AoS New to Seraphon trying 1K

Discussion in 'Seraphon Army Lists' started by Tylersaurus, Apr 22, 2022.

  1. Tylersaurus
    Jungle Swarm

    Tylersaurus New Member

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    Looking at a 1K buy in for my second faction and have always had sweet spot for seraphon. How miserable would I be playing this list?

    - Army Faction: Seraphon
    - Army Type: Starborne
    - Subfaction: Fangs of Sotek
    - Grand Strategy: Hold the Line

    Saurus Scar-Veteran on Cold One (110)

    Skink Oracle on Troglodon (270)
    - General
    - Command Traits: Master of Star Rituals
    - Artefacts of Power: Serpent God Dagger
    - Spells: Hand of Glory

    Skink Starpriest (130)
    - Spells: Fiery Convocation

    Skinks (225)
    - Boltspitter, Celestite Dagger and Star-buckler

    Saurus Warriors (105)
    - Celestite Spear and Powerful Jaws

    Terradon Riders (105)
    - Starstrike Javelin

    TOTAL POINTS: 945/1000
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  2. Just A Skink

    Just A Skink Well-Known Member

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    An interesting list, but I'm not sure it will see victory often. Just taking the list as is...

    Consider making the Scar-Vet your general in order to take Old & Grizzled. This army will want to use command points (for Parting Shot, or Volley Fire or Unleash Hell). However, Master of Star Rituals is good and the Oracle has more wounds so there's nothing wrong with him as general.

    I would switch the spells on the Oracle and Starpriest, or even just give them both Hand of Glory. Only one can cast it, but it's a good spell to have in case either gets taken out. If you want to keep a combat spell, then I'd go for Tide of Serpents on the Oracle instead. If you keep him as general, he'll have +2 to cast with Oracle of the Slann and Master of Star Rituals. However, the Oracle will likely be casting only Comet's Call each hero phase anyway, in order to chip away at enemy heroes or dangerous units, or sacrificing his spell for summoning points (but I wouldn't do that).

    Consider using the Saurus to screen your 30 Skinks, which will be your main damage dealers. Otherwise camp the Saurus on a nearby objective.

    Terradons would be your fast (but brittle) objective grabbers with a chance for mortal wounds. You can try to get them on an objective that's away from immediate retaliation, or use them as a distraction from your Skinks. They function better with a Terradon Chief, but you can only have so many heroes at 1000.

    You could put everything into a Battle Regiment battalion for a one-drop. It might be good to dictate who goes first with this army. Alternatively, go for a Command Entourage, for the extra artifact, and Hunters of the Heartland. There's nothing worse than not being able to give those Skinks commands. I'd put the Serpent God Dagger on the Scar-Vet and give the Oracle the Cloak of Feathers or Amulet of Destiny.

    That said, do you have access to more models?

    The block of 30 Skinks can pack a punch... if buffed up. I think it would be better if you had a Skink Priest and Starpriest to maximize that potential, and I'd at least consider changing the Scar-Vet to a Skink Priest.

    The Saurus Warriors possibly won't do too much for you. Although Warriors are tougher than Skinks, they're slower and more expensive. For example, if you dropped them, you could field 2 more units of Skinks, or another unit of Terradons.

    The Oracle is a cool model, but a Slann has more casting, can give you command points, can give you summoning points, and is 5 pts cheaper. Optionally, a Stegadon Chief or Engine of the Gods makes a strong general for FoS.
    Last edited: Apr 23, 2022
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  3. Tylersaurus
    Jungle Swarm

    Tylersaurus New Member

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    Thank you for the indepth. Very educational. I can have access to really anything within reason...I haven't bought anything. And I did have concerns about the Saurus being an odd fit

    I thought about ignoring start collecting boxes and buying everything piecemeal, and instead of sauruses utilize some salamanders. If you were buying completely piecemeal for 1K, what would your list look like?
    Bowser likes this.
  4. Just A Skink

    Just A Skink Well-Known Member

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    Hmm... that's a good question.

    Honestly, I think the "rule of cool" always applies for anything you buy. If you like a mini, then buy it and try it. If I were starting over, I'd seriously consider 3D printed lizards from other companies. One Page Rules, Raven Twin Miniatures, Lost Kingdom and Last Sword Miniatures each make a whole range of cool looking Seraphon alternatives. I'm also fond of the space lizards from Clay Beast Creations. However this would possibly rule out playing at your local game store and definitely rule out GW tournaments.

    I think it might be more helpful to suggest versatile and commonly fielded models as opposed to a shopping list for a 1K army.
    -A Slann is a good purchase. It's effective in both Starborne or Coalesced armies and will likely see plenty of play on the table.
    -Stegadons are effective monsters, and the kit is very versatile. You can build it as a Stegadon, or a Skink Chief on Steg hero, or an Engine or the Gods hero. Honestly, the model is fairly easy to build so that you can swap out to any of those options. You see Stegs more in Coalesced-Thunder Lizard, but the EotG can easily work in Starborne lists. You could only fit 1 into a 1K list, but more are good additions down the road.
    -If you buy a Slann, then Saurus Guard are the next purchase. The box gives you 15, and you can use them all, but you technically only need 5 to help protect your Slann.
    -An Astrolith Bearer helps a Slann (or any Seraphon wizard) and is useful for either army, but probably more for Starborne. If you buy the Guard, then I'd consider using one of them to build an Astrolith Bearer proxy. I think someone from the forums even created a free Astrolith 3D file that fits the Guard's standard icon. If not, then buy the actual AB model.
    -Skink heroes are all useful, but I'll mention 3 of them in my order of importance. The Starpriest has a great ability that can help any unit generate mortal wounds and has a good spell. The Priest has access to a prayer and very useful abilities to help any Skink units. The Starseer again has a handy ability to boost charges for any unit and also has a good spell (you often see this model in Coalesced armies to speed up Knights). *Honorable mention* Since you used the Oracle in your list, I'll say that I love the model, but it's a bit of an odd duck. It has the same spell as a Slann and is a decent wizard on a monster. But it really seems like more of a casting platform for Slann, and is arguably most useful when fielding Lord Kroak.*
    -Skinks are probably the next best purchase. You'll need 2 boxes at least. People generally build them with boltspitters/blowpipes and shields.
    -Salamanders are a powerful unit, in Starborne especially. I'm not a big fan of the model, so I don't have any. But there are some cool 3rd party versions as I mentioned earlier. For 1K, you likely only need 2-3 Salamanders.
    -Bastiladons are another good Coalesced-Thunder Lizard monster for Seraphon. Again, people generally build it with the Solar Engine, but the Ark of Sotek is cheaper.
    -Saurus Knights are the best Saurus troop unit, and they are good in Coalesced lists. If you go that route, then you'll need 2 boxes.

    I still think the Start Collecting boxes are good values, and one added here or there is a decent way to get a mix of units. In the Start Collecting Skinks you get our most flexible battleline (Skinks), a good hero (Starpriest), some flyers to try out and a good Thunder Lizard monster (Bastiladon). In the Start Collecting Seraphon box you get a good Saurus battleline (Knights), a cool looking and decent monster hero (Carnosaur) and an adequate battleline (Saurus). You can actually build more from that box. Check out this thread to get the most from your Start Collecting Seraphon.

    I hope this is helpful.
    Bowser likes this.

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