Blog Lair of the Bars_VDV

Discussion in 'Personal Paint Logs' started by Bars_VDV, Aug 24, 2020.

  1. Bars_VDV

    Bars_VDV Member

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    Hello everyone!

    I'll probably start a small blog here.

    First, a little about yourself. I'm from Russia. I have been reading this forum since 2017. But I don't know enough English to speak it. So I use Yandex translator. And I try to write more simply. I apologize for any inaccuracies or errors.

    I've been in the AoS since the start. And to collect lizardmen began with the release of the books "The End Time". I'm most interested in narrative games. But they are very specific, and it is rarely possible to go beyond the tournament rules.

    I write a lot about seraphon: I review the rules, examine the background, write articles, stories, and poems. We don't have a large community like this, so most of the time I have to work alone. For reviews of tactics and rosters helped me a lot article Killer Angel and LizardWizard. So I thank them for their work.

    Today I have a fairly large army by our standards. Although still does not allow to implement all available seraphon’s tactics. I'm a bad artist. I make conversions even worse. But I still want to share some of the ideas that have been implemented.

    The first and easiest job in terms of conversion, skink-leader on the horned. In the FB, there was a well-known guy like Inxi-Huinzi. I really liked it, and I decided to make it. He played by the rules of scarvet on a cold (proxy). Although there was an idea to organize a campaign in which the characters invented by the players themselves would take part, one for each warring army. Each with its own unique rules developed by the players themselves. I also prepared a profile for my own Inxi. Now this is not relevant, because the "THE ANVIL OF APOTHEOSIS" rule block allows you to prepare a battle scroll for my Inksi. And I used this opportunity to prepare a battle scroll. Those who are interested can read it.
    It is noteworthy that the saurus for the same points will have much higher characteristics: 8 Wounds instead of 6, 4 + Save instead of 5+ and 8 Bravery instead of 6. Therefore, Inxi will be a WIZARD, although it was not originally planned.

    Total: DP 16.
    DSC03585.JPG DSC03586.JPG u553LQS_eOM.jpg O7ien18lJUE.jpg
    P.S.: I am very interested in the "THE ANVIL OF APOTHEOSIS" rules, but this is a separate topic for discussion.
  2. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Привет! Приятно видеть, как вы пишете, я сам не увлекался хобби и страничкой чуть больше года! Я не говорю по-русски (живу в США), поэтому воспользуюсь Google Translate, ха-ха.

    Мне очень нравится ваше обращение, меня тоже очень интересуют кастомные персонажи Anvil of Apotheosis. Я сделал несколько своих собственных и в настоящее время работаю над обширной историей домашнего пивоварения для моего собственного Серафона в Гиране.

    с нетерпением жду возможности увидеть больше ваших работ. будь то миниатюры или другие аспекты, такие как знания, стихи и т. д.!

    или этот перевод, поскольку он дал мне два варианта ...

    ili etot perevod, poskol'ku on dal mne dva varianta ...
    *Or this Translation as it gave me two*

    Privet! Priyatno videt', kak vy pishete, ya sam ne uvlekalsya khobbi i stranichkoy chut' bol'she goda! YA ne govoryu po-russki (zhivu v SSHA), poetomu vospol'zuyus' Google Translate, kha-kha.

    Mne ochen' nravitsya vashe obrashcheniye, menya tozhe ochen' interesuyut kastomnyye personazhi Anvil of Apotheosis. YA sdelal neskol'ko svoikh sobstvennykh i v nastoyashcheye vremya rabotayu nad obshirnoy istoriyey domashnego pivovareniya dlya moyego sobstvennogo Serafona v Girane.

    s neterpeniyem zhdu vozmozhnosti uvidet' bol'she vashikh rabot. bud' to miniatyury ili drugiye aspekty, takiye kak znaniya, stikhi i t. d.!

    *hey! Good to see you posting, I myself have only been apart of the hobby and page for just over a year! I do not speak Russian (I live in the US), so I will use Google Translate haha.

    I really love your conversion, I too am very interested in the Anvil of Apotheosis custom characters. I've made a few of my own and am currently working on an extensive homebrew lore for my own Seraphon in Ghyran.

    looking forward to seeing more of your work. whether it be miniatures or other aspects such as lore or poems, etc!*
    Explodingzeb and Imrahil like this.
  3. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    I like the backdrop you are using, made me miss all the conversions at first!
  4. Bars_VDV

    Bars_VDV Member

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    Thank you for your feedback!
    I'm sorry that I rarely write.

    Sudsinabucket, the first translation option is better than the second! I read your topics – very interesting! I will definitely think about creating a thread in section "Fluff and Stories".

    These are houses and walls made of thick cardboard. In Russia, they are made by the company "Умная бумага". They even released a dungeon pack.
    Warden and Imrahil like this.
  5. Bars_VDV

    Bars_VDV Member

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    Let's continue!

    I once thought that my saurians with spears really needed an Alpha. But not a simple Alpha. A brave Alpha who can't be accidentally removed from the table when removing slain models.

    Every dozen of my large unit is made with a full command group. A large unit can include several Stardrake icon bearers and Wardrummers (1 in every 5 models). But there was a problem with the Alphas. First, it's hard to remember which of the four Alphas is the real one. Second, this alpha is difficult to quickly find among the same forty almost identical warriors. There is only one way out – the alpha of one of the dozens should be very different from all the others.

    The first thing that comes to mind is a proxy. For example, an Oldblood on foot from a box with a Carnosaur. There are two arguments in favor of this option. First: the size of the base of an Oldblood on foot and a regular Saurus Warrior is the same – 32 mm. So the model can be used as both an Oldblood and an Alpha. Second, I need an Oldblood on foot with a spear, and the Alpha should lead a unit of spearmen. Everything seems to fit. But…

    I can't place these two characters on the battlefield at the same time. The restriction is very unpleasant. But most importantly, the official model of the hero can not play the official model of the warrior, because both of these models have their own specific rules.

    The second way is kitbash. I can stick all sorts of bits on a regular Saurus Warrior. But to catch the eye, the model must look like a Christmas tree.

    The third way is to rework the original model, or sculpt a new one.

    I must admit that at first I decided to go the second way. It seemed to me that a spear from the box with a Carnosaur would make an alpha stand out from the crowd. Thinking about what else to stick to the model to make it look organic, I made the fifteenth Saurus Warrior. And so tired of collecting identical miniatures that I came up with the crazy idea to change the next Saurus pose. The spear from the box with a Carnosaur is longer than the standard Saurus Warrior's spear. And the saurian poses are too static: the models either hold their spears vertically or point them forward, as in slow motion. In other words, I will have to set it on a small hill, so that the length of the spear does not interfere. The elevation will give me another static model. But it will already make the model notable. Especially with a spear like that. But this is again exactly the same Saurus as the previous fourteen! What if I tilt it a little? Well, it's like he wants to push off and jump down. The right foot can be freely turned anywhere, but all these manipulations look extremely unnatural. It's like the saurus is falling. Something's wrong.

    I have a mirror hanging over my table, and I immediately began to study myself at this jump. Yes, the body is tilted forward – this is good. The fact that the back is slightly stooped is also good, it means that the lizard is grouped at the moment of the jump. But the right foot spoils everything. It is vital to bend it in three places.

    I cut the ill-fated foot in the knee and ankle, like a real surgeon. Unfortunately, it was impossible to make the third cut. Having lost the excess fragments, the foot was reassembled without much difficulty. Looking at the result, I saw that first, the operation was successful, and second, the foot was bent enough.
    Great, Alpha already looked more dynamic. What about the shield? His left hand was useless – it could only be glued to his side. In addition, the shield itself looked boring. Then I took the knight's hand, which covered the rider's chest. Next, it was necessary to change the tilt of the head so that the warrior did not look down. It's simple – I taped a crest to the back, and the neck is molded from epoxylin. It will be almost invisible, especially if the lizard is wearing a helmet. For example, a helmet made from the skull of a ripperdactyl. Why not?
    Taking the largest head of the unfortunate flyer, I scraped out the brains and drilled through the eyes. The narrow skull of the ripperdactyl looked swollen when fitting. The nose was glued together perfectly, but it was necessary to seal the joint at the top and bottom. I again used epoxylin. Soon the helmet was ready. The alpha's roaring jaw protrudes from the ripperdactyl's open jaw.

    The final touch is the elevation mentioned above. Terradon rock seemed like a great idea. Especially if you imagine that alpha is landing from a high altitude in the middle of a dogfight. Wow! However, I had to say goodbye to the idea of a spear raised over the head of a Saurus Warrior (then the right hand of a Knight would have been perfect). After all, if someone jumps on the enemy, it is logical for him to put the spear forward – so no one will knock out the weapon with a counter strike, and the right side of the body will be covered. Standard hand, a severed palm that can be turned in any direction…
    And now the model is ready! Almost. It remained to paint it. You won't believe it, but I couldn't find time to paint it for a year. I'm not a good artist, but the lizard was able to join the ranks of my seraphon army.
    I didn't come up with a name for the fighter. And he has not earned it in battle yet. But I wrote the story of the hero's entry into my army. I even took a few shots of it. If I have enough translation skills, I will definitely publish this story in the "Fluff and Stories" section. There is a Russian-language website-forum "Warforge". There, the story won a bronze award at the competition.

    P.S.: Please tell me if you were comfortable reading this text, or if I should take a more careful approach to forming thoughts in English. Thanks!
  6. Imrahil

    Imrahil Thirtheenth Spawning

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    It was very comfortable reading this ;)
    I very much like that you wrote down your intire thought process and motivation of your choices. This helps to possibly replicate this model for those who want to.

    I like what you have done and it looks amazing. For the little amount of Warriors that I have painted up to now I have the standard Alpha from the box. With the unit of 12 that I have fielded untill now this isn't a problem yet, but I feel your need for an outstanding Alpha die a large unit.

    I am Most impressies about the skull helmet and love that it fits around his actual head. Do you have a close up where you can look inside the helmet?

    Also the anatomical corrections to his leg are very well done!

    Keep up the good work and ideas

    Grrr, Imrahil
  7. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    Great looking conversion! :artist:
  8. Bars_VDV

    Bars_VDV Member

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    Unfortunately, I didn't take any photos while I was working. I'm always looking forward to seeing the result, so I don't get distracted by anything. The helmet is made from the largest ripperdactyl head. I cut out the excess in the right places with a model knife and cleaned it up with a file.
    Warden, Explodingzeb and Imrahil like this.
  9. Bars_VDV

    Bars_VDV Member

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    Hello everyone!
    I make simple conversions. But today we will analyze the most difficult of them. Somewhere in this section I came across salamanders made from Flesh Hounds. Using the heads of the Cold Ones. But there were no photos of the finished result. So I decided to do something similar.
    With the new battle volume Seraphon, these fire lizards ranked very high in the list of mandatory tournament units. As I already mentioned, I have a fairly extensive model range. But there was only one Salamander. Why not fix it?
    Flesh Hounds fit perfectly. They have crests and spikes on their backs, so they are not to be confused with cavalry. They have matching claws on their webbed feet. Clearly not a dog's.
    The idea of making Chaos Flesh Hounds into Order Salamanders is very funny.
    So, the algorithm is like this.

    First, we need to remove all the attributes of Chaos – two models have a characteristic mark Chaos on the croup. In addition, all collars have spikes. I cut off the spikes without any problems, but I had to cut out the mark Chaos specifically.
    The next step is the fur on the back. Lizards don't have fur :) So I armed myself with a model knife, blunted two of the blades, but gave the three fur backs the appearance of spikes. It wasn't perfect, but how it turned out. In any case, it is better to have a fur back. In the process, one very unpleasant moment came to light. The dog with the fluffiest mane standing on two stones had to have its mane cut off along with part of its back, so the dog got a big hole on the back of its neck.
    Third, we need to make collars for salamanders out of dog beards. To do this, I cut off the nasty short muzzles, and adjusted the muzzles of Cold Ones with a file. Sharpened beards, tried on – it turned out well.

    Next – sculpting. The most unpleasant thing for me. I'm an even worse sculptor than a Barber. As a material – the same hepoxilin. Closed up hole from the mark Chaos. Closed up the back. I stuck the collars to the faces and the faces to the carcasses. This is how the necks turned out. Dogs had practically no necks at first.
    It remains only to make and paint the base. Done!

    Let's compare the result with the same Cold Ones and original salamanders. Salamanders from Flesh Hounds came out large, but a real hobbit always has a few plausible excuses (they eat a lot as a child, mutated into thunder lizard, etc.).
    9.jpg 10.jpg 11.jpg
    Warden and Imrahil like this.
  10. Bars_VDV

    Bars_VDV Member

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    Warden and Imrahil like this.
  11. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    Great looking salamander conversions!
  12. Bars_VDV

    Bars_VDV Member

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    Hello everyone!
    Chameleons have always been difficult. It is almost impossible to get models, their sculptures are old, and their rules are very dubious. However, TTS tournaments have proven the usefulness of at least one full unit of 20 muzzles, and now players can add such a squad to their seraphon collection with a clear conscience. On this forum there are conversions of the most common Skinks. They have curled tails, sawn-off crests, and glued-on eyes. Is there an alternative? At one time, I became the proud owner of a whole dozen. Two positions for five of them. So-so variety, but as we say, in a place where there are no fish, the crayfish is a fish. I mean, it's better to have something than nothing. In General, I sat with this dozen until my friend suggested that chameleons be printed on a 3D printer. After all, this is the twenty-first century. The only thing left was to get the model files. I found them on this forum. From what I could get, my friend made ten different poses. Here's what came out.
    The printed chameleons came out larger than the standard ones, you can compare them in the photo.
    DSC00378.JPG DSC00379.JPG DSC00380.JPG DSC00381.JPG DSC00382.JPG DSC00383.JPG DSC00384.JPG
    Now I have twenty chameleons. This is great!
  13. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    Love the chameleon skinks, in my opinion they look better than the current GW models.

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