8th Ed. 2400 Lizards vs. Orcs and Goblins

Discussion in 'Battle Reports' started by Professor_Skink, Dec 20, 2013.

  1. Professor_Skink

    Professor_Skink New Member

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    So been playing against orcs and gobbos for awhile, but my opponent tried out a new list with some stuff in it different than his usual loadout. I didn't get a copy of the list but here's what i remember he had:

    Warboss on Wyvern, didn't know exact items

    Goblin Great Shaman, didn't have items

    Goblin Shaman, same

    Savage Orc Shaman with the idol that gives savages 5+ ward

    Black Orc Big Boss BSB w/ ogre blade

    40 something night goblins with nets, no fanatics

    34 something Savage Orc horde

    5 River Trolls

    Mangler Squig

    goblin wolf riders, five of them

    goblin wolf chariot

    doom diver

    spear chukkas x2


    and then for the lizard men I had:

    Slann w/ Harmonic, Staff, Focus, Eldritch


    Skink chief on ripper, asf sword, la and enchanted shield

    Scar Vet BSB w/ dragonhelm, fencer's blades, LA, ironcurse

    33 Saurus FC

    10 skink skirmishers x3

    10 skink cohort

    salamanders x2

    bastiladon w/ engine

    3 terradons

    3 rippers

    5 chameleons

    ancient steg w/ horns

    he deployed all his guys first, with me getting three extra vanguard units from tetto, so I moved both salamanders and a skirmisher unit. I deployed my saurus unit in my center, with the slann hiding behind, tetto's cohorts on the left, and the bastiladon on the right. The steg hid behind tetto until needed. He had his savages and goblins headed for me, with the mangler in front of his trolls and hiding behind everyone was the wyvern. His doom diver, chariot, and riders hid behind a forest.

    1st Turn
    I won the roll off, though he got the plus one. All my chaff moved forward and I got tetto in range of spells for his orc units. So i had only a salamander, terra dons, and chamos on my right flank that had his doomdiver chariot and riders.
    Turn one I march the salamander up to protect the chamos from the chariot, and my terradons dropped rocks, killing two riders. the rippers and chief moved to charging distance of his spear chukkas on a hill with rocks all around. The other salamander was looking straight at his goblins. with magic, I got fiery convoc on his savage orcs, causing a wound on the hero and killing seven of them. The salamander shot the night goblins but only killed three, and the chamos got the doom diver down to one wound.
    On his turn I had a salamander charged by a chariot and a wolf rider unit, the other charged by the night goblins, and his orcs moving up. (His giant rear-charged my rippers who I thought were protected by the impassible terrain hill, but he said oh no it's a regular hill which I kinda gave to him. The rippers didn't last as the yell and bawl had me flee and caught) His magic was uneventful, as he tried to dispell fiery but didn't get it. In combat the impacts hits alone from the chariot killed my salamander, and his riders overran into my chamos. The other salamander fled the night goblins who overran into a skirmisher unit, while the giant just sat on the hill.

    2nd Turn
    I tried charging my stegadon into his night goblins but was two inches short. The terradons reared the gobbo riders after my chamos. So magic was uneventful, but got rid of his scroll with a comet. I also got off a chain lightning that killed three savage orcs, took two wounds off the mangler too. In shooting, the skink skirmishers killed the mangler, that's it. The gobbos broke the skirmishers they got into and pursued them, the terradons killed the gobbo riders instantly, but had the wyvern breathing up their neck.
    On his turn, the dragon charged the terradons who fled. he needed a ten to catch me and got an eleven. The night goblins reformed and the giant headed closer, along with the savages and the trolls. His magic was again bad as he didn't get off any spells (in fact, he didn't get any spells off the whole battle). The spear chukkas put two wounds on the steg, and the savages were continued to be whittled down by fiery, having maybe fifteen left. Oh, and the doom diver blew up.

    3rd Turn
    The steg had a giant to deal with, so aimed the blowpipes at it. The remaining salamander faced the night goblins, while the chamos hid behind the wyvern to shoot it and the gobbo chariot was getting near the slann. The bastiladon faced the chariot to be ready. In the magic phase I got another fiery convocation off on the night goblins, killing 26 of them. :twisted: The shooting was great, with three wounds on the giant from blowpipes, one from the skinks on the howdah, and one from tetto's unit, enough to kill it (he lost a wound from the ripperdactyl RIDERS...) The gobbo unit lost three more from the salamander too.
    He tried to charge the salamander that fled with his gobbo unit, but it fled and he tried the steg instead and came up short. The wyvern got closer to the trolls for leadership, and the last seven savage orcs charged a skink skirmish unit. The gobbo chariot tried to charge the lone slann who fled. The chariot failed and moved three up, closer to the bastiladon. The savage orcs made it to the skinks who stood and shot, killing four in the process. There was a necrotic ooze river that killed two more, leaving one more savage orc. In combat the skinks killed him before he could attack. This was the first time I ever took out his savage orc deathstar.

    4th Turn
    The steg charged his gobbos and finally got in. the salamander fled off the board while the slann rallied, and the bastiladon charged the chariot which fled, and the bastiladon caught it. The skink unit who killed the savage orcs went after the spear chukkas next. The last skirmishers got in the troll's way. The saurus block and tetto just hung out the whole time, waiting for a threat. The skirmishers killed a chukka, the combat with goblins went good, since the impact hits killed his goblins and hit his BSB. one wound on the BSB became two wounds so that killed him. All that was left was a shaman who got away from the steg's pursuit.
    On his turn, the trolls charged and caught the unit of skirmishers that fled, and the goblin shaman fled off the board. At this point, he had his five trolls and wyvern headed for my 33 saurus, steg, the slann, bastiladon, and tetto's unit. He conceded to the fact magic or sheer fighting would do him in, and it had been two and a half hours so we were done.

    Good day for the lizards, and high magic is fantastic. And tetto'eko is 1+ for me whenever I can. Love to hear your thoughts on what to do different. Thanks.
  2. boerwulf

    boerwulf New Member

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    Thoroughly enjoyed reading this battle report, as I am just starting Lizardmen (and fantasy in general) this gave me some good insight!
    Anyway it would appear to me that fiery convocation was pretty good in this battle, were you just lucky or is it really that good!?
    As I say really enjoyed reading this.
  3. Professor_Skink

    Professor_Skink New Member

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    Hey sorry to get back late, holidays have made it busy here. For me, fiery is very good to take out large hordes that could cause some major problems. Since it is magic, i don't always get it off unfortunately. In fact, I had a grudge match against that same player with some more giants and characters not too long ago. I never got fiery off in the battle, but was able to beat his orc unit with heavens buffs and hexes along with a ripper charge in their rear. Fiery works wonders when it goes off, but have other options in case luck isn't in the magic phase

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