8th Ed. 2800 points LM vs. O&G, Light Slann

Discussion in 'Battle Reports' started by Scalenex, Nov 16, 2023.

  1. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    My List

    Slann* (300), BSB (25), Channeling Staff (15), Soul of Stone (25) and Harmonic Convergence (30), Iron Curse Icon (5) Lore of Light 400 points

    Scar Veteran (80), Armor of Destiny (50), Shield (4) 134 poin5s

    Skink Priest (65), Level 2 (35), Lore of Heavens, Dispel Scroll (25) 125 points

    28 Saurus Warriors, FC 338 points
    13 Skink Skirmishers with Patrol Leader 101 points
    13 Skink Skirmishers with Patrol Leader 101 points
    13 Skink Skirmishers with Patrol Leader 101 points

    20 Skink Cohorts with FC 130 points

    30 TG, FC, 450 points
    6 Kroxigor with Ancient 320 points

    2 Salamanders 160 points
    2 Salamanders 160 points
    1 Ancient Steggy with EOTG 280 points

    *=I forgot that I did not pay for Becalming Cognition though I used it anyway. Note the dice karma made up for this, my Becalming Cognition rerolls were bad.

    LORD 400
    HERO 259
    CORE 771
    SPECIAL 770
    RARE 600
    Total 2800

    O&G List

    Orc Warboss, Basha’s Axe of Stunty Smashing, Enchanted Shield, Talisman of Preservation, 215 points
    Night Goblin Great Shaman, L4, Little Waagh, Power Scroll 210 points

    Savage Orc Shaman, L1, Big Waagh, Lucky Shrunken Head, 120 points
    Night Goblin Shaman, L2, Little Waagh, Dispel Scroll, 110 points
    Orc Big Boss, boar, shield, spear, firebane gem, 80 points
    Orc Big Boss, BSB, Armor of Destiny, Great Weapon, 134 points

    29 Savage Orc Big’Uns with additional hand weapon, musician, standard, 339 points

    58 Night Goblins, HWS, with Full Command, 204 points
    20 Night Goblins, short bows, musician, 70 points
    20 Night Goblins, short bows, musician, 1 Fanatic, 95 points

    Spear Chukka, no upgrades 45 points
    Spear Chukka, no upgrades 45 points
    Spear Chukka, no upgrades 45 points
    28 Black Orcs, Full Command, Standard of Discipline (+1 Leadership), 386 points
    6 Squig Hoppers 72 points

    Pump Wagon 45 points
    Pump Wagon 45 points
    Pump Wagon 45 points
    Rock Lobber 85 points
    Doom Diver 80 points
    8 River Trolls 360 points

    LORD 425 points
    HEROES 524 points
    CORE 708 points
    SPECIAL 563 points
    RARE 660 points

    Meta: We haven't played a game in a long time. I basically let my miniatures collect dust. My friend did a lot of modeling and painting in this time and invested in a good 3D printer and made some awesome terrain.

    I aimed to make a list relatively simple list, both for game play and transporting my miniatures. My plan was to make a strong and relatively compact center and rely on bubbled Light spells and the EOTG ward save to make my center strong while my skirmishing units took the wings and occupied anything that could flank my mainline.

    I hope my opponent throw his two cents in here. I believe his list building was motivated by wanting to debut some of the models he finished that he did not have the last time we played. This includes three snotling pump wagons (though they are surprisingly effective for their low points value).

    Set up

    We rolled with the BRB terrain generator, and it just so happens that we were at my friends house with his enviable terrain collection.

    The first thing we rolled was a Tower of Blood. Prompting us both to ask "WTM does a Tower of Blood do?" I said, this is pretty similar to an Altar of Khaine, and your Altar of Khaine has been recently finished and looks awesome while your Tower of Blood is only half-finished, let's use that instead. Then a few rolls later we rolled Tower of Blood again. The dice told us you will use the Tower of Blood.

    Anyway, we rolled two special hills, an Anvil of Vaul and Temple of Skulls and we spent a few minutes joking about how unlikely we were to use the special rules, so they basically were ordinary hills.

    Anyway the final list was, the two hills, the tower of blood, the Altar of Khaine, a Magic Circle and a vanilla building (a lovely windmill).

    My deployment zone had the Altar of Khaine in my center leftand the Anvil of Vaul in my center right.

    The center right of the table had the Magic Circle and the center left had the windmill.

    My opposite side had the Temple of Skulls hills on the center left and the Tower of Blood on the center right.

    "Left" and "right" from my perspective

    My opponent won the roll off to pick first side and chose the side with Tower of Blood because it gave extra benefit to the Forces of Destruction, but other than that the sides were pretty much even.

    My Slann ended up with Pha's Protection, Speed of Light, Net of Amyntok, and Birona's Timewarp. My Skink had Iceshard Blizzard and Uranon's Thunderbolt.

    The Orc shaman got Hand of Gork. The Goblins ended up with six of the seven Little Waagh spells, I forgot who had what.


    Left to right from my perspective, I had 13 Skirmishers, 2 Salamanders (which I was forced to deploy single file), the Altar of Khaine (which was impassable), my six Kroxigor, my Temple Guard (and the Slann), the Steggy was forced to deploy behind the TG to make everything fit, and the Spear Sauri (and the Scar Veteran), my Skink cohort and Skink Priest (directly behind the windmill), the other Sallies, and my other two 13-man skirmishers units.

    Left to right from my perspective, Pump wagon, Spear Chukka, Night Goblin archers, hill with rock lobber, doom diver, and spear chukka on it, 58 Night Goblin tarpit with both goblin shamans, black orcs with general and bsb, savage orcs with shaman, river trolls (with orc big boss behind them), tower of blood with NG archers occupying it, 2 pump wagons, squig hopers in front of bolt thrower to the side of the Tower of Blood.

    Note that I accidentally only brought six skink handlers rather than 12, so I had use a d10 reading 3 for my Sally packs.

    The piles of styrofoam and the woodblocks are "hills". The magic circle is pretty obvious. The fancy purple building is the Altar of Khaine, the unpainted tower is the Tower of Blood. The windmill needs no introduction.

    Below is my opponents view.


    My opponent won the roll off and made me go first.

    LM 1

    The opponent seemingly left the hill with three artillery pieces relatively open to the Kroxigor, so my Kroxigor abandoned their original role providing flank support to the Temple Guard and marched all out towards them.

    My Skink Cohort marched within one inch of the windmill (you cannot occupy a building with a march). I advanced my TG and Saurus as much as I could, to swing around the building and the Altar of Khaine, I had to box in my EOTG Steggy.

    My Skink skirmishers and Salamanders on the flanks advanced as much as they could.


    After channeling, magic phase was 7 PD to 4 DD. I cast the bubble version of Pha's Protection to protect my TG, Sauri, EOTG and Cohort Skinks, but the Kroxigor were left out in the cold. An attempt to cast Birona's Timewarp was dispelled.

    On my left side, my left skink skirmishers ALMOST killed a Pump Wagon inflicting 2 wounds on it. My left pair of Salamanders kill six NG archers and panicked them but they didn't run very far.

    On the right side, my other Sallies hit the tower of blood. My original plan was to panic them out (being outside of general/BSB range), but the tower gave them Frenzy and frenzied units are Immune to Psychology so I cooked five goblins, but they didn't care.

    My other shooters were out of range.

    O&G Turn 1

    Due to Animosity, the large Night Goblin block was first to attempt an unlikely to succeed charge on my Kroxigor and surged forward a whopping two inches.

    The fleeing NG archers rallied.

    The main orc battle line moved forward about two inches to stay in line with the Night goblins.

    On my left side, the wounded snotling pump wagon random charged my skink skirmishers. On the right side, a snotling pump wagon random advanced and came within an inch of a unit of Skink skirmishers. The other pump wagon and the squig hoppers made a much more modest random advance. The river trolls marched forward full and then the orc big boss on the boar joined them.

    Note in the picture above, the snotling pump wagon towards the bottom is SUPPOSED to be in base to base contact with my green skinks but due to how much much the pole sticks out, They cannot physically do that.

    Magic phase was underwhelming. 3 PD versus 2 DD. I shut down an attempt to cast Hand of Gork

    Shooting phase was mixed. With most of my main army covered by Pha’s Protection the Kroxigor’s enjoying no such protection, any unit that had line of sight to the Kroxigor attacked them. Otherwise they attacked a Skink unit.

    The left most NG archers just rallied, so they couldn’t fire. The archers in the Tower of Blood either all missed or flubbed their damage rolls. The snotling pump wagon in shooting range missed.

    The left most spear chukka miss-fired, as did the stone thrower. But the other two bolt throwers did very well killing two kroxigors and wounding a third between them. The Doom Diver killed another one. So I'm down to 3 Kroxigors out of 6, one of them wounded for those keeping score. You will notice in the picture below there are three kroxigors, not six. The little skull by the Kroxigor is a wound counter.


    The only close combat was 13 skink skirmishers versus a wounded Pump Wagon. The Impact hits killed three Skinks, then my Skinks struck three wounds (two more than required) and killed the Pump Wagon before it could do it's regular attacks. I scored first blood snagging a big fat 45 points.

    LM Turn 2

    On the left side of my field, the Kroxigor charge the Doom Diver and on the right side of the field a unit of Skink Skirmishers charges a pump wagon and a pack of Salamanders charged the other pump wagon.

    All my charges were successful but the Kroxigor charge triggered a fanatic from the archer block which barreled into them and finished off the wounded Kroxigor and positioned itself to potentially threaten my Temple Guard.

    My Temple Guard and Saurus Warriors advanced, but less than their full march allowance. I carefully positioned them to unbox my Stegadon. I set the position so the Stegadon was not quite in line with the two Saurus blocks. That way if either or both Saurus units were charged, the Stegadon would not be engaged and could then counter charge and get some juicy impact hits.

    My Skink Cohort occupied the windmill. My center unit of Skink Skirmishers backed away from the terrifying block of river trolls. My left most unit, having won their glorious combat against the snotling pump wagon, marched toward the closest spear chukka.

    Note, in the picture above, the Kroxigor are SUPPOSED to be in base contact with the warmachine but our blocky hill makes doing that impractical. Also, the blue Cohort Skinks are IN the windmill even if it doesn't look like it and will remain in the windmill the rest of the game.

    Magic phase saw 10 PD versus 5 DD. I managed to successfully bubble cast Pha’s Protection and Speed of Light. The rest failed or was shut down.

    On my left flank. 10 Skinks failed to inflict a single wound on the spear chukka crew. My unengaged Salamanders killed seven night goblin archers and panicked them (again), but they managed to stay on the table (again). My 20 Cohort Skinks occupying the large windmill threw javelins at the big Savage orc block and killed three of them.

    On my right flank, my two remaining Kroxigor easily kill the doom diver crew and overrun into the stone thrower. On my left side, the skink skirmishers inflict two wounds on the Snotling pump wagons, lose one Skink in return and the Unstable rule crumbles the pump wagon to death. No overrun on a crumble. The right most Salamander unit easily killed their pump wagon and overran near but not into the Tower of Blood.

    O&G Turn 2

    The frenzied Night Goblins in the Tower of Blood failed to restrain themselves. We looked up the rules, this means they have to exit the building towards the nearest unit but they cannot make an actual charge. The River Trolls charged my center most Skink Skirmishers who stand and shoot two wounds on them. The Squig Hoppers random moved into the flank of my right-most Salamanders.

    The Night Goblin archers rallied (again). The loose fanatic moved directly in between my Temple Guard and Saurus Warriors and the main battle line units of the orcs. In response, my opponent actually backed up his main line an inch or two.


    7 PD versus 6 DD. He got a very good roll shooting the goblin magic missle at my left most pack of salamanders and I burned my dispel scroll to stop it. With my 20/20 hindsight, this was a mistake.

    Shooting phase was a wash. The NG archers could not fire and the two remaining spear chukkas failed to hit anything.

    Unsurprisingly, the river trolls flattened my skinks. But just for funsies my unit champion declared and challenge. He scored a hit on the Orc big boss but inflicted no damage. The Orc big boss failed to wound the skink. A moral victory but my skinks broke anyway and the trolls ran them down.

    The salamanders on my right flank kill one squig hopper and take a wound in return. With the flank attack and charge, they lost combat by two points and broke. They slingshot through the night goblin archers and the Tower of Blood taking another wound from the dangerous terrain tests.

    My surviving two Kroxigors easily slew the stone thrower crew. Since they technically charged last turn, there was no overrun to make so my Kroxigors were able to reform. I pointed them at the flank of the big Night Goblin block.

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    Last edited: Nov 17, 2023
    Explodingzeb likes this.
  2. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    LM 3

    The Kroxigor charge into the open flank of the 58 night goblins. My left most Salamander charged a nearby spear chukka. My leftmost skink skirmisher unit charged the other spear chukka. The general distance and Night Goblin fanatic made it an unattractive prospect for my Saurus blocks.

    My fleeing salamander rallied and was now in the back center of my opponents deployment zone. Other than this, no units moved more than a little.
    Once again, the Kroxigor are SUPPOSED to be in base to base with the Night Goblins but we couldn't physically do that.

    Magic phase was 11 PD versus 6DD. I ended up casting bubbled pha's protection, failing with the EOTG bound spell, and successfully pinging two squig hoppers with Uranon's Thunderbolt.

    The five skinks riding my Stegadon failed to kill the Night Goblin with javelins. The Cohort skinks in the windmill plinked two more savage orcs to death.

    My left most skinks killed the bolt thrower crew and had a mighty two inch overrun. The salamander crew killed it’s bolt thrower crew and overran into my pair of Kroxigor. The Kroxigor killed 5 Night Goblins and took 1 wound in return, but they were steadfast and near the general and BSB testing on a 10 so the goblins held very easily.

    OG Turn 3

    The Savage Orc blocked charged my spear Sauri.

    The lone fanatic moved away from the main battle line towards my left most Salamanders. Despite having an orc big boss providing Ld, the trolls failed their stupidity test and lurched forward.

    The greatly depleted Night goblin archers reposition and advance a bit. The frenzied NG archers attempted a swift reform so they could re-enter the Tower of Blood, and failed their Ld test and ended up doing a regular reform so they merely faced the tower.

    Don't worry, the Kroxigor are still in cc with the Night Goblins...

    5 Power dice versus 4 DD. He used his power scroll and all his dice to cast boosted Curse of the Bad Moon with all of his dice. And sent the template right over all 30 of my Temple Guard deleting 19 of them with an Initiative test. The miscast wounded the goblin great shaman and killed four rank and file Night Goblins. A good trade.

    There was nothing that could shoot.

    In the big battle between the Savage Orcs and Saurus Warriors, my Scar Veteran issued a challenge. He didn't take a unit champion, so his orc shaman refused and went to the back. When the dust settled, 9 orcs died and 10 Sauri died. I lost combat by 2, but the Sauri were in range of the Slann’s leadership and easily held.

    The Kroxigor killed eight more Night goblins but they were steadfast and testing on Ld10 with a reroll so it mattered not.

    LM Turn 4

    Now that I had 11 Temple Guard rather than 30, charging the Black Orcs did not seem like a great idea, even with Light buffs. They charged the Night Goblins instead. The Steggy made a supporting charge on the flank of the Savage orc engaged with my Spear Sauri.

    Both my Salamander duos maneuvered for a shot at their nearest NG archer block. My skirmishers set themselves up for their own shots.

    7 PD versus 3 DD. I ended up getting most of my stuff dispelled (with the help of a dispel scroll) than I cast regular version of Pha's Protection with a mere two dice and got Irresistible Force anyway. Nerfing my Slann into a level 3 caster and losing Pha's for the rest of the game.

    The vortex of Curse of the Bad moon was still in my back field. It nicked the windmill and killed two Cohort Skinks.

    My four Salamanders attacking their targets of opportunity ended up killing eight night goblins, six black orcs, and three Skink handlers between them. My Skinks did not manage to kill anything with shooting. The night goblin archers on the left panicked for a third time. Now they were so depleted they needed snake eyes to rally, but due to my salamanders positioning, they were fleeing parallel to the back edge rather than towards the back edge.

    The Ancient Steggy killed four orcs with impact hits. Then the skinks missed. The Scar Veteran got ot go. Rather than issue a challenge, my Scar Veteran just individually targeted the Orc shaman and killed him which conveniently moved the whole unit from saving on 5+ to saving on 6+. My rank and file and Sauri and Stegadon slaughtered many savage orcs and forced them to take a break test on snake eyes. They failed and were run down.

    The other combat was my depleted Kroxigor and depleted Temple Guard hacking at the Night Goblin tarpit. My Temple Guard were too good at combat and killed so many goblins that the Kroxigor were taken out of combat.

    O&G Turn 4

    The Night Goblin archers near the Tower of Blood failed their animosity roll and squabbled. The other NG archers failed to rally and kept running. They had a long way to go to reach the table edge though.

    The river trolls failed their stupidity test again and lurched forward, now taking them a good ways away from the main action. The Night goblin fanatic ended up whirling into an empty section of the table.

    6 PD versus 4 DD. He got a very good roll with the augmented version of Curse of the Bad Moon but without Irresistible Force. If I had saved my dispel scroll, I could have stopped it. He chose Initiative test. He ended up hitting all my Temple Guard and all my Saurus Warriors with the template. He nicked a couple Night Goblins but no biggie since I was utterly crushed.

    Note the big pile of Green Saurus Warriors was recently slain models I hadn't cleared from the table yet.

    My Saurus block was limited to the command crew and the Scar Veteran. My Temple Guard were down to four and the Slann. The Steggy was unscathed, but that was little comfort.

    At this point, it was fairly close to him needing to pick up his kids from school. It would have been difficult to get another full turn in and I didn't have any realistic way to pull back from this, so I conceded.

    My Temple Guard and Slann were pinned in place by the Night Goblin tarpit and the Black Orcs (and the fighting characters) were mostly unscathed. They could have easily butchered my Saurus Warriors and/or Temple Guard.

    I still had my Steggy, two Kroxigor (one with a wound), four Salamanders (one with two wounds), and a couple Skink units but they couldn't have realistically saved my Slann and Sauri. The Black Orcs and the two orc characters would have carved them up pretty effortlessly. With their great weapons they would have carved up my remaining heavy hitters.

    For what it's worth, I would have probably destroyed the remants of the NG tarpit and the NG shamans and the fleeing archers were unlikely to rally. If I were lucky, I might have managed to kill the other NG archer unit with my remaining Skinks.

    The River trolls were probably too far out of position to impact anything, but they could have hypothetically charged my Cohort Skinks in the windmill. If the Slann died, the Cohort Skinks would have a 50/50 chance of holding and a 50/50 chance of dying. 130 points isn't a big deal.


    I haven't rolled a six sided dice, picked up a paint brush, or held a tube of glue in over three years. I am energized to play more and to model more. WHF has to compete with Scarterra for my hobby time, but since I have recently gone cold turkey on computer games, and that is a huge time sink, I should have more free time to do both.

    Hopefully L-O will see me provide more army lists, battle reports, and maybe even a few modeling pictures in the next six months.

    What have I learned?

    We were rusty in general and had to look up a lot of things. I learned that even if I’m hanging out with my best friend having a casual game that seem to have plenty of time to play, we should keep unrelated chatter to a minimum to avoid running out of time. I also spent a lot of time overthinking relatively simple moves.

    I definitely need to purchase or construct movement trays for Saurus Warriors/Temple Guard. I probably need to purchase or construct movement trays for skirmishers. This will help speed up set up and movement.

    I have new appreciation for the utility of Engine of the Gods Ward save, both in general and applied to spear Sauri and Temple Guard particularly.

    I have begun questioning my long held practice of taking 13-man Skink Skirmisher groups in lieu of 10.

    My original rationale is that Skinks are often outside their Slann's leadership bubble, so they are at high risk of panicking and it's statistically a lot harder to kill four skinks in one go than it is three. That's why I usually take 13. That and the board often gets crowded and it's easier to coordinate three units of 13 skirmishers than it is to coordinate four units of 10 skirmishers.

    If I made a mistake in this game, I used my Dispel scroll poorly. Reflecting back, I think I have a tendency to use my dispel scrolls poorly in general. So much so I am questioning why I have long viewed this as a an auto-include in all my lists.

    It's funny, we thought about O&G being underpowered partially because of their subpar magic lores and it turns out the Little Waagh lore was the deciding factor in this game.

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    Last edited: Nov 16, 2023
    Explodingzeb and NIGHTBRINGER like this.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    Nice. Did your friend custom build it?
  4. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    Yes. Same with the Tower of Blood. I'm not sure about the windmill. If it was a kit, he modified it a fair bit. I think he cuts most of the big pieces himself and uses a 3D printer for the little stuff for most of his stuff though he did buy a fair number of kits before the hobby store near him went out of business.

    I think he should make a thread of his terrain for sure.
    Last edited: Nov 17, 2023
    NIGHTBRINGER likes this.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    If he doesn't, then you should post a picture of the finished fancy purple building (if your friend doesn't mind you doing so).

    Is your friend a member of this forum?
  6. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    He is @eron12, he mostly lurks on the painting forum occasionally, but yes, if you are reading this I think you should post all your terrain. I didn't realize the windmill is based around a Pringles can.

    Last edited: Nov 19, 2023
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  7. eron12

    eron12 Active Member

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    I created a thread for posting my terrain, the Altar of Khaine is in the second post.

    I will try to update more projects shortly.
    Scalenex and NIGHTBRINGER like this.

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