Aye, not enjoying needing to race an invisible timer as I make my posts. ¬_¬ I don't enjoy racing in general, never mind an invisible timer that I can't even rugby tackle to the ground in a fit of petty vengeance.
I just managed to push my post through. Before exiting that thread, I copied the contents of my post into Microsoft Word. I then came here and made the post above. I then returned to the original thread and copied & pasted the message from Word to the forum and hit "Post Reply" before it gave me another error message.
I had this problem now for the first time: And it is still happening when I try to edit the post, but not while posting again in the same thread... Grrr, !mrahil
Gladly shall I ride away from this world, all while saying in a bland tone "I must go now; my planet needs me"
I just got the dreaded error message again. It's getting worse. I'm only half-joking about Lustria Online: The End Times.
I'm getting this when trying to post stories to my army fluff thread. I thought it was linked to the length of the posts. It then looked like it was based on the content of the post. I've been narrowing it down to some kind of corrupting character or something. It also seems to block my IP temporarily after I've hit the 403 too many times. Currently getting a Connection Timed Out error when accessing on my home network. I am posting this using my mobile internet. As soon as it comes back I'll check the possibility of a corrupt character as I'm down to a word which is giving me a 403. I'll check the delivery payload for anything odd
Ok, that theory was out. I tried deleting everyting except the word that was causing it and it worked. I've pretty much given up posting full stories here now. I'll just post links to my AO3
Seconded, I can't edit my post in this thread: https://www.lustria-online.com/thre...d-tv-show-locations.26757/page-26#post-485766 And cannot post imaged in this one: https://www.lustria-online.com/threads/the-ultimate-historical-gaming-thread.26497/page-10