7th Ed. Slann Spell Selection

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Tactics' started by Dreadgrass, Apr 12, 2009.

  1. kakashi-sensi

    kakashi-sensi New Member

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    Extra Die Per Spell Would Be AWSOME, theoreticy it would work aswell if you can get all the rolls right. plus opponents never think youor going to roll for every spell. so they could dispel minor spells for that turn.

    I use Death and Life Mainly

    Metal against Chaos, and Dwarves stupid amount of casualties due to slann and rising.

    and fire against undead/tomb kings

    Might start using shadow and beast but cant think what i would do with them, any tactics
  2. Grifthin

    Grifthin New Member

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    Lores I have found usefull:

    Combined with a banehead on the Slann, you can snipe Dwarf Characters who would otherwise tear your blocks of templeguard, Saurus etc a new one. You can also tip CC in your favor as well as disabling enemy war machines. In all a usefull lore against heavy armor. Works well against WOC as well.

    AWESOME LORE - Howler wind, the rain lord, Jaws of stone, all usefull. Creating a S4 missile Free globe around a block of templeguard, then slamming into a enemy line is awesome. You no longer need to fear stand and shoot. Great stuff.

    Kills stuff. Dead. Just throw spells at the enemy till they go away. Tomb kings, Forest spirits, undead, whatever - just kill it all.

    Beast - Some spells are usefull, like bears anger on a lone saurus. beast cowers can be usefull for stopping flank charges, and the Movement spells can be used to get a devestating charge off.
  3. Revered_Guardian

    Revered_Guardian New Member

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    Oxen stands could be usefull to save points.... like rallying your last COR and hiding him away so that the enemy only gets 1/2 of the points.... however i still have not gotten lord choices so i can not give much help...im as stumped as you guys..... whats better against Skaven and Orcs?????
  4. Grifthin

    Grifthin New Member

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    Shadows and death is pretty good. Psych spells can really Break massive amounts of troops with Fear/Terror.
  5. ACe

    ACe New Member

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    I play O&G, and in my opinion, the worst lore my enemy can pick is the lore of fire. All spells do damage and decrease unit fighting prowess. Flaming sword of rhuin is the only 'weak' spell in this list, as it won't help much against orc heroes, but all the others are faggy. Wall of fire cast on black orcs or big'uns...hate it. I seriously don't want to get 20 S4 hits so ill stay put until the wall disappears. Conflaguration and the magic missiles destroy smaller units and make bigger units weak. The burning head causes panic if it inflicts any wounds, so when the enemy wizard blasts this spell through 3 units of goblins...doesn't look good.

    Ofcourse fear-spells are also good vs skaven and the O&G, but most armies get fear & terror without magic, so it's better to blast the enemy to space with spells and then spook them off with the dragons and stegadons.
  6. GMS

    GMS New Member

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    There are 4 lores for me, metal, shadow, beasts and death.

    Metal for WoC, as others have said

    Shadow for dwarfs, steed of shadows is good for a scar-vet to take down war machines, fear on a big saurus unit will help break those high LD dwarfs, with unseen lurker it is easy to get a flank charge and even a rear charge especially with CO's, and pit of shades eats dwarfs up and makes their war machines disappear.

    Beasts and death are both good other lores

  7. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    Hmm i never thought of using pit of shades on warmachines.. That is quite a good idea. Provided you can get the spell off early enough for it to actually munch the warmachine, but that should be possible I guess.
  8. Celticfire
    Chameleon Skink

    Celticfire New Member

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    I have been reading this section andam begging to wonder why so many poeple dislike shadows.. i personally like to be able to move my spearsaurus forward 16 inches. which means combat 2nd turn which means less shooting casulties. Pit of Shades is wonderful agaisnt those pesky treemen, and creeping death is wonderful for taking out dragon princes and the like. though i would have to agree on the uselessnes of the cown of taidron.
  9. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    Yuo will have only 1 shadow spell caster, so you can move only 1 unit of saurus forward the 16", that staggers your battleline and exposes their flanks. I personally wouldn't, I would prefer most of my army to hit at the same time for a bigger effect rather than one unit a turn before the rest.
  10. Scarloc
    Chameleon Skink

    Scarloc New Member

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    Comet is the ultimate warmachine crew killer :)
  11. Aranigej
    Temple Guard

    Aranigej Member

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    The comet is a very valid spell, especially against a tight group of warmachines, however, as with all remains in play spells, it ties down the mage that casts it until it arrives. Furthermore, due to its random factor it might take a couple of turns for it to arrive which will render the caster useless for the period of time in question as well as being incredibly unreliable. I have used the comet many times in the past, and there were games where a priest casts the spell and it did not come into effect at all since turn after turn I did not roll the required 4+!

    Nevertheless, when it does work the comet is great (....ahh the good old days when it was S5...) in which case, I would rather have a skink priest cast it (they can only take heavens anyway) than a slann.

    In my introductions page I started a poll as to which mage lore you prefer so if you would like to cast your vote follow the link below:


  12. Celticfire
    Chameleon Skink

    Celticfire New Member

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    @ strwart
    while this is true, it is useful later when there is no more battle line. i know this wass not my original argument, and yours does make sense. but it still allows for a game changing charge later in the game. personally i have seen it destroy flanks when my opponent did not consider the fact that i could move the saurus the extra eight inches. it is also use ful for getting any saurus that fled early in the game back into combat. i recenty had a block of 20 run because my screening skinks fled a chage and my saurus rolled a 5,5,6. :shamefullyembarrased:
    @ Aranigej
    i would have to agree. the skink should be casting that spell. but even then i would probaly change it for portent of far. the re-rolls are too valuable to pass up. and my opponent usualy will dispell it. any way if you are attempting to cast the comet then you are wasting die on something that is too unreliable. better to cast the rerolls or either of the lightning spells. (especially if your priest is on a steggy) i personally find the comet a useless spell that wastes power dice. though i could see its usefulness as something to make your opponent throw dice at to dispell.
  13. Aranigej
    Temple Guard

    Aranigej Member

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    Yeah I agree with Celticfire. The comet has always been a nice spell on paper (though in the latest incarnation of the rules it seems less powerful than ever) but when it actually comes to games it rarely works out. Mind you, when it does work it can be worth it but when you see how many dice you used/wasted and turns where you left your caster idle wating for the comet to take effect, more often than not you will see that it is not worth the hassle. A couple of lightning spells will usually give you the same effect.

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