Army Fluff The Temple-Host of Lord Tezcatlirana

Discussion in 'Fluff and Stories' started by KibaWildFang, Aug 6, 2021.

  1. KibaWildFang

    KibaWildFang New Member

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    Across the Mortal Realms, knowledge of the World-That-Was has all but fallen into silent obscurity; indeed, even the distant Age of Myth seems more tangible than the Before-Time.

    To the Slann Tezcatlirana, those memories are as clear as starlight. Memories of home, of the land known to the younger races of that world as Lustria. A place of savage beauty, many cycles were spent in temple-chambers deep in those humid jungles, meditating upon the details of the Great Plan the Old Ones left behind for the Slann to fulfill in their absence.

    It was the memory of Lustria that guided Tezcatlirana’s actions when the great ziggurat-fleet of the Thunder Lizard constellation landed upon Chamon, the realm of metal. He landed his ship further than the rest of the fleet in the outlands. By his command were many Realmshaper Engines deployed, converting vast swathes of land into familiar mountainous jungle basins.

    Utilizing several of the sacred Engines of the Gods he and his constellation-brothers were in charge of protecting, he erected a temporal barrier around his new domain, forever locking time in place and preventing the mercurial nature of the realm from changing—or even so much as touching—his recreation of the past. By this time, his temple-host had become fully Coalesced, as flesh and bone as the empire of the Lizardmen were before them. As such, the forces of Tezcatlirana fell into the old routines of spawning needed Saurus and Skinks, and breeding great beasts of war.

    Fate would line up many troublesome events to bring the attention of the Seraphon to the realm of Ghur. The great Necroquake of Shyish had been a gruesome wake-up call to the Slann that not only the forces of the Great Enemy needed their attention. The disaster spilled over into the realm of beasts, and freed mighty Kragnos, the End of Empires, from his prison Lord Kroak had sealed him under during the Age of Myth. Undoubtedly, the custodians of the Great Plan would decide to intervene.

    Tezcatlirana had another issue troubling his ancient mind; the hosts of Koatl’s Claw, perhaps the first constellation to fully coalesce, had fallen to savagery since their Starmaster Queck succumbed to the ilness of the ratmen. Sealed away in his temple-chambers for fear of death should he leave, the Saurus of his temple-hosts had no guidance, and thus lost sight of the Great Plan.

    Tezcatlirana knew this was unacceptable, for while the Slann’s greater memory of the Great Plan were fragmented at best, he alone knew the importance of the role the lost constellation had to play. Thus, he spent years devising the means to cure Lord Queck. The only solution he could come to was the attempt to use the reality-warping powers of the Engines of the Gods to attempt to reverse what had been done to the venerable Slann.

    With his goal in mind, Tezcatlirana left his most trusted Saurus champion, General Turoctecuhtli, to oversee the spawning of a force with the means to overpower the savagery of Koatl’s Claws, and the tenacity to survive the dangers of the beast-realm. All the while, the Slann meditated in his chambers, preparing for his next move...

    (This is the backstory to my Thunder Lizards temple host! Their origins, their motives, their ties to the old lore...It took a while, but I hope you all enjoy!)
  2. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Reminder to read later, super tired atm, looking forward to it!
  3. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    Nice story!
  4. KibaWildFang

    KibaWildFang New Member

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    Thank you! Means a lot!

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