Poll: MCU - Choose 2 to protect you, the rest will try to kill you

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by NIGHTBRINGER, Oct 2, 2024.


Choose TWO to protect you. The REST will try to kill you.

  1. Black Panther

  2. Deadpool

  3. Captain America

  4. Wolverine

  5. Hulk

  6. Thor

  7. Doctor Strange

  8. Loki

  9. Iron Man

Multiple votes are allowed.
Results are only viewable after voting.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    Screenshot 2024-08-28 224412.png

    • the versions of all the characters are those depicted in the live action movies, specifically the MCU, Deadpool movies and X-men movies. No comic book or animated versions. Where characters develop throughout the movies, consider them at their strongest (i.e. you are not limited to old man logan, or pre-sorcery Doctor Strange, or pre-flower/herb Black Panther, etc.).
    • each character starts equipped with their normal battle gear (armour, weapons, etc.) and can access other pieces of gear (as depicted in the MCU) thereafter
    • no infinity stones for any character
    • the characters tasked to protect you will stop at nothing to do so, (and are willing to work together)
    • the characters tasked to kill you will stop at nothing to do so (and are willing to work together)
    • you know who is out to kill you and share that information with your two protectors
    • the scenario takes place in the MCU and starts off at a random location on earth (imagine the scenario playing out hundreds of times, with different randomized starting points)
    • no other characters from any of the series take part. So no allegiances, subordinates, allies, etc. It's 7 vs 2 + you.
    • you start off in regular clothes and no weapons, but can gear up as you come across kit in the MCU.
    • no shenanigans, don't try to skirt the rules or find "loopholes"!

    Just as before, I think two of the choices easily stand out from the rest (although some power players are left on the opposition), but I'm curious to see if others feel differently.

    Vote and discuss!!
    Just A Skink likes this.
  2. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    Some of them are clearly superior choices... however, i'm not sure i would like to have Deadpool focused on killing me. :p

    That said, i know which ones i would pick (for a number of reasons) and i have already voted. I will comment later upon them, why I choosed them and so on.

    EDIT: if the previous 2 votes were given by @NIGHTBRINGER, it seems we're on the same boat. :D
    Imrahil and Just A Skink like this.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    Not much action on this poll so far. Slow day on Lustria or maybe the MCU is not very popular in these parts.
    Just A Skink likes this.
  4. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    IN this case, i will wait a little to elaborate.
    Just A Skink likes this.
  5. Just A Skink

    Just A Skink Well-Known Member

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    Oof. This tough. For every character I pick there's another I DO NOT want trying to come after me. I think it's a choice between Dr. Strange and Hulk or Dr. Strange and Thor. I feel like either of those two give me the best variety; powerful battlefield control and a hard to stop heavy-hitter.

    On thinking about it, probably Strange and Tony/Iron man. Both are very versatile and MCU Tony can think around corners for most situations. I THINK that's be a better pick, but I'm going to stick with Strange and Thor for now, just because.

    EDIT: Looks like my second idea falls in line with the two previous votes.
    NIGHTBRINGER likes this.
  6. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    Ok let's boil it down quickly.

    Why i pick Tony Stark

    • each character starts equipped with their normal battle gear (armour, weapons, etc.) and can access other pieces of gear (as depicted in the MCU) thereafter
    well, Tony Stark owns the largest amount of high tech stuff you can count on, and (as depicted in movies) he will have no problem to equip me with a suit. I will be able to fly, sustain good amount of damage and fight back.
    And i will fly, a thing that is going to hamper most of my hunters.
    The only other hero with a vaguely similar amount of equipment is Black Panther, however:
    • no other characters from any of the series take part. So no allegiances, subordinates, allies, etc. It's 7 vs 2 + you.
    he's the king of wakanda, but without subordinates / allegiances, it's hard to tell how much gear he can obtain. Stark got no such limitation, and anyway Stark's equipment is far better.

    sure, i will face powerhouses as Hulk and Thor, but Stark has proved he can deal with the hulk, at least for a amount of time.

    Why i pick Dr. Strange

    no infinity stone may hurt, but he remains a master of magic, fly is a mundane task, and he can deal pretty easily with most of my opponents.
    He has already proved that Locky is not even a minor annoyance for him, and anyway the ability to just create magic portals and let us escape from any place is just too strong of an advantage.
    And if locked in combat, i recall he was able to stand his own even against Thanos. He was shown to suffer only against another powerful magic user, and i don't see any in this list.

    • you know who is out to kill you and share that information with your two protectors
    Strange and Stark that collaborate and set a battleplan is invaluable. One of the most intelligent scientist in the world and an incredibly powerful and smart sorcerer will be able to neutralize even a god as Thor.

    And finally, these two will be the last ones i would want to face.
  7. Just A Skink

    Just A Skink Well-Known Member

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    I will say that, almost regardless of which 2 you pick, several of these characters are so powerful that with putting the rest together, one of them will probably get to you. I agree that Strange and Stark are arguably the most generally powerful, versatile and brightest, but still...

    I jumped in without really reading the rules. I guess Stark could give you an Ironman suit to wear and help protect you. That would help for sure.
    Imrahil and NIGHTBRINGER like this.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    Well @Killer Angel you've just about covered all the points I was going to make. I'm in full agreement. Having both the master of magic and technology is an unstoppable combo. They are best able to augment you and they are best suited to get you out of a sticky situation quickly. Strange's portal magic is a game-changer.

    Loki and Thor are the biggest threats left on the table, but neither are worth taking over Stark or Strange.

    Here's my view on the other choices, starting from the weakest to the strongest (in terms of selection, not necessarily physical strength)...


    Captain America - easily my last choice. A grounded character that doesn't possess much advantage over the field.

    Black Panther - pretty much Captain America with slightly better tech.

    Deadpool - not being able to kill him is a big issue. He just keeps coming. You'd have to capture and imprison him in a place he could never escape (Dr. Strange could handle that).

    Wolverine - an improved version of Deadpool. More indestructible, with better sense and invincible claws. Can't fly though and is relatively slow moving, so not an issue. Same solution as dealing with Deadpool.

    Hulk - Depending on the version, he is the strongest fighter of the bunch. However his strong version is also fairly mindless and if you take the smart version (as depicted in Endgame), then he isn't that impressive. Banner himself is smart, and does pose a threat in terms of enemy strategy, but not against the likes of the Strange + Stark combo. He's also very big with no stealth and is still a grounded opponent.

    Thor - One of the single biggest threats left on the table. A juggernaut that is hard to kill and can fly. Also has a good deal of otherworldly knowledge, not as much as Strange, but still something to consider. With Stormbreaker he can summon the Bifrost.

    Loki - Loki actually loses to most of the characters on this list in a head-to-head match, however he is the one character I most hate leaving on the opposing side. He is devious. He is unorthodox. He is cunning. A smarter but less powerful version of Thor. The ability of shapeshift and astro-project himself is a massive problem. The other characters mentioned above are all much more straight forward, with Loki you could never rest because he is unpredictable. Loki would be priority number one to remove from the field (Strange has done it before, but I wouldn't count Loki out).

    Just A Skink and Killer Angel like this.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    Exactly! All of a sudden you can go toe-to-toe many of the characters on the list (if need be)... or simply fly away from nearly of them. Obviously you don't want to end up in close with Wolverine, but against most you would survive.

    Also consider that Stark can (over time, should you survive long enough) create automated suits that act independently. This evens the odds very quickly.

    I'd actually guess that the odds of survival would be favourable, not a sure thing, but favourable. Once you remove Loki from the opposing side, none of them have any hopes of understanding Strange's magic. And right from the start, none of them can match Stark's technological ingenuity, creativity and problem solving.
    Just A Skink likes this.
  10. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    Yep, thor has also a strong ranged weapon - lightning, and that could pose a threat.
    If thor and loki join forces without loki's usual double planning, they are not to be underestimated.
    A mistake i'm sure stange and stark wouldn't commit.
    Just A Skink likes this.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    Which they would...

    Just A Skink likes this.

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