Just fun speculation/wishlisting time Maybe, one day, in the far off distant future of 2nd Ed TOW, we will get to be a core faction with an arcane journal. Lizards are in an interesting spot seeing as most our characters from WHFB are actually around in the current timeline. Given 2-3 characters per journal we wouldn't get all the ones from previous editions of WHFB, however which would you want. To me I think I would like/it would be 1- Kroq-Gar. He already has a plastic model made from a core kit of the range. Its a no brainer. 2- Mazdamundi. This would be our big new sculpt, like the Bone Dragon for TK. I really want an official mundi-model on Zlaqq. Maybe give him a cool custom power like the Comet of Cassandora! 3-Nakai the Wanderer. Completely new on the tabletop, but definitely a fan favorite of Total War games As for Variant Armies 1- Southlands Army. Heavy Skink focus, no mandatory Saurus. Could be a cool way to bring in the AoS raptordons. Skink chief would be a Mandatory selection, and skinks in core. Probably move Krox to core as well, and sallies/razors to special. As a rule tweek, probably bring back skink cohorts 2- Cult of Sotek- Slannless lizards, no TG, but bonus for skink priests and combat units. Arks of Sotek only on Bastilodons and mandatory jungle swarm selection. I would also love to see Dread Saurians and then generic relic priests added. Magic Items EGG OF QUANGO- Want and need this back. Sacred Stegadon Helm. You know your skink chief on a stego is already wearing one Dagger of Sotek- Really buff up a skink character Plaque of Tepok- MAKE SLANN GREAT AGAIN. And extra spell, or maybe just mono-lore mastery. And Sacred Spawinings added too. SO why no Kroak Well, I just thing there is more that can be done with the 3 characters above. We will never get the AoS model in TOW, and I'd rather a Mazda get sculpted. It would be nice for generic relic priests to become a thing and Kroak's classic model enter the range for use.
I really miss sacred spawnings. And I think they should apply to other units too, like Kroxigor. Having different spawnings is great for both theming and for army customization. The characters are nostalgic, and I'm sure they'd have to include them, but personally I would rather see more focus on building more customization options. The poor Troglodon only comes in one flavor, could we maybe get a lvl 2 upgrade for him somehow? Razordons and Salamanders are just whatever they are, could we maybe get some optional upgrades that might make them situationally more useful? Like extra armor piercing for Razordons or something. Skinks used to have shortbows...there are models for it, why not make that an option again? Etc. Also I think it would be good to have a magic focused variant army that buffs the Slann, so he can compete more easily with all the +5 casters out there.
In order: 1) A redoing of our point costs to make so many of our units (rippers, trog, salas, razors, cham) worth taking. A few could even go up, e.g. a steg as a mount for a chief. 1.5) reducing rippers in points would help but I can't help but feel that impetuous on that sort of unit would mean an opponent who knew what they were doing could really brutalise them. So if you drop points to reflect that, it might make them too good for casual gamers. 2) I'd like some adjustments for themes, even if we pay more. Troglodons need something like swiftstride. Carnosaurs shouldn't be the only monster without stubborn. Chameleon should be hard to hit. Stegadons should have -AP to their charge. Slann should be one of the better casters in the game and not be outclassed by goblin wizards. And most of all - we rarely flee from battle. It is a part of our army lore. If cold blooded break is too good for TOW then we need something else, even if it's only a +1 leadership across the board. But I think we can do better, like more stubbon. 3) Sacred spawnings, more items, more spells and generally more custom options. 4) Special characters, I've never been a huge fan but my vote goes to Oxyotyl. Was he around?
I'm not sure how long Oxyotl was in the Realm of Chaos until he found his way back. Would be funny that since time flows differently if he fought with Gotrek there.
- Sacred plates for the Slann, I mean discipline are not bad, but everyone else have a +5 casting and we can do it only with 2 really expensive Stegadons … I want him back +5 casting and dispelling - sacred spawning - full plate armour for saurus heroes, and maybe for cold one the possibility to bought them. - a southland army would be really really thematic!
Would love spawning pool back, to make the army feel more personalised or even specialised in different types of warfare Would love a level 3 wizard, or even a wizard that sucks at casting but is amazing at dispelling, something that my group and my play group discuss A dispell wizard that if level 2 has +3 to dispell and only a +1 to cast Try and bridge that level 2 wizard v level 4 wizard gap, unsure if dispelling dice roll vs an equal combined roll of the dice and wizard casting level would be to good for it to successfully dispell
I wouldn't mind seeing stats and rules for more Lustrian beasties, like a new version of the Arcanodon or Thunder Lizard rules.
Sound like great ideas! I personally think Cult of Sotek and Southlands are both very skink centered, I would find it more likely for them to go Saurus centric for one of the lists. Perhaps the wandering army of Nakai, with a lot of monsters, Sauri, less skinks?
Sacred Spawnings ofc - at least for heroes New AoS models - skins on light "cold ones" are great imo and could be a good addition to skinks only cult of Sotek army Change cold ones to agrrodons - yeah, I know that lots of us like cold ones, but with the current LD and stupidity rules - they become very unreliable.
I am a traditionalist and I hate AoS but I can admit when they got something right. Saurus have always been too big to ride cold ones. The models always looked a little "off" to me for that reason.
Well and there were Tichi Hutchi's RaidersIn t Having a light cav option would be great. I am curious how the aggradons look on 30x60mm bases for cold ones, but at the same time I already have all the cold ones id ever need