KoW Deciding between squared or round bases for my skink´s collection.

Discussion in 'Salamanders Discussion' started by MrPampers, Jan 24, 2021.

  1. MrPampers

    MrPampers Member

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    Hi, folks. I have been a couple of years without activity for having my hobby side frozen. I'm happy to be back.

    I love the Lizardmen/Seraphon skink miniatures, but never seriously played any wargame with them. So during the past 6 years, I accumulated 24 assembled Skinks in squared bases ( bought before the end of WHFB), plus 72 unassembled AoS Skinks, and also a pack of 10 unassembled WHFB Temple Guards.
    So I ended with a major Skink horde for the sake of pure collecting.
    I'm pretty much interested and excited about entering into wargaming, however for personal finances and social interaction I keep many doubts about compromising myself to a game that demands constant future actualization and investing like AoS or harder to find players locally like WHFB.

    My plan was to keep the minis like a "big and unique 28mm fantasy army to try every generic or alternative rulebook that I would like to try". So having most opponents 28mm armies I could use the Seraphons to try Chaos Wars, Dragon Rampant, Song of Blades and Heroes, Sword and Spears Fantasy, Impetvs Fantasy, Hordes of the Things. among other ones.

    However, I discovered in my city a very friendly group of KoW, made a surface study of the basics, and sounds pretty good. With rank and file combat styles and so on. However, I'm not sure if it will work or if I will end settling roots there. So I don´t want to risk myself multi-basing. So I'm debating myself. If I know that I will probably not end playing the actual GW games, is more convenient for me to glue the miniatures in WHFB squared or AoS round bases? Wherever the option, I plan to glue magnets in the bases individual bases and build wood sabots with magnetic sheet glued in the top.
    Thanks a lot.
  2. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    If you're asking for opinions, then I'd say square bases. I'm a huge fan of WFB 8th edition and it sounds like KoW is a similar game set.

    8th has the feel of grand armies clashing together and the need to out-think your foe in a three-dimensional chess game. It's a gentleman's game... A game for someone of intellect and cunning... (Did I mention I play 8th? ;) )

    But in all seriousness, it sounds like you're doing the right thing. You should find a game that a) YOU enjoy playing and b) you have some access to opponents with.

    If possible, try playing a game or two with KoW with a buddies' army and see what you think.

    Best, LoR
  3. Padre

    Padre Well-Known Member

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    I'd probably go with square bases as well. One option to consider is using some type of converter, basically a 25mm round base with a 20mm square hole in it, so you can use both. I've seen examples on thingiverse that you can 3d print.
  4. MrPampers

    MrPampers Member

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    Sorry for taking that long in making an answer!! I stopped checking the forum.
    You made me search for PDFs about WHFB in 8 edition :D and I have no regrets. I will read it later the battle bible. So squared bases will be the way to go. I will try to find someone in my city willing to trade their 20mm squared bases for all the round bases that I have got with the Skinks. Just will mean to delay more the start of the building process. But having no regrets in basing will worth it.
    If WHFB 8th edition is that complex maybe I don´t lose anything by starting reading KoW 3th edition first, but 8th will be surely the following reading.
    Warden, Imrahil and Lizards of Renown like this.
  5. MrPampers

    MrPampers Member

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    Yes! I think that is one of the best pros of starting with squares. You can convert the squares in circles when needed but not otherwise.
    Warden and Lizards of Renown like this.
  6. Cristhian MLR

    Cristhian MLR Well-Known Member

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    Wanna play AoS? Round.
    Wanna wait some years until Lizardmen get released for The Old World? Square.
    Wanna play 8th? Square.
    Wanna play both? Both.
    Wanna display individually? Round.
    Wanna display as an entire unit? Depends on your likings.
    Warden likes this.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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  8. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    I am a bit late, but metal magnets will allow you to do both!

    warden201807_samurai progress 4 magentic bases.jpg

    warden201807_samurai progress 6 magentic bases.jpg

    warden201808_samurai ashigaru_ukita 2.jpg

    warden201807_samurai progress 7.jpg
  9. MrPampers

    MrPampers Member

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    Accept my apology please, didn't check out the forum again. That is an amazing idea!!

    However, I ended investing a bit extra and permuted about 70 GW squared bases 20mm. I'm waiting for another dozen to be delivered, aside from many rare earth magnets. Although I could start assembling right now, I'm reading both the WHFB 8th edition and 3th edition KoW before building anything.

    Also increased a bit the number of skinks, but the last 24 warriors will go equipped with blowpipes for sure. Such a decision came to mind because, given the hypothetical case of building 10 shield and spear cohorts with the other 120 ones, I will need to leave one entire unit to represent clearly shooters (for any rulebook).
    I´m a bit indecisive about two rulebooks. Although my main goal was collecting many skinks even as a display collection (as they are the fantasy units that most remembers me the style of historical bronze age), I am realizing that I would need a lot more variety of units, including bigger dinosaurs, to create a worthy army. On the other hand, the fact that the game is no longer actualized makes it cheaper because I will not have to keep the army constantly actualized and buy a lot of supplements (which keep me away from AoS).

    I haven´t read the KoW rulebook yet, but the fact of being brand-agnostic about miniatures looks like a factor for convenience. Didn´t found the Salamander list in the rulebook, but from another post here I found that the Ghekkotah Warriors matches pretty decently the Skinks functions.

    All the best.

    Mr Pampers.
    Warden and Lizards of Renown like this.
  10. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    If I remember correctly the Salamanders army list was in the second KOW book, in 2ed it was called "Uncharted Empires." The book had lists for several other armies that were not located in the first book, like halflings and not-Bretonnians I think.
    Lizards of Renown likes this.

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