released the Space Marine and Necron codices yet, and it looks as though after that they’ll be working on Chaos Marines, Orks, Dark Eldar, Admech and Sisters of Battle according to one of their videos, so we won’t be seeing new Tyranids for some time unfortunately :(

    You could always start with the 8th Edition codex and Blood of Baal, but when the 9th Codex arrives it’ll be highly likely that the meta will change again, so I’d say you should wait for the 9th Codex.

    However, if you’re really desperate to get started before that happens, I can offer a few pointers based on what I know about the 9th Edition Rules already:
    • The new Blast weapon rules mean horde units like Hormagaunts and Termagants will be less viable than before - I’d steer clear of those and take elite units like Genestealers and Tyranid Warriors.
    • Monsters can shoot with non-Blast weapons in close combat now, so equipping your Carnifexes and Hive Tyrants with a non-Blast Shooting weapon as well as a decent melee option will considerably increase its melee damage output. I don’t know if Heavy Venom Cannons and Stranglethorn Cannons will be treated as Blast in this edition (they were in 5th and 6th), but if they are you can still take decent options like twin-linked Deathspitters. Taking a few Carnifexes and Hive Tyrants with these as one weapon option will provide a good few hard-hitting units to take out vehicles and enemy elites.
    • Hive Crones will be near-essential for taking out the Flying Vehicles other factions use, as they’ve been made pretty OP in this edition.
    Hope this helps, best of luck and stay away from Dark Eldar players ;)
    JscoobertDoobert likes this.
  3. Padre

    Padre Well-Known Member

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    Tyranids are a fun army. I started 40k with a 'nid army in 3rd edition and still have one, although I don't play it nearly enough these days. In terms of what will be good, I'm still not sure. I think hordes won't be as bad as the meta thinks, particularly termagaunts backed by a tervigon. Also, in a game where speed will be necessary for getting objectives, hormagaunts and genestealers will be very helpful. The changes to overwatch and retreating will only help tyranids as well.

    Honestly, any of our deepstrike units will be useful for getting to objectives and board quarters. Trygons and particularly Tyrgon Primes will be very useful. Tipper swarms can deepstrike in, hide, and generally be annoying. I'm hopeful that this will be the best edition for nids since 4th, but we will see.​
  4. FuzzyOreo

    FuzzyOreo Member

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    I started with the start collecting box from the tyranids
  5. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    Good advices. things as hormagaunts still work, as long as you pick them in minimal squad, keeping them behind things that block LoS to take some obj, block deep strike or use them as cheap infantry that perform actions for secondary objectives. Don't try to use them for other things.

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