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8th Ed. Lizzies vs Vampire counts 2k points

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Army Lists' started by Morglum, Jun 24, 2021.

  1. Morglum
    Chameleon Skink

    Morglum Well-Known Member

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    So my next battle is going to be against VC. Did not play against them yet in 8th edition. What i remember from previous editions is the following:

    - Raise zombies and skellies must be stopped.
    - Killing of their banshees with magic is a must.
    - They don't have shooting (except maybe the banshee with their scream which was done in the shooting phase if i remember correctly). So fielding a steggie or even carno is an option. Although a carno wouldn't have much use i reckon.
    - The black knights are strong but my tgs or even saurus warriors could stand a charge.
    - If you are lucky and kill their general, army crumbles.

    This is what i remember from previous editions aye, got no idea how they work now.

    I was thinking of fielding a slann with lore of light (that lore gets benefits when fighting against undead aye). A scar vet and a skink priest, but could always ditch the priest and get another scar vet. Of course your basic core and tgs.

    But now i got 3 options the way i see it. I could field a steggie, CoR or kroxies. I really got no idea tbh. I don't know if their graveguards are still somewhat the same. Heck don't know if they got new units...

    Any help is appreciated and will make a full army list once i get more info.
    Lizards of Renown likes this.
  2. Morglum
    Chameleon Skink

    Morglum Well-Known Member

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    After some info i gathered on VC, here is a quick army list which i will edit probably, battle is still a month away and yea i start to doubt hehe.


    Lore of Light (never used it, and against vc it seems usefull)
    BSB warbanner (figured, the more combat res, the better)
    - Becalming Cogitation
    - Harmonic Convergence
    Magic Items:
    - Channeling staff
    - Obsidian Lodestone
    - Ruby ring of ruin

    Scar vet

    Cold one
    Great weapon
    Light armor
    Magic Items:
    - Talisman of preservation


    2*10 skink skirmishers

    31 saurus warrios full command


    11 Cold one riders full command

    32 Temple guards full command

    Right so i really fear the banshee and cairn wraithes. So i have chosen high ld units. This really feels like a tiny army, because of the CoR. This is all experimental since i don't really know what to bring :p
    Lizards of Renown likes this.
  3. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    You could do fine with this. COR become useful due to heavy armour and VC have generally low WS.

    Ruby Ring seems wasted on the Slann, I would spend points on WD or FoM for more Slann Spells.

    I think a Steg with Blowpipes could be good here, again the low WS makes them more dangerous as hitting on 3's.

    Graveguard have Killing Blow (no armour save allowed if they roll a 6 to wound).

    Give TG unit champ a magic weapon and Cowboy just in case they hit the ethereal troops.

    He'll try to swarm you with his greater numbers. Hit him hard on a flank with COR (and Steg) and then move inwards. Try to deploy them last so as to avoid his big nasty troops.

    That's my off-the-cuff advice.

    Good luck!
    Morglum likes this.
  4. Morglum
    Chameleon Skink

    Morglum Well-Known Member

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    Picked the ruby ring, for maybe killing a banshee or his wraiths.

    Focus of mystery only works on the high magic lore and would love to test out lore of light. WD i could see working but after having it in my last battles, it didn't really work out for me.

    It is either steggie or CoR... If i take both i need to drop tgs and edit my core.

    Nice tip in the magical weapon for the tg champ,going to do that!
    Lizards of Renown likes this.
  5. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    Ruby ring isn't going to help on that as you'll only get the minimum power fireball that you can't buff as it's a bound spell.

    Give your Cowboy one as well otherwise he won't be able to touch any ethereal troops.
    Morglum likes this.
  6. SalMan4

    SalMan4 New Member

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    A couple of Salamanders are always decent against VC and take away their regen.

    Stegadon with giant blowpipes always useful as well.

    good luck!
    Morglum likes this.
  7. Morglum
    Chameleon Skink

    Morglum Well-Known Member

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    Is there any set up for an old blood to match a vampire lord? Thinking of ditching the slann, because magic really doesn't do much.
    Lizards of Renown likes this.
  8. SalMan4

    SalMan4 New Member

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    Against a vampire you’ll always be striking last so a great weapon is sensible, however they do have vampiric powers that can remove any strength bonuses so it might not matter.

    I’d go for a defensive build and make them reroll ward saves whilst the oldbloods unit racks up combat res;

    Armour of destiny, Dawnstone, Other Tricksters shard, GW for a 2+ re-rollable and 4+ ward s7 attacks. Try get some buffs on his unit like wildform
    Morglum and Lizards of Renown like this.
  9. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    Defensive build is the only way to go here, as the Vamp is going to be going first.

    What @SalMan4 suggests is a good idea.

    I'm a great fan of the great weapon option, as it's a cheap +2 strength where you will most likely be striking last anyways.
    Morglum likes this.

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