Can someone clarify for me about arcane vassal: Can arcane vassal be used more than once a turn as long as I have more than one caster within range, or is arcane vassal only usable once regardless? If I have a skink priest join a unit of templeguard, can I cast walk between worlds through the skink and affect the temple guard?
1)You have only 1 Slann so arcane conduit can be used only once for every priest 2) yes you can since the priest counts as source of the spell
can i channel an assailment spell on a engaged priest if the slann isn't engaged himself? when I channel spectral dopplegengar are the slann's strenght and special rules used?
Unfortunately Arcane Vassal rule has the line: "unless this model is fleeing or engaged in combat" So a Slann can't cast assailment spells on engaged priests.
Oh dear...missed that... thats really bad too. One more reason to don't play a skink priest on ancient stegadon... (Except is the only way to have 2 ancient on 2000 points with 2 engine of gods)