8th Ed. $25 To Build Your Ultimate WARHAMMER Squad

Discussion in 'Other Armies Discussion' started by NIGHTBRINGER, Sep 16, 2020.

  1. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    First off, my list is not a "power gamer" list. I did not, in isolation, view just how powerful people were and how combinations of them would be more powerful than others. I took a serious look at each of the characters as, while they would be totally loyal to me and would not work to undermine each other, they would retain their basic personality.

    As part of this, I viewed each from the standpoint of what I would be trying to achieve in entering the Warhammer universe. Aside from the fact that (as previously and hilariously covered in a meme) NO-ONE would want to go to the Warhammer universe, grim-dark as it is, I looked over the list from what I thought would be the best course of action to actually effect a change and overall victory for those not desiring to destroy/enslave/subjugate/etc. the entire world to their will.

    I decided that I would want to put together a team that would be able to unite the forces of Order in a unified front to be able to at least create a environment that wasn't as grim-dark and at best to push back all forces of Destruction and actually have a sane civilization.

    Whether I achieved this or not is a different question and I feel would only really be answered based on the steps that I took to achieve it.

    Secondly, I viewed myself entering this universe when considering a mount and weapons. I have no training in battle, no experience in tactics (really) and would be (at least initially) a very poor fighter. Possibly my only strength would be in statesmanship and forging alliances as I do consider myself level headed and able to talk to anyone about anything.

    So, the armour/weapons point became almost moot and I went with Goblin to save money. To be fair, there are several Goblin magic items in the O&G ARB which are pretty cool and I would have had to spend something on magical items. This freed up my cash for other purchased. $1 spent. (I will also say for the record, that I was thinking that with an adequate team, I would rapidly be able to acquire magic weapons, armour and items that would bolster my meager fighting abilities to something half decent and would then have to train)

    So, for the rest.

    I then looked over the list for who had the characteristic(s) that I felt would be of most use considering my goal above. I then planned to orient the remainder of my choices around this. The fact of using lore strength instead of rules strength made this very interesting, as many of the characters that I was familiar with I had to re-look at in this light as to what their strengths were. Funnily enough, this brought me Kairos Fateweaver.


    In reading the lore of all of the characters, it struck me that he had two almost invaluable skills: the first was knowing EVERY spell in existence (which in addition to being a Lord of Change is a pretty OP characteristic) and the second and most important was being able to see all the future and all the past. This characteristic I deemed higher than any other. How could I possibly be beaten if I could foretell exactly what was going to happen in every meeting, skirmish, battle, potential decision.

    So he became my starting point. $5 spent, $6 spent total.

    For my second in command, I immediately dismissed Arcahon and Malekith. They are both very powerful figures and, as Nightbringer points out, Malekith comes with a dragon. I couldn't do it though. They are both homicidal/genocidal maniacs. Even if loyal to me, their personality being the same would mean my rule would be sullied by acts of wanton violence and torture inevitably. I originally went with Thorgrim Grudgebearer to have a Dwarf, but decided in the end for Karl Franz. His lore cites him as an expert tactician and statesman. This fit nicely with my ethos for the group and brought me a pretty decent imperial Griffon to boot. $4 spent, $10 spent total.

    For my Duelist/Fighter, I kind of felt compelled to take Gor-Rok. Not only would he be key to allying the Lizardmen (since any other race has diplomatic lines open to the rest of the forces of Order), I love his fluff and he's a total bad-ass per this. So a good fighter to have by my side. $3 spent, $13 spent total.

    For muscle, I was a little torn. Every character on this list is a "bad guy" bar (arguably) Bragg the Gutsman who isn't exactly a mahrlecting Care Bear... In the end, I went with Throgg. Per his fluff, he is a fearsome fighter in his own right, but also brings to the table the ability to command a legion of beast. So, on top of making my armies through statesmanship, I could also be raising a horde of monsters to my cause (and denying them to the forces of Chaos, double-whammy). $3 spent, $16 spent total.

    For my Assassin, I went with Prince Apophas. I would not take the psychopaths that are Snikch or Shadowblade. Araloth doesn't seem worth his price tag when you actually read his lore, Markus and Oxyotl are great, but I was running low on money... so I took Prince Apophas. Having an immortal assassin who can pop up pretty much anywhere is pretty handy. Not only that, but he can only be dispersed not killed. I could literally set him a list of people to at least attempt to assassinate from the forces of Destruction and if he succeeded then I had a result. If not, I could literally have him keep trying. Great asset. $2 spent, $18 spent total.

    For my mount, I'm with Nightbringer. I took the Star Dragon. In terms of fluff, it is far beyond any of the other mounts and having a super-powered dragon does make a difference. With my Imperial Griffon, I had a pretty mean starting point. I could even give my mount to another to ride, making it even more dangerous. Solid choice in my opinion and was one of the ones I knew I'd be taking from the start. $7 spent, $25 total.


    This I feel would enable me to pursue the goal that I had set for my Warhammer quest (pardon the pun).
  2. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    Just wanted to point out that Thorgrim is also an expert tactician and statesman, except he has the advantage of being several hundred years older than the Emprah. Additionally Thorgrim is always willing to come to the aid of other races, whereas the Empire has done comparatively little to help the other Forces of Order throughout its history.

    Your choice of characters is yours alone to make, of course, I just wanted to make those points clear, being a stalwart Dwarf player :D:oldman:

    Also I’m intrigued to see how many others also chose Apophas alongside me. He’s certainly a bargain for what he can do here.
  3. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    Yes, I wasn't trying to say otherwise.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    So we shall face one another from opposite sides of the battlefield! :D All my character choices come from the forces of destruction.

    A great squad @Lizards of Renown . I enjoyed the read. I like the diplomatic tone to your strategy/build, similar in spirit to what @Killer Angel had laid out but some key differences in category choices. Definitely very much the opposite my strategy, which was more based on self-reliance.

    So to further the discussion on diplomacy, let's look at all the main races and analyze how open they might be to long-term alliances...

    • Beastmen➯ no chance
    • Bretonnia ➯ definitely a strong contender
    • Chaos Dwarfs ➯ some possibility... but only from a forces of destruction side
    • Daemons of Chaos ➯ never ends well for mortals
    • Dark Elves ➯ too treacherous
    • Dwarfs ➯ as @Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl says, they might be the most likely candidate
    • Empire ➯ possible
    • High Elves ➯ possible
    • Lizardmen ➯ I don't see it happening, too fixated on the Great Plan (maybe a slight chance if you have Mazdamundi in your list as he is a Slann). Not impossible though.
    • Ogre Kingdoms ➯ you can hire them, but that's about it
    • Orcs & Goblins ➯ they can't even stop fighting among themselves
    • Skaven ➯ probably the worst faction to form an alliance with... they routinely back stab one another
    • Tomb Kings ➯ on a local and limited basis
    • Vampire Counts ➯ nope
    • Warriors of Chaos ➯ nope
    • Wood Elves ➯ They pretty much just want to be left alone
    In my mind, from a forces of order perspective, the prime candidates would be Dwarfs, Bretonnia, High Elves and Empire.

    Yeah it's pretty hard to find larger than man-sized characters from the forces of order.

    I did give him some consideration too, and @Mrs. NIGHTBRINGER chose him! . Definitely very different from the other choices. Seeing the past and possible futures is definitely very useful. He is a bit exposed in the present though, so you'd have to protect him bit. Good choice.

    I don't think the Lizardmen would ally with a rogue Scar-Vet. They seem very fixated on their own path... but who knows, stranger things have happened. A solid choice though.

    A fellow man of style! :D
    Lizards of Renown likes this.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    @Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl is very protective of his Dwarfs! :) Almost as much as the prequel trilogy.
  6. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    You got a genuine laugh-out-loud moment from me on this one.

    You can't resist ANY opportunity to poke him with a stick! :D
  7. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    I'm glad I did not disappoint.

    Yeah, I'm familiar with the various factions. If was to got in and NOT have a grimdark life, my only hope would be to unit the Forces of Order. [Shrugs] Who knows what would happen with a dedicated effort at this which, to my knowledge, has NEVER actually been attempted by anyone in the Warhammer universe. Literally not once. Everyone is too interested in their own agendas. Maybe it wouldn't work, but I'd certainly try.

    He would be useful on and off the battlefield as well. With his visions of the future I could come up with (hopefully) effective diplomancy actions.

    Again, possibly with the visions of the future point in... [shrugs again] maybe not, but at least we could get him prepped as an ambassador and see where it got to.


    Style but also their stats are ridiculous in-game and lore wise they are pretty OP. I'd definitely take this and work my way up to being worthy of fighting on his back (probably lend him to someone else in the meantime).
    NIGHTBRINGER likes this.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    The stick of truth? :)

    He loves the Dwarfs and the PT, he'll probably admit as much!

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    That's a good point. It would make for an interesting story. Trying something truly unique does have some potential.

    Just be careful that the Empire's Witch Hunters don't find out that you have a pet greater daemon. You'd probably be burned at the stake as a heretic. If someone wanted to thwart your efforts of unification (not saying that someone is me :angelic:), tipping off the Witch Hunters would be a good place to start.

    But how much of an ambassador can a Saurus be? If it was a Skink or a Slann, I could see it. As far as I recall, a Saurus' intelligence is pretty squarely focused on battlefield strategies and fighting.
  10. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    Of course I do! I thought that was obvious to you two by now :D

    Good luck with this. Allying Bretonnia and Dwarfs would be an easy start because they’ve buddied up before, their army styles complement each other and because we’ve seen Thorgrim be able to convince Louen to spare peasants rather than leaving them to die just because they’re peasants, and if we brought Empire in the Dwarfs would be able to mediate between them and Bretonnia. The Empire could then mediate between the Dwarfs and the High Elves, and Bretonnia would be able to convince the Wood Elves to help them out (as they’re the only force of Order the Wood Elves care about other than themselves). Then the remaining human factions would most likely join when they see all the major powers joining forces. After that though it gets tricky, as the remaining two forces of Order - Lizardmen and Tomb Kings (GW treat the latter as a non-aligned force but Tomb Kings want to preserve Order in their kingdoms and hate Nagash’s guts, so should really have been put in Order) - are difficult to get along with to say the least. Tomb Kings would only join the alliance if all the other races bowed down to Settra, which is unlikely to happen at best, and Lizardmen would be extremely difficult to negotiate with due to their alien language and obsession with the Great Plan.

    I’d say a Skink ambassador would be the only way to convince the Lizardmen to join you, particularly if he was a high-ranking Priest. Saurus are focussed on warfare and conquest as you say, and Slann would be too aloof and silent to communicate with - if any warm-blood tried to communicate with him he’s just sit and stare at them blankly waiting for them to communicate telepathically instead. Not to mention that it’s be impossible to find a Slann on his own as they’re always flanked by their Temple Guard and attendants, whereas it would be much easier to find and persuade a lone Skink.
  11. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    another possibility could be a named skink hero (as Oxyotl, one of the reasons i took him). Even if he's not a caster, he's still a living legend and his words count for something.
  12. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    Unfortunately, part of the description includes the fact that no-one remembers the characters that you have chosen. So he wouldn't be known by anyone in Lustria or otherwise :(
  13. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    Hmmm.... Couple of points:

    a) Good point, hadn't factored in the witch-hunt mentality that would be in existence in this dark-age.
    b) If there were multiple people doing this dimension-jump I may rethink a couple of my choices.
    c) I'm sure a spell exists to change form and mask magical ability, so I'd get Kairos to use that.
    d) (and this is the most important one) Let's back up for a minute. If someone told me about this offer, dimension jump, choose heroes to go with you, etc. etc. I would decline. The entire Warhammer world (as laid out in the fluff) is engineered to be in constant conflict with warring nations that are forever at each other's throats. I would rate my chances of unification at about 3-5%, at best. So I wouldn't be going in the first place. There are way too many factors that would be arrayed against me to be able to make any kind of change at all (grudges, vendettas, natural distrust of other races, etc. etc. etc.)

    Plus you've just tipped your hand, if I made the jump I'd know that you would be working against me (et tu Nightbringer?!) rather than with me for a pro-survival goal.

    Pah, the Warhammer world is SOOOOOOOOO grimdark that I'd stay right at home thank you. Anyone who I'd ally with I'd have to suspect constantly of having ulterior motives and potentially working against my plan to steal power for themselves.

    I think my list would be more like "A mysterious stranger abducts you, puts a gun to your head and tells you that you either die now or you need to choose a team..." otherwise I would just say no. Not worth it for such a slim chance at success.

    Not much, but they'd recognize him as a special one with his albino colorings and prestigious size. So I'd hopefully at least manage to broker a meeting and then get Kairos to enable me to understand the Slann and they me.
    NIGHTBRINGER likes this.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    Mazdamundi is one of the choices on the list so it is definitely possible to get a lone Slann. I believe he would make a significantly better ambassador than Gor-Rok. As per the rules, they won't remember him, but he is still one of their kind and from the ruling caste no less. It's still an uphill battle though, the Lizardmen don't like to deviate from the Great Plan.

    Careful. It's the same issue as with the Witch Hunters... Slann/Lizardmen don't very much like daemons. If they catch wind of you having a greater daemon in your ranks, things will get ugly quickly. And if anyone is going to sniff out a daemon, it'll be the Slann.
  15. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    Mahrlect. Fair point.
    NIGHTBRINGER likes this.
  16. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    I missed that part. Oh, well...
    Lizards of Renown likes this.
  17. Lord-Marcus

    Lord-Marcus Sixth Spawning

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    Settra the Imperishable, King of Kings.




    Prince Apohas

    Royal Pegasus


    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    Not bad! Mazdamundi is a beast; simultaneously the best caster and has a powerful mount. I like the Royal Pegasus choice, I had it in my second list. Gor-Rok is solid, he definitely seems to be the popular pick from among the duelists/fighters.
    Lizards of Renown likes this.
  19. Lord-Marcus

    Lord-Marcus Sixth Spawning

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    He's just a gods blessed tank that won't go down
  20. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    @Lord-Marcus have you played Mazdamundi in WFB?

    I've never even tried him as he doesn't seem like a good investment (can be hit directly in combat and isn't particularly protected).

    I'd really like to hear how you used him if you did.

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