I'm planning a conversion that will require a robe and some decor made from dead skaven. Obviously Green stuff is something I will aim to use, but I have never used it before and haven't sculpted in a long time, so I want to look into alternatives to and/or models I could incorporate into such a conversion. I don't have much experience with Skaven, I'm just wondering if anyone else has any ideas of skaven models (current or oop) that would be relatively easy to incorporate into a cloak, banner, robe etc, as if they had been skinned? Thanks for the feedback!
Thanks for that! The fact that it's metal might make it a bit hard for me to use in the conversion I have in mind, but it's definitely a possible candidate. I was hoping for some skaven plastic models that I could get cheap from a bits box or something
I may be dreaming here, but don't chaos marauder champions have a fur cloak? Score a few lins in, green stuff some stitches then add skaven tails to taste?
Space wolves used to have wolf pelt banners/cloaks, not sure if they still do (looooong time since 40k) but they could make respectable storm vermin skins
I was looking into the idea myself, the army book has an awesome ilustration in page 62 for the scaven belt banner, and I was planing on making it look exactly the same. This is how I had planed to do it, I was going to take two of the half circle decorations that the engine of the gods stegadon has and used them to make a compleate circle, than I was going to use either the corsairs banner or lord fellhart from the dark elves ( the octopus looking thing) and put it in the center of the circle, the scavenpelt itself I was going to model myself using some greenstuff and ataching a scaven tail, than for the horisontal stick that holds the octopus thing i was thinking of using either the reins of the skink for the troglodon or horns insted, and than finally i was going to add decorations all over an a lot of scaven sculls. And to finish it sculpt a snake in the top.
I saw a banner in my friends skaven army, that would work perfectly for a skaven pelt banner, the bad news: it was and older metal bit. The good news: is that it was an actual skaven pelt.
I thought it would be appropriate share my skaven pelt banner I made for my southlands army. The banner itself is primarily green stuff and an old saurus shield I thought fitting. I made it in mimicry to the banner found on page 62 of the army book, as has already been mentioned is rather good. I'm yet to painting, as you can tell, and I may added some further minor details. Sorry for the poor coloured images. I hope you find this of relevance. If you'ed rather not use green stuff the beastmen banners are all hides of various sources which would provide a good basis, simple add lizardmen head pieces to taste.
I want one of those ;( That looks so good, I might have to get some skinks so I have an excuse to copy that banner.
Tips for the banner. Build it up in steps, allowing each section to dry before making the whole. Be aware of the shape you leave pieces to dry. I rested mine atop sone positioned paint pots to get the shape I wanted even then it took some adjustments. First I sculpted the front of the hide on a flexible plastic sheet; once dry I sculpted the fur on the back by merely adding flattened blobs of green stuff to the back a shaping it with the tip and blade of my knife: the fur around the edge of the front was added in the same manner after the rest had dried as to not damage it. The tail is just a scored sausage of green stuff glued to the tip of the banner. The are are also some further details such ad the folds at the top of the banner and the buboes on the the skaven's skin, to mark it as from the clan of pestilence, which were sculpted later. I hope that help you with your own banners.
Hey that's really cool! I felt intimidated since I own a small skaven army. They're like "Nuh uh bass, this guy means budniss" Anyway if you don't mind me asking, how did you make the rat skulls on the banner? I have a few ideas on how to use them, but my skill with green stuff is a tad bit below average lol. Anyways the flag is really cool and i'd like to see more of your rat-killing clan!
The main thing to help with the skaven skulls is to sculpt them on a flat surface. A small tear shape blob of green stuff start it for then poke symmetrical holes and stretch them out to make eye sockets it is then mainly a process of nudging and squashing it to a pleasing shape. Use photographs of diagrams of skulls as reference. Details such as the nasal passages sculpted with a needle. Since the back of the skulls are flat one needs to wait for it the dry the sculpt the back of the skull with a little more green stuff, I only did this to the skull on the top of the banner.