8th Ed. Lizzies vs chaos warriors

Discussion in 'Battle Reports' started by Morglum, Oct 9, 2020.

  1. Morglum
    Chameleon Skink

    Morglum Well-Known Member

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    First of all you can see my army set up here:


    My skink shaman picked lore of beasts and had the signature spell and fifth one.

    His setup was the following:

    Daemon prince, the punisher (he looked this build up on the internet), slaanesh
    BSB tzeenz
    Lvl 2, lore of shadows (signature spell, first spell and the thrith one)

    2 chariots (nurgle)
    20 chaos warriors
    13 chaos knights (both his heroes in this unit)

    Right to the battle :)

    Scenery was important, we just roll a D6 +4 but we don't roll on the tables in the book, we make our own rules. But as you can see in the picture below, i forced his army in the corner with the scenery. He only had one chariot on the other side of the table (can't see it in the picture). The bastilladon is the left steggie in the picture, i proxied :)


    both our first turns didn't do alot, his magic reduced my skinks charastics with -D3. He moved foward, i alligned my troops a bit better, but my skinks moving fowards as well. My ancient stegadon moving towards his chariot on the right and my saurus warriors followed.

    Turn 2:

    He tried to charge my skinks with his chariot, but my charge reaction was flee, so he failed, nothing special there. The rest moved foward a bit. Magic was a great fluke... He rolled double 1 so nothing special happened there, he did manage to let his DP make a flying move, more towards my bastilladon.

    My ancient steggie was ready to charge the chariot on the right. He failed his terror test and fled of the table, problem sovled :), magic was a big nothing happened xD

    Sorry for the blurry picture below.


    Turn 3:

    He declared 2 charges, his DP charged my bastilladon and his knights tried to charge my saurus warriors with the BSB in them. My reaction was again flee, so he would allign up pretty good for a flank charge with my cold ones. My flee dice were to high so he couldn't catch me and failed his charge. The charge with his daemon prince i accepted and we both scored 1 wound in CC. Failed my break test, but once again far enough and out of the hands of the DP. He moved his warriors of chaos foward to protect the flank of his Chaos knights.

    Right it's go time :) at the start of my turn i declared the magic potion my old blood would drink. I declared a charge on the warriors of chaos, his reaction was flee. I redirected my charge on the knights of chaos, we collided. Got nothing off with my magic, so it was time to for combat. He challenged with his BSB i gladly accepted with my old blood, he had to throw fives to hit, so my old blood come out unscratched, killed him in return with 2 wounds of the old blood and 1 wound from the cold one (almost forgot about the mount xD). My cold ones riders managed to kill off 2 more of his knights and he did 2 wounds in return. But he lost combat and failed his break test. His knights were dead :) he gave up



    After thoughts:

    He should have never fled with his chaos warrios, he would probably end up being steadfast and able to charge in with his knights in my cavalry. We only thought of that after the battle :). The bastilladon was a nice decoy for his DP

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    Last edited: Oct 9, 2020
    Imrahil and NIGHTBRINGER like this.
  2. Morglum
    Chameleon Skink

    Morglum Well-Known Member

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    Now that i'm sober and read my own report, I just want to say sorry for my crappy English and choice of words. English isn't my mothertongue and i'll try to do my best more next battlereport.
    Lizards of Renown likes this.
  3. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    Not a problem.

    I would definitely recommend properly rolling for terrain and using the different types of battles per the BRB. Makes things a lot more interesting.
  4. Morglum
    Chameleon Skink

    Morglum Well-Known Member

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    We tend to do only pitches battles, we did so in the past. We are trying to get enough scenery together to make more impact on our games though.
    Lizards of Renown likes this.
  5. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    Sounds good. Terrain makes a big difference, especially entering magical scenery and placing it randomly when you don't know what side you will get. Makes it more realistic to what would happen on an actual battle.
    Morglum likes this.
  6. airjamy

    airjamy Well-Known Member

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    Sounds cool! How many points was this, it does not look like a full 2K or 2.4K? Nice that you got a game in, looks like some interesting things happened, i still love the whole fleeing/charging game 8th brings.
    Morglum and Lizards of Renown like this.
  7. Morglum
    Chameleon Skink

    Morglum Well-Known Member

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    Was 2k mate. We both had some very expensive units :)

    This game is from a while back though :(. We hope to clash again this Friday. He needs to get a day off from work to battle :D
    Lizards of Renown likes this.
  8. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    Yeah, timing is a major issue on geting a proper battle together... :(

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