Blog Paint & Kitbashes (2023) with Suds

Discussion in 'Personal Paint Logs' started by Sudsinabucket, Jan 13, 2023.

  1. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Well, this post will finally be something new and not a retake, so that is exciting! I hope everyone is doing well

    It all began early this year/late last year when I wanted to do a scratch build of a chaotic beast or demonic prince. I went through my bit boxes and found some good pieces that felt would accomplish that. I however did not have two core pieces: a head & thighs. So for over a year or more I've been considering this project just kinda looking for bits that would fit, which brings us to now.

    Picture of the original pieces: 20231205_171246.jpg

    Eventually the idea surfaced at the forefront of my mind and kinda took over (sorry Fyreslayers, we'll get back to you soon!), however the idea solidified as a Chaotic Demon Prince, but envisioned as a Beast-oriented one. I again looked through bits, ans although I did not find any thighs, I did find a head that was usable. The head being a Mournfang head, I decided it would be some sort of "Baer-kin". Knowing the direction I wanted to go now I got started.

    Next Stage Pictures: 20231206_110144.jpg 20231206_110210.jpg 20231206_110334.jpg 20231206_110257.jpg

    Next stage was bringing it all together, which the above pictures show. The Mournfang head really helped shape the bulky shoulders, I also tried to crsft some Chitin Shoulder pads, however I don't feel it was super successful. I also decided I didn't like where the whip was, so I decided to move it to one of the hip guard shields. Instead of the whip being held, which made the face area busy) I gave him a BoC bell to carry. I also did a lot of fur work ontop of the existing greenstuff to add a bit more "Baer" to the model (and of course blend existing fur with the rest of the model. I also added some horns/spikes coming out of his back.

    Next Stage: 20231209_222130.jpg

    The final prep stage was more about figuring out what I'd use him for, which ended up being a Be'lakor standin. So, once i knew that I created a bade which would elevate him to the proper height. I still need to add some more skulls and such to the base, but overall really happy with it so far.

    Current Progress: 20231213_023047.jpg 20231213_023149.jpg

    Not the best photos and very early in the painting stages, but here we are so far. I decided on a Polar Bear inspired scheme for the fur portions, but also some browns on the snout/head, arms and hands where less/no fur was (this was in part to match the hands i had already done on the weapons). For the insect/chitin portions i decided in a Praying Mantis inspired direction.

    Hope it all pans out lol

    Weapons: 20231211_232910.jpg



    Greenstuff work:

    I had a non-chaos thought on this guy, that I may or may not entertain

    I was thinking about how the Howl of Ghur affected the realms, and those within them. People going wild & growing fur and fangs, the idea that numbers of Inatu themselves had been driven back to a wild state, etc and how else it might affect them in other ways.

    I was thinking, if it can morph humans into essentially wild creatures or skin walkers, it could also change (physically) the Inatu. So, this is where the big guy comes in. I was thinking, for having a Hathorian/Adherents of Haset connection it could be that the Howl of Ghur transformed this guy into the monstrosity before you from a more natural form

    I don't know if I'll commit to this line of lore, but it could open the door to a fun sub faction of Ghur Howl'd (possible sub faction name?) That are mutants of sorts/skin walkers/etc
    JTSleep, Explodingzeb and Imrahil like this.
  2. Imrahil

    Imrahil Thirtheenth Spawning

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    Wow, I love this. very creative work and great progress.

    This picture makes me very happy, it is the perfect base for it! :)

    Keep up the great work!

    Grrr, !mrahil
    Sudsinabucket likes this.
  3. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Thank you! I've been real focused on it, I am a bit surprised at how quickly I reached this point lol may be the last update for a bit though, back to Fyreslayers for these narrative campaigns!

    Man, yeah! I was really struggling about the base (and size) until i realized/was told that Be'lakor was on a 100mm base, unlike the demonic prince which is 60mm, so lucked out there haha. Once i knew that i was like, "hold up, got this Kragnos base terrain i was gonna use as normal terrain... buttttttt....." and here we are lol im gonna add both animal and mortal skulls/bones to the base also

    Thank you!
    Imrahil likes this.
  4. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Nearly finished with my Battlesmith, and I am PUMPED about it. I am absolutely on love with how the banner and gold in general has come out, giving extra time and detail into it (even weaving some copper into it). Just a lovely model to paint.

    The belt was the main last big part that would take a little more detail work, ane I'm pretty happy with it!

    What's left to do? Mainly the handles of the axe and banner, arm guards, and runes. Then last checks. After that, the base. Something simple or something a bit more, that's the question.

    C&C welcome! 20231214_110202.jpg 20231213_195431.jpg
    JTSleep, Imrahil and Explodingzeb like this.

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